2024 IFHE Dues Update
All IFHE-US Members whose dues expired December 31, 2023 have been sent an email reminding them to pay 2024 Dues soon. Thanks to those who have already sent checks or completed payment on the IFHE-US website (www.ifheus.org). You will receive a receipt soon as payments are not deposited or transferred to our bank account until early in January.
IFHE Membership Dues are based on a calendar year (January – December), so regardless of when you paid the 1-year dues for 2023 they expire on December 31. If you have a question about your dues, email me at the address below.
We report IFHE-US dues payments to Bonn bi-monthly through March 31 so they get current membership status for verifying IFHE Congress Registration. BUT also an important reason for all to pay dues by March 31 (even if not going to Congress) is the number of current affiliate members as of March 31 is used to determine the number of affiliate voting delegates at the 2024 Council Meeting held during Congress.
When you select Membership on the IFHE-US website, you will see the Membership Brochure which you can open and print to complete if mailing payment; or if paying on-line, please also email me your current contact information so the membership roster is updated. If you have paid on the IFHE-US website previously you select the LogIn option; if this is first time you select the Join Now to set up a user name and password. We are NOT linked to the Bonn website, but if you choose to use the same LogIn, you will need to set it up the first time. If your employer is paying the dues and they need a W9, email me who needs to receive the form.
There is information in the brochure about the IFHE Young Professionals Network (YPN) which is open to all. YPN embraces the ideas of being young in age, young in profession and/or in the organization, or young in mind. That means everyone is eligible. To be included in the YPN list serve, check the box below the membership form. For more information on YPN, contact Kathryn Carroll, IFHE-US YPN Director (kcarroll5@uca.edu). They have some great activities planned for 2024.
While the 4-Year Dues Option is still available, there is NOT A REDUCED FEE other than for members from Developing Countries. It is available for you as a convenience of not having to pay annually. Those paying the $500, 4-Year Membership in 2024 will have dues paid through 2027. If you have previously paid 4-Year dues and aren’t sure of expiration date, email me.
Luann Boyer
IFHE-US Director, Finance