As we prepare to return to school tomorrow, we take this opportunity to, once again, ask for your help in keeping our school community safe during this new and highly contagious Omicron wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have made it this far, offering consistent, in-person education to children with the support of our entire community.
We will get through this together!
The CDC has just updated its guidelines. There are a few things we are asking of each of you to keep the school open and safe for all:
1.) Please make sure your child has ample, clean masks to wear during the day.
2.) Please consider having your child take a rapid test before returning to school. We realize stocks are currently low, but some pharmacies have them available. Also, please share results with us by email at
3.) Most importantly, we urge you to keep your child home if they have any symptoms of illness, regardless of test results, as some false-negative results can occur. Please complete a test before returning to school if symptoms are present.
4.) Please agree to have your child participate in our pooled testing program if you have not done so already. This program will help our students remain in school and limit required quarantines.
5.) Finally, the best way out of this pandemic is through vaccination. If your child is of age to receive the vaccine, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks to all who have already begun or completed their child's vaccinations!
=> If your child DOES have any COVID-19 symptoms and/or have HAD a known exposure to someone with COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, please email for the next steps before your return.
Thank you for your participation in keeping our community safe.
Willy LeBihan
Head of School