Monthly News & Updates

May 2023

Read This, You Should.

Dear Friends and Family,


As we approach the upcoming holidays of Mother's Day, Memorial Day, and Star Wars Day (May 4th, "May the Fourth Be With You"), I wanted to take a moment to recognize the unique and important role all of you have played in our lives.

Our mothers are the bedrock of our lives. They are the people who love us, care for us, and teach us the values that guide us through life. As we approach Mother's Day, it is important to remember how our mothers have supported us and to take time to thank them for everything they have done.

Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor those who have served and sacrificed for our country. Star Wars has a long history of featuring military veterans in its movies, from the original trilogy all the way up to The Last Jedi. While the characters in these movies may be fictional, their stories remind us of the real-life heroes who have served our country.

As we prepare to celebrate these holidays, I want to thank all of you for your service and sacrifice. You have been an inspiration to us all. May the Fourth Be With You!

Best wishes,


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Thurs., May 4, 2023

Sun., May 14, 2023

Mon., May 29, 2023

What's For Breakfast and Lunch?

We are excited to announce a change in our dining services available to all residents and guests. Beginning Monday, May 8, our dining room will open at 8:00am and remain open until 2:00pm daily. A full breakfast menu will be available until 11:30am at which time we will begin serving lunch and a modified breakfast menu. You can come and eat breakfast and/or lunch whenever you want.


We hope these expanded hours will provide a more relaxed dining experience for all residents while offering everyone additional hours to come down to the dining room for breakfast at their leisure or enjoy an early lunch. 


We further invite families and friends to make a reservation and join your loved ones in our dining room for breakfast or lunch. If you are interested in trying out our new expanded hours, please feel free to contact Alex Phillips, Administrative Assistant, at 518-724-3400 to make a reservation.


Please note that a limited room service menu will continue to be available for residents who are sick or have extenuating circumstances. We strongly encourage you to come to the dining room, instead.


We look forward to our expanded hours at The Massry Residence.

Some Concrete Changes Underway

As the warmer weather begins to roll in, we will be undertaking a number of projects, both indoors and outdoors, to continue to upgrade The Massry Residence. You will see these various plans develop over the next few months.

The first of these programs will be the addition of a new outdoor patio alongside the front entranceway to the building. Construction on the patio began last week.

The patio will create an expanded area for residents to congregate and for us to hold outdoor activities. While we may have to alter some of the landscaping to accommodate the plans, the end result will be enjoyable. We all look forward to the multiple ways that we will be able to utilize the new space.

There may be some disruption by the front entrance while the work is undertaken. We hope to keep the disturbances to a minimum and appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we initiate these improvements.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to Sharon Rosenblum.

We hope to see more folks enjoying the outdoors enjoying an exceedingly pleasurable and rewarding summer.

Welcome New Residents!

James Plackis

Dorothy MacMillen

Myron Kleinberg

Active Today, Stronger Tomorrow

Springtime is finally here — warmer temperatures, more hours of sunlight, and, finally, the flowers and plants are beginning to bud, pushing their way through the earth after a long winter. Spring is finally calling, so how will you take advantage of all of the spring activities?

Tips for Getting Active

It may have been difficult to leave the Massry in recent months due to the cold of winter and the icy walkways. Now the outside world is more available. What are some things you can do?

Birdwatching. A greater variety of birds are returning to the area and becoming more active. A few activities for birdwatchers include:

  • Observing their behavior.
  • Listening to their calls. (You can ID the calls at this website.)
  • Taking a close look with a pair of binoculars.
  • Seeing how many different birds you can identify.

This activity can be shared with family members of all ages. It’s relaxing, interesting, and stimulating, and you can even do it can take place on our grounds.

Gardening. Add gardening to your list of spring activities! Gardening can be great exercise, provide a sense of accomplishment and pride, and be shared with family and fellow gardening enthusiasts. The Massry has an active Gardening Club, so dig right in and help us beautify our home. If you’d like to learn more about gardening, check out these free online gardening classes.

Walking. Walking is great exercise and a fun and informal way to check in with family and friends. Perhaps you can pick out a nice place to stop and have a picnic! Our back patio is lovely this time of year.

In addition, playing these card or dice games out on a patio are great options for those who might like less physical activity:

  • Yahtzee
  • Checkers
  • Scrabble
  • Bridge
  • Gin Rummy

Creating arts and crafts. There are many arts and crafts projects that can be created outdoors. You are sure to be inspired by some of the activities planned by Christine, Amy, and Judy.

Going for a drive. Take your loved one for a drive. Visit an old neighborhood, or someplace you’ve always wanted to see. View the tulips in Washington Park. Stop at a drive-up window and enjoy something delicious.

Visit the Massry Website
See Our Activities Calendar 
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We enjoyed a Stained Glass exhibit and presentation featuring works by our 99-year-old resident, Murray Block.

We happily welcomed families back to our annual Passover Seder, led by Rabbi Ami Monson.

Walking club, live performers, and regularly scheduled trips help the days pass quickly!

Christine's Post Passover Pizza Party was a smash hit!

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