by Lucy Atkin
Lucille (Lucy) C. Atkin, PhD, a FOFA Advisory Board member who lives in San Pablo Etla, Oaxaca, consults on projects that work towards gender equity, sexual empowerment, and rights and sustainable development. Her passion for folk art led her to become involved with FOFA as an advisor. Here she reports on a new and as yet little known program to protect the authenticity and high quality of Oaxaca’s extraordinary folk arts.
Having begun to learn the traditional back strap loom weaving of his pueblo at the young age of 6, Daniel Hernández was only 11-years-old when he won honorable mention in the 2018 FOFA-MEAPO young folk artists’ competition with his intricate sash entitled “Women´s Strength.” This brought great pride to his parents, Nelson and Wendhy, further motivating them to give “everything to our children, as we experience the satisfaction of training guardians of the Zapotec tradition of Santo Tomás Jalieza. Knowledge that is not shared is not knowledge”.
Fernando Daniel Hernández Salones and his Honorable Mention Piece in FOFA-MEAPO’s 2018 Competition
But knowledge and artistry plagiarized through dishonest competition – such as factory-made imitations from other countries and other Mexican states – are often sold in the Zocalo (Oaxaca City’s town square) to undiscerning, though well-meaning tourists. This undermines the efforts of folk artists to preserve their traditions by creating products of extraordinary quality while building sustainable livelihoods. The very reputation of Oaxaca as a prime venue for unique and incomparable folk art lies in the balance and depends to a large degree on the authenticity of the products to be found in its galleries, markets, and workshops.
How can well-meaning visitors know the difference? “They come to our workshop wanting to buy something made in Oaxaca, based on our traditions and of high quality,” we were told over and over again by artists working in diverse modalities. This is why the Government of the State of Oaxaca, stimulated by its first lady, Sra. Ivette Morán de Murat, launched a new distinctive seal of approval called Hecho en Oaxaca (Made in Oaxaca) to guarantee that what people are buying is authentic and of high quality. The seal -- which is given to producers directly, not to stores or markets -- guarantees that what you buy is the “real McCoy.”
Look for this seal on the label and in artists’ workshops to be sure the item was made in Oaxaca
Launched as recently as September 2021, so far just over 50 entrepreneurs have registered, but the number is rapidly growing. It is noteworthy that, while three main areas of endeavor are being certified - folk art, beverages and food products - almost half of those who are already participating are folk artists.
Nelson and Wendhy at the ceremony
On October 7, 2021 the first three seals were presented in a ceremony that Nelson and Wendhy, Daniel´s parents, attended. Rodrigo Hernández Quero from Mitla was one of the first three artesanos to receive a seal. He told us that he has already seen the benefits of having the seal:
"The seal is what distinguishes our products from others and guarantees it was made in Oaxaca. Despite the pandemic, the number of visitors has increased due to the publicity around the seal and many other good things that have happened to us."
Rodrigo Hernández Quero working at his shuttle loom
Patricia Cruz, Director of Commercialization at ARIPO (Artesanías e Industrias Populares del Estado de Oaxaca, or the Handicraft Institute of Oaxaca) -- a state-run entity whose main responsibilities are the promotion and organization of local crafts and their commercial development -- shared her dream for the future of this program:
“There will be more confidence among folk artists, artisans will be able to export their products without having to seek a certificate of authenticity which can end up taking a long time to get…[T]hey will be able to generate fair prices commensurate with the creative process, the consumer will value the work even more knowing all the complex work that went into the product…since it is not just a piece of work but also part of our culture….[W]e hope the seal will help add value to their work…which of course will lead to enhanced quality of life and growth in the work they do leading to modernization in their workshops, expanding opportunities and strengthening their place in the global market….”
Rodrigo Hernández Quero receiving guidance in the application process from Patricia Cruz of ARIPO
A pamphlet describing the program is available at ARIPO and lists all the information needed to apply.
This process in no way limits the creativity of the folk artists who will continue to innovate and create new products. But the seal will confirm that they are authentic folk artists from the State of Oaxaca, and that they produced their beautiful creations here in Oaxaca, and are not from China or any other place. Having the seal is a great way to differentiate their work from the enormous supply of items found in formal and informal points of sale throughout Oaxaca City and indeed the entire State.
How difficult is it to obtain this new seal of authenticity? The first step is for each artist to make sure s/he is registered with the Economics Ministry of the State of Oaxaca. Although some artesanos may be reluctant to take this first step, we were told it has many benefits, including opening opportunities to participate in competitions and training programs and to access other governmental supports. Lic. Ivan Eduardo Rodríguez Martínez, Head of the Regional Development Department, has staff at the Economics Ministry ready and willing to help artisans take the first step of registering.
While it is very early in the process, some of the first adopters testify that they have already seen benefits. People arrive at their workshops and are gratified to see the certificate of Hecho in Oaxaca on the wall and the seal and QR on the product labels. Eventually, each artist or artist workshop will have its own QR code. This will enable potential buyers to sign in on any QR code reader or cell phone to access the following information: the validity of the seal by locating the number of the certificate, the name of the artisan, and the location of his or her place of work. In this way, they will know if the product they plan to purchase was really made in Oaxaca, conforms to high quality standards, and derives from traditional practices and origins.
Tino at work creating his beautiful totomoxtle (corn husk) figures
So far we know about only one FOFA-MEAPO contest winner who has personally embarked upon this process. Florentino Ramon Navarro Pérez, honorable mention in FOFA-MEAPO’s 2018 contest, saw a notice about Hecho en Oaxaca in his town. He took the first step of registering as an artisan in 2021 and, after completing an interview and sending in a short video of his work, he received his credential about two weeks later. Now he plans to continue the process of applying for and being awarded the seal Hecho en Oaxaca that will help to further distinguish his work.
A recent piece by Florentino Ramón Navarro Pérez
Florentino’s 2016 FOFA-MEAPO Honorable Mention piece “Jarabe del Valle” (traditional dance)
With the benefit of the research for this newsletter, FOFA is about to begin a process of informing the artesanos with whom we work about the existence and potential benefits of this program, as well as how to participate.
This is the way one artist looked when he received the book Oaxacan Folk Art: Response to Covid-19 where his work was featured. The book was recently published by the Mexican Museum, a Smithsonian affiliate. It is a richly illustrated and inspiring book that reveals the experimental and innovative work of 26 Oaxacan folk artists as they cope with the effects of the pandemic. This is what people are saying about the book:
It’s a marvel Photos are perfection
Very exciting So appropriate at this time
Blown away A wonderful book
Love it It’s so beautifully done
A timely topic I cherish my copy
See www.mexicanfolkartbook.com for a more detailed description of the book and a review that appeared in The New York Times, as well as to purchase the book.
Proceeds from the net sales of the book will revert to the artists.
Please consider supporting FOFA's ongoing efforts to enable talented young Oaxacan folk artists to achieve their dreams and maintain sustainable livelihoods.
For a comprehensive look at FOFA's programs, visit our website at: www.fofa.us
Thank you!
www.fofa.us 718-859-1515 info@fofa.us
275 Central Park West, #1-C New York, New York 10024