In This Issue
-Upcoming Service
-January Board Meeting
-Annual Congrega-tional Meeting
-Share the Plate
-Auction Donations
-Care List
-Covid Policy
-Upcoming Events
-Off Site Dining
-Game Night
-In Case You Missed It
-Donate with Text Message
-Submit to the Newsletter
-Minister Info
-UUCH Board Members
-Church Info
"We Are: Promises Kept And Broken"
Roddy Biggs
10:45 AM, Sunday, Feb 3
We Are many things: Connected, Stronger Together, Loves Hands In The World, Creating Justice, Caring For One Another and the Earth! These are the promises we make, the promises we strive to keep, and the promises we are known to break. In this service, we together explore Who We Are as Unitarian Universalists in the 21st century. Join us as we ask ourselves what promises we keep and break as we strive to live our best lives, grounded in and by our living faith tradition of Unitarian Universalism.
January Board Report
The UUCH Board met for its regularly scheduled meeting on January 25th, 2022.
David Bollinger has been approved as Finance Chair. Brad Korb will be leading the Annual Budget Drive this year. The Council, the Board, and the staff are working on setting goals for next year in order to prepare for the Annual Budget Drive.
The 2022 Annual Meeting date was set for June 12, 2022. The Board hopes that this meeting will be in-person. We will make accommodations for those who would prefer live-streaming of the meeting.
The Board approved a proposal from One-Stop Roofing and Exteriors for repair work on the roof around the chancel area.
A local Eagle Scout is working on a renovation project on our playground fort. The estimated completion date is mid-March.
The church will be setting up a Google Workspace as a hub for our church documents. A task force will be formed to implement this and to propose policy for the use of the space.
A task force has also been established to work on the organization of the bulletin boards in the fellowship hall.
A local Buddhist group will be renting space in our church RE Wing for their weekly meetings.
The church received a special donation that will be earmarked for AV technical improvements for the church. The money will be placed in a restricted account for this purpose.
The Board reviewed the current COVID policy and voted to extend the suspension of in-person Sunday services through February.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board is February 22nd, 2022.
Submitted by the Board
Annual Congregational Meeting
The 2022 annual congregational meeting will be held on June 12, 2022, immediately after the service.
The meeting is the time we gather to conduct the business of the church, including setting the annual budget and electing officers for the coming year.
The Board hopes that it will be safe to hold this meeting in person, but we will remain flexible in response to local COVID rates. If we are able to gather in person, Board is prepared to make hybrid accommodations for those who would still prefer to attend through live-streaming.
We want everyone to be able to attend. So mark your calendar now!
Submitted by the Board
UUCH Annual Certification
Each January, UU congregations nationwide report specific data to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Because UU churches operated in a virtual mode during most of 2021, calculating the average weekly attendance for 2021 was challenging, similar to 2020. Therefore, the UUA requested that average weekly 2021 attendance data be reported using number ranges again this year.
The following UUCH information was reported to the UUA in January of 2022:
Current membership: 160
Average 2021 weekly total of all individuals attending Sunday services: 101-125
Average 2021 children/youth weekly attendance: data not collected
Current RE registration: 36
For the fiscal church year ended June 30, 2021:
Total pledge income: $218,841
Individual & family pledging units: 91
Total operating expenses: $225,282
Submitted by the Membership Committee
Share the Plate: Inside Out Studio
Inside Out Studio, located at Lowe Mill, is a bright, welcoming, fully equipped visual arts space dedicated to providing opportunities for adults with disabilities to create and sell fine art. Art facilitators offer guidance and support for creative growth to nurture the artist's own creative vision.
It is open W-F from 12-5 and is free. You can donate to Share the Plate on the first Sunday of the month through the following Saturday by mail or on the UUCH website.
Please be generous. Thank you and stay safe and warm!
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
Auction Donations Are Still Needed!
Please don't wait until the last minute to donate an item, event, or service to our Winter 2022 Virtual Auction! Bidding opens on Sunday, February 13. You can enter your donation at by clicking the Donate button.
If you have questions before you commit to a donation, or wish to repeat a donation similar to your donation last year, please email Stewardship chair Dan McKitrick at and/or committee members Bryan Walls, Ed Bernstein, and Lynda Lamitie at Or message Dan at (256) 426-6906. We want to make it easy for you to donate!
We can provide a picture for your donated item, dinner/party event, workshop, or service if you don't have one -- so don't let that stop you from going online to identify your donation. Or contact us with enough information to enter your donation for you -- and we will get back to you if we need more information to make your auction catalog item complete. Descriptions of donations can be updated until Feb.13.
As a reminder, the current UUCH COVID-19 policy for meeting indoors allows "up to 15 people, unmasked with group consensus," giving you more options to plan your own game night, themed dinner party, or arts & craft event to donate. We already have some unique events up for bid that you can see by clicking the Auction button at the auction website--let it fuel your imagination for your own donation.
Submitted by the Stewardship Committee
Our Care List:
A candle of appreciation was lit for Diane Scanland: "Thank everyone who sent me a card and make a phone call when I was in the hospital. I am at home now and doing much better. Thank you again we appreciate it."
A candle of concern was lit for LaDawn Edwards: "My sister Kathy Otto requests prayer for Promises Kept."
A candle of concern was lit for Daniel McKitrick: "for friend Kathie Butler whose older sister, nephew, and his wife are all currently hospitalized with COVID-19 in Arkansas. Please pray for their recovery."
UUCH Board Updated COVID Policy
Information about the full COVID-19 policy can be found below.
Upcoming Events
Click the calendar to see all of our upcoming events!
UUCH Fellowship - Offsite Dining Event
When: Tuesday, February 8 @ 5:30pm
Where: Mellow Mushroom, 2230 Cecil Ashburn Dr. SE, Huntsville, AL, 35802
Break up the long cold winter! Come out to our next UUCH Fellowship dinner.
Please join us on Tuesday, February 8 at Mellow Mushroom on 2230 Cecil Ashburn Dr SE, Huntsville, AL, 35802 for dinner and Fellowship.
Money will never be a barrier to participating in Fellowship at UUCH. If you need financial assistance to participate, please contact Rev. Jaimie at
Please sign up at
Contact Sarah Rody or Steve Rittenberg if you have any questions.
Submitted by theFellowship Committee
UUCH Fellowship Game Night
The UUCH Fellowship Committee invites you to join us for a Game Night. Board games, card games, dice games, paper games -- if you bring it, we will play it!
Date: Friday, Feb 18, 7p-9p
Location: UUCH. This activity is currently allowed per UUCH policy. If that changes, we will meet at Steve Rittenberg's home.
The Fellowship Committee will provide single serving beverages and snacks.
Please RSVP using the Sign-Up Genius link.
Questions? Contact Steve Rittenberg at or call/text (256) 585-4329.
Submitted by the Fellowship Committee
Little Food Pantry
The Little Food Pantry needs your help! Please sign up on the signup genius. For newcomers to buying food for the pantry, here are some suggestions:
Proteins: canned tuna, Vienna sausages, ham, mac & cheese, pintos, beanie weenies, spaghetti & meatballs, pb & j.
Other: canned veggies, pasta, cereal, grits, soups, pancake mix, bananas, onions, potatoes, cabbage, apples.
Use your imagination! And a HUGE thank you to all of you who’ve filled it month after month. The need is there.
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
Donating by Text or Online
Our e-giving partner, Vanco is migrating to a new mobile app: “Vanco Mobile.” After September 30, giving with the GivePlus+ app will no longer be supported. To continue giving with a mobile app, download the Vanco Mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play to your mobile device and follow the instructions here. If you have already set up a login for GivePlus+, it will work on Vanco Mobile.
By Text:
To give a plate offering to UUCH from your mobile device, text the amount (without dollar sign) to 833-559-0257, and follow the instructions. Text giving is by debit or credit card only.
Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through Vanco, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations as well as "pledge" and "AHA".
Submit to the Newsletter
Do you have news to include in the newsletter next week? Please submit your article to the newsletter through our request form no later than 10:00 am each Tuesday.
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment.
UUCH 2020-21
Board Members
Nick Wilbourn
Vice President:
Betsy Applegate
Nancy Finley
Bob Locklear
Suzey Delacey
Shalin Mody
Nancy Pettus
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
President Ex-Officio:
John Schulz
Do you have an agenda item for the Board?
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Nick Wilbourn via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday, January 25, 2021 at 5:00 pm.
Office Administrator
CJ Cribbs Langley
Main Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
*Please email the office if you need building access.
For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.
The Overlook is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church,
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810
Laurel Bollinger
Copy Editor:
CJ Cribbs Langley
PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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