October 2022
4-H Newsletter
Check out what's coming up! 
Monroe 4-H Open House
October Spark Event: Night Sky Camp
Join the 4-H team at the beautiful Tinker Nature Park to make constellation art and learn more about the night sky! This month introduces the new Sparks Club, a general interest group for all youth looking to explore the galaxy of projects you can do with 4-H! Meet us at the Tyler Pavilion at 6:30 on Thursday, October 13th.

Spaces are limited, so register soon! Registration closes October 7th.
2022 4-H Year-End: A Guide
Our end of year celebration for current 4-H members is coming up on October 22nd, and we want to recognize everything you've done with 4-H! To get your invitation to the event, fill out the 4-H Experience Form by October 1st and email it to, mail it to the office, or drop it off! Our address is 2449 St Paul Blvd, Rochester, NY, 14617.
Reenrollment for the New Year
If you've been enrolled as a 4-H member or volunteer for more than a few months, it's that time of year to get out the paperwork again. But don't worry - we're mailing it to you! If you are part of a 4-H club, expect to receive reenrollment paperwork from your club leader in the next two weeks. Club leaders, you will be receiving physical packets for your entire club unless requested otherwise. If you are an independent member or volunteer, your packet will arrive at the address you gave us when you registered - let us know ASAP if your home address has changed!

The best time to get your paperwork in is before October 1st, just like the experience form. Registrations after December 1st will include an additional $5 charge. We appreciate you and want to stay up to date!

Haven't received your packet? Have questions before you send it in?
4-H Participants Have Been Busy!
Posh Ponies club member takes presentation to the next level
Evelyn Kaproth-Joslin represented the Finger Lakes 4-H District by becoming one of 20 qualifying youth statewide to submit a video to the Northeast States Speak Up Fest. Six NYS youth will move on to attend the fest.
4-H at Conservation Field Days
The 4-H Team shared an awesome experience with 5th grade youth at Conservation Field Days at Ellison Park last week! The team brought the "superhero soil makers" in the vermicomposting bin and helped youth make dairy farms in a glove!
4H youth raises money for Pets of Ukraine
Olivia Stefano is a member of 4H Friends and the Canine Club. She raised funds for Pets of Ukraine as a 4-H donation project, in honor of her dog Moose. Good work Olivia and friends!
Paper Clover Fall Campaign
Since 2010, Tractor Supply has partnered with 4‑H to help create Opportunity4All and raise more than $14 million through the Paper Clover campaign. The success of these campaigns has impacted over 81,500 youth by providing them with the tools and resources they need to move forward and reach their full potential.

100 percent of funds raised through the bi-annual Paper Clover campaign directly benefits 4‑H youth. 90 percent of donations directly support 4‑H youth in the state where the funds were raised, and the remaining 10 percent supports the overall mission and growth of 4‑H nationally.

Want to help? Represent your club with a table!

Find out more about how to show off your club at Tractor Supply for Paper Clover by emailing us.
Learning Opportunities
Reuse and Recycle Your Decorative Fall Pumpkins!
Many millions of decorative fall and Halloween pumpkins end up in landfills every year. Instead of tossing them in the trash and contributing to our solid waste and climate challenges, we can do many economical and ecological things with them once we’re done using them as porch adornments or jack-o-lanterns!
Here are a few fun ways to reuse and recycle your fall decorative pumpkins:
Compost Them!
If your pumpkins are too far gone to repurpose or eat (moldy or decomposing), you can compost them—convert them into rich soils with the help of our superhero soilmakers: worms, bacteria, microbes, insects, etc.! If you have a compost operation already, that’s great—if not, you can start one and have your pumpkins be inaugural contributors to it!
If you don’t have your own compost bin, check with your local government, local farms, or community/neighborhood gardens in your area to see if they would like your pumpkins.
Step 1: Remove candles or any other non-organic decorations from the pumpkins.
Step 2: Remove any remaining seeds to feed to your neighborhood wildlife (see below); and/or roast them for a delicious, hearty, healthy treat
Step 3: Cut up the pumpkins into pieces to speed up decomposition in your compost pile. 
Step 4: Dig a hole in the existing compost materials, drop the pumpkin pieces in, and cover with the compost materials in your pile that are further along.
If your pumpkins are still in good shape (not moldy or rotting), you can Reuse/Repurpose Them!
Make a Pumpkin Bird Feeder!
Step 1: Check for signs of decomposition—make sure the pumpkins are still pretty fresh.
Step 2: Fill with enough quality birdseed for birds to eat—but don’t fill so much that the seed will mold and be wasted before it is eaten. You can always refill as long as your pumpkins are fresh!
Step 3: Set out in an area of your backyard that will safely and comfortably attract birds—and with great visibility from your window!  
Feed Them to Wildlife!
Pumpkins are a nutritious and tasty treat for many animals that live among us.
Step 1: Again, check for signs of decomposition—make sure the pumpkins are still pretty fresh
Step 2: Cut the pumpkins into pieces—sized for the variety of critters you’d like to attract!
Step 3: Leave in safe and comfortable area in your yard that’s regularly visited by wildlife!
Step 4: Stay tuned for the visitors!
Keep in mind that there are many fruits and veggies that you can reuse and recycle (compost) instead of tossing in the trash!
Get Down To Business with Grow-NY
Do you have a product that you have been hoping to market?

Are you interested in developing entrepreneurial skills?

Do you love writing pitches?

One of our 4-H youth, Silas Alvarez, participated in this event last year and it was great! He promoted “Silas Sauce”.

Applications are due October 21st. Contact Susan for more information or support in pulling your work together.
Community Opportunities
Brave Spaces: 3rd Annual Summit to End Hate
The Levine Center to End Hate invites you and your school to register for Brave Spaces: 3rd Annual Summit to End Hate, Cultivating Unity in our Community, 10.21.2022 from 8 AM - 1 PM at the Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave, Rochester, NY 14607. Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today!

Designed to address growing divisions in our community, this event will help participants develop a deeper understanding of what is driving increased expressions of hate and feel empowered to address bias in their spheres of influence.

Registrars should identify at least one (1) adult staff as the chaperone and up to ten (10) students who will be joining, as well as their lunch selection. Our program includes a keynote speaker, 2 breakout sessions (pre-selected for teen participants), a boxed lunch, a closing speaker, and free admission to the MAG from 1 PM - 5 PM.

For more information, or to register, contact Victoria Pacheco at or 585.241.8646. 

Session 1- Implicit Bias and Microaggressions

Session 2- Bullying and Mental Unwellness: Bullying as a Hate Based Practice
Accessible Trunk-or-Treat October 20th
Thursday, October 20th, is National Lights On Afterschool and, once again, GRASA is partnering with the Center for Disability Rights to create an inclusive Trunk-or-Treat! Free for all children 10 and younger, and for all children with disabilities 14 and younger. Adult supervision is required.
  • October 2-8th National 4-H Week
  • October 4th Monroe 4-H Open House
  • October 20-21 4-H Agri-Business Career Conference
  • October 22 End of Year Celebration