December 2022
Mary's Minute - Follow Through

Following through on your promises and commitments is something I grew up witnessing daily with my mother, she always did what she said she was going to do! (There were a few times I was hoping she would forget…LOL) I have admired her my entire life for so many things, but this one particular quality ranks very high. So much so that it has become a central part of my personal and professional life, and I am drawn to those individuals who exhibit these same qualities. I do know how difficult it can be sometimes when the struggles of everyday life interrupt your best-laid plans. But I also know when others are counting on you, you must do your best to follow through. 

As I reflect on this past year and all that has happened with Main Street Alabama during this time, I can honestly say we have worked hard to follow through!

Investor Spotlight on Alabama Power
"I've been surprised and impressed with Main Street Alabama since I became involved on the Board. Few other organizations create the excitement and efficiency they do. Simply said, they make a difference for Alabama," said Matthew McCurry, Manager of Business Development, Alabama Power.

"Alabama Power is in a unique position in the state. No other company touches every home, every business, and every person in so many different ways. Making the communities we serve better has always been our priority - which is why we support Main Street. Both Main Street and Alabama Power want to improve our communities. "

Main Street Alabama greatly appreciates the support from Alabama Power and looks forward to continuing to work together as we strengthen downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts across the state.
Importance of Tracking Economic Impact

As soon as a community becomes designated, the local Main Street program is required to begin reporting economic impact in the district. This includes volunteer hours, new businesses that open/close in the district, job creation/jobs lost, private investment, and public improvements. The numbers shown above reflect for every $1 spent by the public sector in a downtown or neighborhood commercial district, there's $6.85 of private investment. Besides the obvious impact those numbers demonstrate, these statistics help Main Street directors tell a story.
Securing or raising funds Main Street depends on a variety of funding sources from both the public and private sectors, so demonstrating that Main Street is making an economic impact gives validity to investing in the program. Continue reading
Community Updates
Main Street Anniston welcomed three new businesses, two of which received funding through Main Street Anniston's reimbursement grant program. Work has started on the former Federal Courthouse to repurpose the building into the new home of City Hall. The 2nd annual Chopped Competition took place in August, with restaurants competing exhibition style for the title of Chopped Champion! Thai One On won the 2022 title. Volunteers stained the fence to mural park and installed new bike racks on Noble Street. To prepare for Fall, cornstalks were placed on downtown street posts, and Main Street Anniston hosted a Downtown Fall Window Decorating Contest.
2022 Awards of Excellence is a Work of Art
Every year, Main Street Alabama commissions a local artist to create a unique work of art to be enjoyed in Desginated communities across the state. For the 2022 Awards of Excellence, we worked with Birmingham glass artist Amy Soverow. Amy literally melts Main Street Alabama's turquoise and red brand color theme and shaped into the state of Alabama. The process included taking slabs of custom glass in variations of turquoise and red, and then melting the glass in the kiln at 1500 degrees. These slabs were then sliced into smaller pieces and fired into a handmade mold in the shape of Alabama at 1550 degrees. The Main Street Alabama logo was then sandblasted into the surface of the glass once cool.
The awards were made possible with the support of a grant from the Alabama Council of the Art's Tag program.
Support Main Street with Year-End Donation

Main Street Alabama cannot provide the services we do across the state of Alabama without donors. As we continue to expand Main Street's footprint, the need for donations also grows. With the end of 2022 just a few weeks away, we are asking for annual end-of-year donations. Please consider using the below QR Code to donate to Main Street Alabama today.

Thank you for your support of Main Street Alabama.
As a Main Street America™ Coordinating Program, Main Street Alabama helps to lead a powerful, grassroots network consisting of over 40 Coordinating Programs and over 1,200 neighborhoods and communities across the country committed to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development.
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Main Street Alabama
880 Montclair Road, Suite 245
Birmingham, AL 35213