Department Annual Report Now Available
The Department's Annual Report is now available. This report illustrates the many ways we serve Coloradans and includes videos in our members’ own words. We invite you to review it and celebrate all that we accomplished together this past year.
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Spinal Cord Injury Waiver Evaluation Annual Data Collection Beginning February 2022
The Department is informing all Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) waiver and Supported Living Services (SLS) waiver members who utilize massage services that we are starting our annual data collection effort. The data collected will be used as part of the independent evaluation on the efficacy of Complementary and Integrative Health Services (CIHS).
The Department, which administers Health First Colorado home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers, contracted with Mission Analytics Group, Inc. (Mission), to evaluate CIHS offered through the SCI and SLS waivers. The evaluation aims to identify cost savings generated from CIHS and assess the relationship between CIHS and individuals’ wellbeing, such as pain levels and the ability to engage in enjoyable activities.
2022 Data Collection Activities
As part of the evaluation, a 15-minute survey will be sent to individuals enrolled in the SCI waiver or who use massage services within the SLS waiver in February and March 2022. Mission will first administer the survey online and on paper. Those who do not complete the survey within two weeks will receive a phone call. During the call a verbal survey can be immediately administered, or another time for survey administration can be scheduled at the individual’s convenience.
Furthermore, during this time, individuals can volunteer to participate in a 30-45 minute phone interview to share more information on their experience using CIHS.
Participation in this data collection effort is voluntary. The Department encourages participation in the data collection efforts because it can help inform Department policies related to CIHS.