Silver Beaver Nominations, Recharter, Hampden-Sydney Merit Badge Day... and more!
The holidays are here and the Scout Shop is prepared (of course) to help you stuff your Scout's stocking with fun, useful, exciting gifts! At $5, $10, and $20, our hand-picked Stocking Stuffers collection has something for everyone.
HOVC Scouter Newsletter | December 3rd, 2021
2021 Silver Beaver Award
The Heart of Virginia Council’s highest volunteer recognition, the Silver Beaver Award, will be awarded to five highly deserving Scouters. These Scouters have made a huge impact in the lives of youth through their hard work, self-sacrifice, and years of dedicated service. We are accepting nominations for the 2021 Silver Beaver Award through December 15th, 2021.
Recharters are due by Friday, December 17th. The HOVC Charter Renewal page is full of great information and the tools you need to make your recharter a success.
Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia is hosting a Merit Badge College Day on Saturday, February 19th, 2022, open to all Scouts BSA Troops in the Heart of Virginia Council. Thanks to the support and involvement of the college administration, faculty, staff, and community, they are able to offer a great day and merit badge opportunities taught by qualified instructors. While you are there, we hope you will explore the 1330 acre historic campus.
If you have just completed a tour as a Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or any other adult Scouter position and want to continue to service Scouting in a different capacity, consider becoming a Unit Commissioner. A Unit Commissioner normally supports three units and draws on your experiences to help new leaders provide the Scouting program to their unit. Unit Commissioners are the “behind-the-scenes” support that ALL units need. Commissioners are district and council leaders who help Scout units succeed.
After a tough couple of years, it’s time to get back to what we all love to do – Scouting with lots of friends! This will be a fun and memorable weekend for all Scouts and a time to catch up with old friends. Think of this as a Council-sized National or World Scout Jamboree! Have your unit save the date. Registration opens on January 3rd, 2022!