**Tuesday, February 7, 5pm: VAC Meeting
**Tuesday, February 7: Restaurant Night at Oblios (starting at 4pm)
**February 20 & 21: No School for Students
**Thursday, February 23, 5:30pm: Black History Month Celebration & Dinner (4th/5th Grades)
**Monday, February 27, 5:30pm: K/1 Art Show
**Tuesday, February 28: Class Picture Day
(The Stedman Calendar can always be viewed HERE)
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Note From Principal Atkins
Stedman Families,
The week started off with extremely chilly temperatures but finished with warmth and sunshine, and we are grateful!
February is a special month as we highlight Black History. We have special plans this month to celebrate the contributions and beauty of Black community and culture, so please keep your eyes open for ways to learn or get involved.
We have a packed newsletter today, please be sure to read all the way through for information, updates, and resources.
Families with children entering ECE, Kinder, 6th or 9th grades, PLEASE don't forget to submit your choices by February 14th at 4pm. See this page for more info. (Middle School Families view more info here)
A few reminders that I wanted to leave in my note this week:
- Drop-off/Pick-up: Please remember that we have small children moving and operating on our sidewalks and in our streets before and after school. Drivers need to be aware of this at ALL times. In addition, we CANNOT block traffic or park/stop in the bus lane. Please be aware of where your vehicle is stopping so that the flow of traffic is not stopped. We need everyone's help with this so that we don't have any safety incidents.
- Cell phones at school: Families, we understand that some children have personal cell phones, but we ask that they are stored in backpacks or with teachers/staff during the school day. Phones can be a big distraction to learning, and we have many ways for students to reach out to you if necessary. Please reinforce the need to keep phones out of hands during the school day.
Cold weather: As a reminder from last week's newsletter, when the temperature is below 27 degrees, students will gather inside to wait for the bell. This is the same temperature threshold for outdoor recess. While adults may find that chilly, our students overwhelmingly prefer to have recess outside, and we know how important physical activity is during the day for our young people. On days where there is snow on the ground, please be sure to send your student with appropriate shoes/boots and gloves. If you do not have access to any, please reach out to alison_larson@dpsk12.net or Ms. Rhonda so we can support you.
This week, our classrooms talked about Responsible Decision-Making in PATHS work - if you are able to reiterate some of these ideas at home, that would be great. Responsible decision-making includes:
- Following classroom routines and rules
- Taking responsibility for your own actions
- Making good choices that keep you safe
- Communicating and enforcing personal boundaries
- Encouraging others to make good choices in alignment with classroom routines and rules
How can you discuss or reinforce self-aware attitudes at home? (Next week, we'll talk about Self Control!)
Please read through this entire newsletter so that you don't miss any important or helpful information or resources. Have a great weekend!
Michael Atkins
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Nota del Sr. Atkins
Estimadas familias de Stedman,
FLa semana comenzó con temperaturas extremadamente frías pero terminó con calor y sol, ¡y estamos agradecidos!
Febrero es un mes especial ya que destacamos la Historia Negra. Tenemos planes especiales este mes para celebrar las contribuciones y la belleza de la comunidad y la cultura negras, así que manténgase atento a las formas de aprender o participar.
Tenemos un boletín completo hoy, asegúrese de leer todo para obtener información, actualizaciones y recursos.
Familias con niños que ingresan a ECE, Kinder, 6.º o 9.º grado, POR FAVOR, no olviden enviar sus opciones antes del 14 de febrero a las 4 p. m. Para más información, mira esta página. (Las familias de la escuela intermedia pueden ver más información aquí)
Algunos recordatorios que quería dejar en mi nota de esta semana:
- Dejar/Recoger: Recuerde que tenemos niños pequeños moviéndose y operando en nuestras aceras y en nuestras calles antes y después de la escuela. Los conductores deben ser conscientes de esto en TODO momento. Además, NO PODEMOS bloquear el tráfico o estacionar/parar en el carril del autobús. Tenga en cuenta dónde se detiene su vehículo para que el flujo de tráfico no se detenga. Necesitamos la ayuda de todos con esto para no tener ningún incidente de seguridad.
- Teléfonos celulares en la escuela: familias, entendemos que algunos niños tienen teléfonos celulares personales, pero les pedimos que los guarden en mochilas o con los maestros/personal durante el día escolar. Los teléfonos pueden ser una gran distracción para el aprendizaje, y tenemos muchas maneras para que los estudiantes se comuniquen con usted si es necesario. Refuerce la necesidad de mantener los teléfonos fuera de las manos durante el día escolar.
- Clima frío: Como recordatorio del boletín de la semana pasada, cuando la temperatura esté por debajo de los 27 grados, los estudiantes se reunirán adentro para esperar la campana. Este es el mismo umbral de temperatura para el recreo al aire libre. Si bien los adultos pueden encontrar eso frío, nuestros estudiantes prefieren abrumadoramente tener el recreo afuera, y sabemos cuán importante es la actividad física durante el día para nuestros jóvenes. En los días en que haya nieve en el suelo, asegúrese de enviar a su estudiante con zapatos/botas y guantes apropiados. Si no tiene acceso a ninguno, comuníquese con alison_larson@dpsk12.net o con la Sra. Rhonda para que podamos ayudarlo.
Esta semana, nuestras aulas hablaron sobre la toma de decisiones responsable en el trabajo de PATHS; si puede reiterar algunas de estas ideas en casa, sería genial. La toma de decisiones responsable incluye:
- Seguir las rutinas y reglas del salón de clases
- Asumir la responsabilidad de sus propias acciones
- Tomar buenas decisiones que lo mantengan a salvo
- Comunicar y hacer cumplir los límites personales.
- Animar a otros a tomar buenas decisiones en consonancia con las rutinas y reglas del aula.
- ¿Cómo puede discutir o reforzar las actitudes de autoconciencia en el hogar? (¡La próxima semana, hablaremos sobre la toma de decisiones responsable!)
¿Cómo puede discutir o reforzar las actitudes de autoconciencia en el hogar? (¡La próxima semana, hablaremos sobre el autocontrol!)
Lea este boletín completo para no perderse ninguna información o recurso importante o útil. ¡Ten un excelente fin de semana!
Michael Atkins
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We're back at it with the weekly Stedman News video! This is a special place where we will highlight what some of our students are working on, hear some student-led interviews, catch up on important news from Principal Atkins and more. We look forward to a fun year of showcasing our amazing community.
¡Regresamos con el video semanal de Stedman News! Este es un lugar especial donde destacaremos en qué están trabajando algunos de nuestros estudiantes, escucharemos algunas entrevistas dirigidas por estudiantes, nos pondremos al día con noticias importantes del director Atkins y más. Esperamos tener un año divertido mostrando nuestra increíble comunidad.
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Activism in 1st Grade
1st Graders have been learning about the environment, habitats, and animals recently and they wanted to put some of their concerns into action! They created posters calling for change and led a silent parade through the building this afternoon!
¡Los estudiantes de primer grado han estado aprendiendo sobre el medio ambiente, los hábitats y los animales recientemente y querían poner en acción algunas de sus preocupaciones! ¡Crearon carteles pidiendo cambios y dirigieron un desfile silencioso por el edificio esta tarde!
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Visitors for Black History Month | |
Girls on the Run is returning to Stedman! | |
Girls on the Run is ready to help girls thrive and shine. We will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5:30 pm. Open to all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls! Please register now to reserve your spot for the spring season!
Girls on the Run está lista para ayudar a las niñas a prosperar y brillar. Nos reuniremos los martes y jueves de 4 a 5:30 p. m. ¡Abierto a todas las niñas de 3°, 4° y 5° grado! ¡Regístrese ahora para reservar su lugar para la temporada de primavera!
Registration opens on Monday, February 6th at 9 am!
To Sign Up:
1. Go to www.girlsontherunrockies.org
2. Click the “Register Now” button
3. Find and select your school in the drop down menu
4. After completing the form, hit “submit”. **You will receive a confirmation email from Pinwheel. Please make sure to check your spam folder in case the email went there. If you do not receive this email, chances are you did not fully complete the registration form.
Questions or want to coach? E-mail Amanda Dodson, Site Coordinator, at lsudods@gmail.com.
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Valentine's Day Celebrations
Families - we know many of you look forward to celebrating Valentine's Day with your child(ren). Classrooms are able to have parties on Tuesday, February 14th anytime after 2:45pm. The District asks that any treats be store-bought. Please connect with your classroom teacher or room parent to support with plans or to join your class festivities!
Familias: sabemos que muchos de ustedes esperan celebrar el Día de San Valentín con sus hijos. Los salones de clases pueden tener fiestas el martes 14 de febrero en cualquier momento después de las 2:45 p. m. El Distrito pide que cualquier golosina se compre en la tienda. ¡Conéctese con el maestro de su salón de clases o el padre del salón para apoyar con los planes o unirse a las festividades de su clase!
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Stedman Basketball
It was a tough week in Stedman basketball with the team possibly having played their final game (a win against Hallett). They lost again to Lowry in a heartbreaker (with extremely questionable/biased reffing to put Lowry ahead in the final minute). We're so proud of the sportsmanship and dedication of Team Stedman!
Fue una semana difícil en el baloncesto de Stedman con el equipo posiblemente jugando su último partido (una victoria contra Hallett). Volvieron a perder ante Lowry en un rompecorazones (con un árbitro extremadamente cuestionable/sesgado para poner a Lowry adelante en el último minuto). ¡Estamos muy orgullosos del espíritu deportivo y la dedicación del equipo Stedman!
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Save the Date: Talent Show March 16th! | |
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Opportunities from DAM
Create Playdate 2/5 from 10-12
Create Playdate is an early-childhood program at the Denver Art Museum for families with children ages 3-5 (though siblings are always welcome too!). Create Playdate offers a range of experiences within the museum, including storytime, artmaking, or even an in-gallery activity. Join in the creativity and fun! Create Playdate is included with general admission. Free for Grown-ups passes available if needed. Youth 18 and under are always free.
Create Playdate es un programa para la primera infancia en el Museo de Arte de Denver para familias con niños de 3 a 5 años (¡aunque los hermanos también son siempre bienvenidos!). Create Playdate ofrece una variedad de experiencias dentro del museo, que incluyen la hora del cuento, la creación de arte o incluso una actividad en la galería. ¡Únete a la creatividad y la diversión! Create Playdate está incluido con la entrada general. Pases gratuitos para adultos disponibles si es necesario. Los jóvenes menores de 18 años siempre son gratis.
Day at the DAM 2/20
School breaks mean fun at the museum! Day at the DAM is a program designed for kids ages 6–11 to spend a day at the museum making art and learning from local teaching artists. This year, camp sessions include storytelling, origami, 3-D artwork, and more! Sign your camper up for a 1-day or 2-day experience and let their creativity shine. Camps available for 6-8 and 9-11 age ranges. Tickets are required, but some scholarships are available.
¡Las vacaciones escolares significan diversión en el museo! Day at the DAM es un programa diseñado para niños de 6 a 11 años para pasar un día en el museo haciendo arte y aprendiendo de los artistas docentes locales. ¡Este año, las sesiones del campamento incluyen narración de cuentos, origami, obras de arte en 3D y más! Inscriba a su campista para una experiencia de 1 o 2 días y deje que brille su creatividad. Campamentos disponibles para rangos de edad de 6-8 y 9-11 años. Se requieren boletos, pero hay algunas becas disponibles.
Contact the front office if you need help with a scholarship.
Comuníquese con la oficina principal si necesita ayuda con una beca.
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Support with Medicaid, CHP+ and SNAP benefits | |
As we all engage in the journey towards greater inclusion and equity, we will be providing resources each week here in "Inclusion Corner". We hope you find these useful as we continue to learn and grow together.
A medida que todos participamos en el viaje hacia una mayor inclusión y equidad, estaremos brindando recursos cada semana aquí en el "Rincón de la inclusión". Esperamos que los encuentre útiles a medida que continuamos aprendiendo y creciendo juntos.
February is Black History Month!
We love celebrating Black History year round at Stedman, but February provides a chance to take an even deeper look at the celebrations and contributions from Black History. Here's a few fun things you can explore with your children! (Adapted from TPT)
6 Black Americans Your Students Should Know About
Here are some lesser-known — but important — Black heroes, whose contributions to politics, the arts, and STEM fields are worth highlighting to your students.
James Armistead, Revolutionary War spy (1760-1832)
James Armistead was best known for his work as a spy during the American Revolution, whose work enabled American forces to win a decisive victory in the final battle of the war. He was born into slavery in Virginia around 1748, and enlisted as a soldier in the Revolutionary War in 1781 under General Lafayette. Working as a double agent, Armistead gained the trust of General Cornwallis. The intelligence he gathered allowed American forces to win the Battle of Yorktown against the British, the final battle in the American colonies’ quest for independence against British rule.
Madam C. J. Walker, the first Black woman millionaire (1867-1919)
Many dream of becoming a millionaire, and Madam C. J. Walker was the first Black woman in the U.S. to do it. In the 1890s, after losing her hair, she began to experiment with home remedies and invented a line of products for Black hair care. She eventually went on to establish her own company: Madame C.J. Walker Laboratories. Later in life, she used her fortune to fund charities like the NAACP and the Black YMCA, and helped provide scholarships for women at Tuskegee Institute.
“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.”
—Madam C.J. Walker
Augustus Jackson, the “Father of Ice Cream” (1808-1852)
Augustus Jackson was a former White House chef and candy maker from Philadelphia who invented several recipes and methods of manufacturing ice cream. One of Jackson’s biggest innovations was adding salt to the recipe, which made it more stable, lowered the freezing temperature, and made the ice cream even tastier! While he didn’t technically invent the frozen treat, Jackson is considered by many to be the “Father of Ice Cream” because his techniques made it easier to bring ice cream to everyone. So, next time you have an ice cream on a hot day, thank Augustus Jackson!
Pro Tip: Use this BlackPast biography written specifically for young audiences to further teach your students about Augustus Jackson.
Mae Jemison, first Black woman in space (1956-)
Mae Jemison was the first Black American woman to travel to space. (She was also the first real astronaut to appear on Star Trek, which was the TV show that inspired her to literally reach for the stars!) In 1992, she flew into space aboard the Endeavour, and spent eight days there, conducting medical experiments on herself and the crew. Today, she continues to work on getting more young women of color involved in STEM.
“Life is full of adventures. Some of them will be more demanding than others, but they all teach us about the world and ourselves along the way.”
—Mae C. Jemison
Shirley Chisholm, the first Black Congresswoman (1924-2005)
Shirley Chisholm is best known for being the first Black congresswoman. She began her career as a teacher, and was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1968, where she worked on the Education and Labor Committee and helped form the Black Caucus. In 1972, Chisholm made history (again!) by becoming the first woman to run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. After serving seven terms in Congress, where she advocated for education and employment opportunities for minority groups, she retired in 1983.
“If I can help to bring about the change and move in that direction, I will have made my contribution.”
—Shirley Chisholm
Alvin Ailey, acclaimed dancer and choreographer (1931-1989)
Alvin Ailey founded his dance company in 1958, and choreographed ballets that drew inspiration from both his Southern roots and the blues, spirituals, and gospel songs of his youth. His most famous piece, Revelations, is largely considered an ode to the faith and strength of the Black community. Despite his untimely death at the age of 58, Ailey earned global renown for his impact on modern dance, and continues to be an important figure in the arts. The dancers with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater have performed for more than 20 million people around the world.
“What we do is celebrate people. That’s all we’re about.”
—Alvin Ailey
Pro Tip: Explore the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s interactive timeline to learn more about Ailey and the legacy he has left behind through his dance company.
Explore these activities by Black Teacher-Authors on TPT:
If you want to read more about the individuals in this post (or research more hidden heroes from Black history!), check out these websites:
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SchoolChoice opens on January 13th which means that families entering ECE3, ECE4, Kindergarten, Middle School, or High School will be entering this process. Please reach out to Ali Larson if you have any questions about how to participate. All selections MUST be in by February 14th at 4pm.
- For your friends or neighbors interested in learning more about Stedman, please send them to our website - we also have an Open House and tours happening through Round 1
For our 5th Grade families looking at Middle Schools, we have a lot of information for you on this page of our website. At the bottom of the page, our Spanish Immersion families will find information on middle school options that will support their Spanish language journey. Please be sure to check it out!
Stedman Families received an email earlier this week about the extreme changes in the ECE Application process in DPS and Colorado. Please be sure you read that email if you are a family looking for ECE.
SchoolChoice abre el 13 de enero, lo que significa que las familias que ingresan a ECE3, ECE4, jardín de infantes, escuela intermedia o escuela secundaria ingresarán a este proceso. Comuníquese con Ali Larson si tiene alguna pregunta sobre cómo participar. Todas las selecciones DEBEN estar antes del 14 de febrero a las 4 p.m.
- Para sus amigos o vecinos interesados en obtener más información sobre Stedman, envíelos a nuestro sitio web; también tenemos una Casa Abierta y recorridos durante la Ronda 1 (ver a continuación).
Para nuestras familias de 5.° grado que buscan escuelas intermedias, tenemos mucha información para ustedes en esta página de nuestro sitio web. En la parte inferior de la página, nuestras familias de inmersión en español encontrarán información sobre las opciones de escuelas intermedias que apoyarán su viaje al idioma español. ¡Por favor, asegúrese de comprobarlo!
Stedman Families recibió un correo electrónico a principios de esta semana sobre los cambios extremos en el proceso de solicitud de ECE en DPS y Colorado. Asegúrese de leer ese correo electrónico si es una familia que busca ECE.
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PHNEE Update
Did you know that Park Hill was at the center of a Supreme Court case filed in 1969 that ordered the school board to desegregate the entire district “root and branch”? Park Hill Neighbors for Equity in Education invites you to join your neighbors and former state senator, Pat Pascoe, to discuss Pat’s new book, A Dream of Justice: the Story of Keyes v. Denver Public Schools. 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Keyes case. How did it start? How did it change the Denver Public Schools? Where do we go from here? Come to the Park Hill Library on Saturday, March 18, 2023 from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for this free event. To read the PHNEE February newsletter click here.
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If you or someone you know is interested in sponsoring Stedman, please reach out to pta.stedman@gmail.com.
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If you order from Longmont Dairy, save all your milk caps! Send them to our front office and we are able to turn them in for a donation.
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Do you shop on Amazon? An EASY way to help support our kids and teachers at Stedman is to link your AmazonSmile account to our charity, The Stedman Knights PTA. Click on the above image to be directed to our organizations link. Every purchase you make through smile.amazon.com sends a small portion of the purchase to our school! The money raised goes to supporting our students and the important work being done at Stedman!
Remind your family and friends to link to our school as well!
¿Tienda en Amazon? Una manera fácil de ayudar a mantener a nuestros niños y maestros en Stedman es vincular su cuenta AmazonSmile de nuestra caridad, “Stedman Knights PTA.” Haga clic en la imagen de arriba para dirigirse a nuestras organizaciones enlace. Cada compra que hagas a través smile.amazon.com envía una pequeña porción de la compra a nuestra escuela! El dinero recaudado se destina a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y la importante labor que se realiza en Stedman!
Recordar su familia y amigos para enlazar a nuestra escuela, también!
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King Soopers
Did you know that you can link your King Soopers account to Stedman and help us raise money without spending any extra dollars? It's so easy!
How To Use the King Soopers/ City Market Community Rewards Program:
Step 2: Sign in to your account (or create a new account with your email and King Soopers card #)
Step 3: Search for Stedman Knights PTA (NPO # -- XK374)
Step 4: Select Enroll
Congrats, you have successfully enrolled in the Community Rewards program and 5% of your purchases will support Stedman Elementary!!
¿Sabía que puede vincular su cuenta de King Soopers a Stedman y ayudarnos a recaudar dinero sin gastar dólares adicionales? ¡Es tan fácil!
Cómo utilizar el programa de recompensas de la comunidad de King Soopers / City Market:
Paso 1: vaya al sitio web: https://www.kingsoopers.com/account/communityrewards/
Paso 2: inicie sesión en su cuenta (o cree una nueva cuenta con su correo electrónico y número de tarjeta King Soopers)
Paso 3: Busque la PTA de Stedman Knights (NPO # - XK374)
Paso 4: seleccione Inscribirse
¡Felicidades, se inscribió con éxito en el programa Community Rewards y el 5% de sus compras apoyarán a la escuela primaria Stedman!
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