Team Updates

Our team is excited to share some new staff updates that officially started at the beginning of this year. We have a talented team, and it's time for them to lead in new ways. We're thrilled to announce the promotion of two key members of our team - Alicia Barterian and Evan Delk. Their new roles will allow us to provide an even better customer experience.

Alicia Barterian, CCA, is now the Director of Agronomy Services.

She joined our team as an agronomy consultant in 2018. She is a Certified Crop Adviser and received her Master of Science in Crop and Soil Sciences (with a concentration in weed science) from Michigan State University and a Bachelor of Science in Agronomy at Penn State.

In her new role, she will manage and train our full agronomy team. Her focus will be to ensure agronomy continues to be at the forefront of all our services while providing customers with the tools they've come to rely on from IAS.

Evan Delk, CCA, is now the President of Integrated Ag Services.

He began his internship at Integrated Ag Services in 2009 and never turned back. He is a Certified Crop Adviser and studied agricultural business at Clark State Community College while working full-time on a 4,500-acre corn and soybean operation.

In his new role, Evan will focus more on the day-to-day operations of the business. He will work closely with CEO Dave Scheiderer to grow the company while focusing on our customers.

SAVE THE DATE: IAS Open House July 13th

Please save the date for a special Integrated Ag Services event. We are going to hold an open house for anyone that would like to join us to discuss agronomy, tour our facility, and have some fun. This will be an open house with games, food, and activities. Come learn about IAS and our future plans.

Agronomy Updates

We're declaring February the month of Agronomy. After all, it is what we love. Be ready to hear the latest trends, issues, and possibilities in agronomy including:

  • What's the right rate of Nitrogen for your fields?
  • VR sulfur on soybeans.
  • How to receive an agronomy report card for your entire operation.
  • Soil sampling refresher.

We're your one-stop shop for Unbiased Agronomy Knowledge. We may even give podcast a shot. Stay tuned.

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