President’s Message
I always wondered what the big deal was about Groundhog Day and the shadow. The “legend” says if the groundhog sees his shadow, he’ll go back into his burrow and we will have six more weeks of cold weather. If not, spring is supposed to come early.
This is what I never understood. Why is six more weeks of winter a bad thing, especially in NE Ohio? I think we would be thrilled with only 6 more weeks, right?
Which brings me to the film, Don’t Look Up. If you haven’t seen it, you should. Our climate crisis isn’t fiction, it isn’t in the future, it is upon us. We can’t delay or ignore it by going back into our burrows.
While I’m mentioning climate, I want to invite each of you to join us on February 9 for our All Member Meeting when we will review and discuss the positions of our national League. This is important! We have a position on climate change, as well as many other issues that impact us and our country, such as protecting our natural resources, social and economic justice and peace in our world. The number one position, again, is Making Democracy Work, which includes voting rights, the election process, money in politics and redistricting.
My spouse of almost 50 years, after reviewing the most recent comments about the newest proposed maps for Ohio, asked, “Why do any of the districts need to be labeled ‘safe’ or ‘competitive’?” What a good point. Is that what we’re fighting about now? Why shouldn’t every district be competitive? Isn’t that what democracy is about??
So, while we wait to see how the redistricting battle in Ohio is resolved, please join us on February 9 th to learn what we stand for and how we can support, no, demand, that our democracy remains vibrant.
In League and Unity,
A great place to be online with fellow Leaguers!
Attend the Feb. 9 All Member Meeting to have an impact on LWVUS positions and priorities
Ask any member--their favorite annual League event? Positions & Priorities! At least in the top 10!! Our Feb. 9 All Member Meeting will be our opportunity to review the National League's policy positions for 2022 what we also call P&P. Here is a summary document to download. Positions and Priorities for our local LWV Kent program will happen in April.
It is really important for all of our members to know where we stand as a national organization on these important issues. New members will find it helpful as they learn more about our League. Especially since this is a mid-term election year, knowledge of the official League positions in light of candidates' positions should be very useful in evaluating prospective candidates and incumbents.
Please plan to join us on Feb. 9 for this online discussion. We'll be sending out a reminder email Wednesday, Feb. 9, about 5:45 p.m. with the link.
Topics & Times:
New Member Orientation, 6 p.m.
All Member Meeting, 7 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 315 527 2635
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Meeting ID: 315 527 2635
Local Position and Priorities will be the topic of the April 4 All Member Meeting at 7 p.m. online. More information to come. Get a head start by reviewing local positions here online or to download click here.
New Member Orientation begins Feb. 9 at 6 p.m.!
Join Membership Chair Sherry Rose for all you need to know about getting the most out of your LWV Kent membership. She also will answer any questions you may have. To join the New Member Orientation (followed immediately by the AMM), click here at 6 p.m. If you need to join the meeting via phone, see the contact information above.
Education Committee is planning advocacy events
and needs your help
Greetings from the Education Committee,
Public education is at risk and endless expansion of vouchers is putting private education ahead of public. It is eroding the effect of the Fair School Funding formula by limiting ability to fund it.
Basically, the voucher program might have started as a way to help students in low-performing schools, but it is "increasingly paying for private school educations for all interested students."
The LVW of Kent Education Committee invites you to join as we advocate together to promote and build a better academic community. The question at the moment is how can we be more effective advocates for education?
We need people to get involved in our committee work of increasing the understanding and influences of major education issues through education and advocacy.
Join us at our next virtual Zoom meeting on February 7th at 6pm and let us work together. Feel free to contact Chair Deborah Austin Sanders at for more information.
Committee ideas for education and advocacy:
LWV Kent has a new Google Voice phone number
We have a new phone number: 330-271-6188. It's a Google Voice number that will be answered by member Barb Hipsman Springer who has been allowing us to use her cell phone number for several years. She gets busy during election seasons and will follow up with inquiries during the year. Thanks, Barb! And thanks to board memember Michelle Chapman for the suggestion! Board members are the greatest resource! Become one! See the brief below on applying for the 2022-2024 board or click here.
Book Club happens weather or no!
Another Zoom meeting for the LWV Kent Book Club in February. Ready to join? Meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to join. Contact Jane Preston Rose for details about the meetings. Click here to email her.
Here are the selections for March and April:
March 2 – Dressed for Freedom: The Fashionable Politics of American Feminism: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in American History by Einav Rabinovitch-Fox
April 6 – Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds by Huma Abedin
Read the latest from the LWV Kent Observer Corps. Click here. Interested in an outreach activity that puts you in the rooms where it happens? Click here.
LWV Kent Board needs your creativity and passion!
In its 102nd year, the League of Women Voters continues to empower voters and defend democracy. The local chapter in Kent, with nearly 200 members, contributes to the continued strength and vitality of the state and national organizations.
The Board of Directors plays a vital role in defining and ensuring the League’s future success. Can you picture yourself in this leadership role? Terms are two years.
You can become a part of the League's legacy by applying for the board.
For details about being a board member, click here.
To learn about the committees and programs of LWV Kent, click here.
To download an application, click here and you will find a fillable form. You can print out the form and mail to Roberta O'Keefe, 970 Cottage Gate Drive, Kent, Ohio 44240. Or scan the completed application and email it to
To complete an application online, click here and head to the bottom of the page.
DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 1, 2022.
New LWV Kent Members!
Karen Cox and Jennifer Ruehr
Where are we on Fair Districts?
On Feb. 3, Fair Districts Ohio unveiled a model congressional map that meets all constitutional requirements, abides by the ruling of the Ohio Supreme Court, and delivers fairness and an end to gerrymandering to the people of Ohio. It is proof that it is in fact possible to draw fair maps that prioritize the needs of the voters ahead of the politicians.
On Jan. 26, state Sen. Rob McColley introduced Senate Bill 286 that states that they plan to enact a congressional map. This bill did not include a congressional map and there hasn’t been a single hearing.
We are urging the state legislature to start with this model map, and improve it through public comment as needed. There is no reason to have a secretive, partisan process. We will not accept another gerrymandered map that violates what the voters overwhelmingly approved.
Tell your Ohio representative and senator to use the Fair Districts model congressional map as a starting point in their map-drawing process.
The Ohio General Assembly’s first congressional map was struck down by the Ohio Supreme Court as unconstitutional because they violated the requirement that maps shall not favor or disfavor one political party over the other. That map split communities of interest, primarily metropolitan counties and municipalities, into multiple districts in a way that dilutes the voting power of Ohioans who live in those regions.
In stark contrast, Fair District Ohio’s map is fair and keeps communities of interest together, with very few municipal and county splits. Fair Districts worked with map contest winners Paul Nieves and Geoff Wise to help create this map and included data and input from community maps and mappers all across the state.
The General Assembly now has just 9 days to submit a new congressional map. Meanwhile, we are still waiting for a decision from the Ohio Supreme Court on the second attempt of state Senate and House maps submitted by the Ohio Redistricting Commission.
The Ohio General Assembly needs to get to work right away on a fair, constitutionally compliant congressional map. Tell them use our model map as a starting point in their map-drawing process.
Further Information about the model map:
New year, NEW look on, the website of our national organization, the League of Women Voters of the US! Take a look at
Feb. 9, 2022 | Wednesday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting | Positions & Priorities | Online
March 8, 2022 | Wednesday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting | To be announced | Online
April 4, 2022 | Wednesday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting | Local Positions & Priorities | Online
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