Sacramento Clean Cities' goal is to reduce fossil petroleum consumption in the transportation and energy sectors.
In this January 20th eNewsletter from Sacramento Clean Cities
Upcoming Grants - Funding for a wide range of transportation and energy programs and projects
Upcoming Workshops - Participate in the decision making process
New Updates, Regulations & Requirements - Regulations and requirements that may affect your operations
Alternative Fuel & Zero-Emission Insights - Learn what’s new and what’s coming soon
Conferences, Programs - Educational, networking and presentation opportunities
Presentations Slides and Videos from Previous Sacramento Clean Cities Webinars
Presentation Slides and Recordings posted Here
Grants Accepting Applications
Valley Vision Opens $50M Solicitation For Proposals (SFP)
- Up to $10M for workforce development projects. Examples of eligible submittals include:
- Community Investment Playbook;
- Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan (State Plan);
- Economic or community development strategy;
- Infrastructure financing or community revitalization plan;
- US Housing and Urban Development consolidated plan;
- Regional growth plan.
EPA EJ Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program
- Projects that address environmental and public health issues within an affected community;
- Assist recipients building partnerships to address environmental and public health concerns;
- $25,000,000 for up to 50 awards to Community Based Organizations (CBOs) proposing projects for up to $500,000 each.
- $5,000,000 for up to 33 awards to qualifying small CBOs with 5 or fewer full-time employees proposing projects for up to $150,000 each;
- Applications due April 10.
EPA Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) Program
- Projects that transform under-served communities into healthy, thriving communities;
- Funding for governmental and tribal entities;
- Support activities that lead to measurable environmental or public health results in disproportionately burdened communities;
- $20,000,000 for up to 20 awards for States partnering with Community Based Organizations (CBOs);
- $20,000,000 for up to 20 awards for tribal governments partnering with CBOs;
- $20,000,000 for up to 20 awards for local governments partnering with CBOs;
- $10,000,000 for up to 10 awards for U.S. Territories, Freely Associated States, Puerto Rico, and tribes in remote areas;
- Applications are due April 10.
EPA's Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
- Eligible applicants are limited to federally recognized tribal governments;
- Help communities understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks;
- $1.6 million for up 16 to 20 grants of up to $100,000 each;
- Applications are due by May 20
New Updates, Regulations, and Requirements
Save the Date - Upcoming Sacramento Clean Cities Hosted Lunch & Learn Event
2/14 - Canoo BEV Pickup and BEV Van: 11:30 - 2:30 (North Natomas)
CEC LD EV Infrastructure Workshop
January 26 - Virtual
- CEC staff will present concepts for future funding for LD EV Infrastructure projects
- Public input will be welcomed
CEC "Communities in Charge" Workshop
January 31 - Remote
- An introduction to Communities in Charge
- Incentive project outline
- Funding amounts and timelines
- How to submit information and request funding
- How to stay connected with Communities in Charge
Fleet Electrification and EV Safety and Maintenance Training
February 6, 12:00 - 1:30 pm - Virtual
Tom Pacheco, Colorado State Department of Transportation has developed a detailed Curriculum for EV Safety & Maintenance Training
Energy Independence Summit
February 13 to 15 - Washington, DC
The annual Energy Independence Summit will be held February 13 to 15 at the Westin Hotel in Washington, DC. Your opportunity to meet directly with:
- Administration, Congressional and Industry Leaders
- Elects and their staff serving on energy policy committees
- Agency heads from DOE, EPA, DOT and USDA
Read more about the Energy Policy Summit Here
CEC Workshop on Rule-Making for Replacement Tire Efficiency
February 14 - Virtual
- CEC will adopt a tire energy efficiency program for replacement tires for passenger cars and light-duty trucks
- CEC will develop and maintain a database for tire efficiency information
Sacramento Clean Cities Sponsors Make The News
GM EV First Responder Training
- Training for: Public Safety/Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, EMT/Paramedics, 911 Dispatch, Tow Truck Operators
- Training on: Vehicle Fire, Crash Event, Extrication, On-scene Incident Response, High Voltage Disconnect, Stabilization, Venting, Flames, Arc Flash, Unswitched Energy, Specialized Handling, Transportation and Storage, Incident Response Management
- Alameda County Fairgrounds - Four 4-hour sessions: 2/1/23 8am & 1pm, 2/2 8am & 1pm
Geotab Uses AT&T's "Internet of Things" for Emission Reductions
Geotab’s sophisticated telematics, including their “Green Fleet Dashboard” and “EV Suitability Assessment” analytics are being combined with AT&T’s Internet of Things (IoT), 5G and edge computing to meet their combined commitment of reducing GHG by 1 gigaton by 2035.
Nikola Partners with Allison
Nikola partners with Allison: Nikola has partnered with Allison to conduct durability and performance development work on Nikola’s Fuel Cell and Battery Electric trucks using dynamometers to put the vehicles through thermal cycles and simulated road condition testing.
Swedish Rare Earth Discovery
The Swedish government has announced a huge discovery of the rare earth metals used for the high-power magnets in electric motors and wind turbines. Over the next two decades, this discovery may begin to diversify the global sourcing of rare earth metals, but China owns or controls 89% of the global capacity for mineral separation, 90% of capacity for refining and 92% of magnet manufacturing, most of which occurs with little or no environmental controls, making these processes much cheaper to operate outside the West where demand for these components is high.
Pre-2010 Diesels Banned in California
A new regulation from CARB that took effect 1/1/23 bans any diesel vehicle with a GVWR over 14,000 lb. from operating in California. This regulation affects 200,000 trucks and buses.
EPA Proposes Including EVs in RFS
The EPA has proposed that renewable electricity used for transportation would qualify to generate credits under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program. Traditional bio-fuels companies that have been eligible for RIN-generation have voiced strong opposition.
Tesla has reduced their prices, with the Model & showing a 20% reduction. The Model 3 prices have dropped between 6% and 14% based on the trim level. The price reductions are probably a result of Tesla moving prices below the $55K cap to qualify for the $7,500 tax credit.
NACFE Starts "RoL-E DEPOT" Program
The North American Council on Fleet Efficiency (NACFE) has started a program sponsored by PepsiCo, Cummins and Shell to answer HD EV questions:
- How much power is really needed to charge these commercial vehicles?
- Why does it take so long to get the infrastructure in place?
- What are the footprint challenges in deciding to place the infrastructure?
- How should I approach managing the charging to save electricity costs?
- What are the challenges around different trucks and charging systems?
NTSB Head Expresses EV Concerns
The head of the National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB) has raised concerns about the safety hazard posed in traffic accidents because EVs are so heavier than conventional vehicles.
Wind Turbines and Solar Arrays - Mixed Messages
Many rural communities have rejected applications for massive wind and solar projects, desiring to retain the viewsheds and property values of their homes and concerned with the health impacts from noise pollution caused by massive wind turbines. Their efforts are frequently discredited by well funded groups that will benefit financially but will be unaffected by the impacts.
Wyoming Resists Large-Scale EV Introduction
Wyoming lawmakers are working on a bill that would restrict, not advance, the sale of EVs. Their rationale is based on:
- Wyoming's long stretches roads across wide open, unpopulated spaces where chargers are difficult to install;
- Batteries require minerals that can only be supplied from foreign countries, and that are difficult and very expensive to recycle;
- Fossil fuels are a very large part of Wyoming’s economy.
LCFS Renewable Fuel Pathways
California Average Grid Electricity Carbon Intensity: California average grid electricity used as a transportation fuel in California: 76.73gCO2e/MJ.
CARB Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Credits-$62.50
Renewable Propane Carbon Intensities
Check CARB CI Pathways Here
Energy Independence Summit
February 13 to 15 - Washington, DC
The annual Energy Independence Summit will be held February 13 to 15 at the Westin Hotel in Washington, DC. Your opportunity to meet directly with:
- Administration, Congressional and Industry Leaders
- Elects and their staff serving on energy policy committees
- Agency heads from DOE, EPA, DOT and USDA
Read more about the Energy Policy Summit Here
NAFA Leadership Development Institute
April 16 & 17 - Virtual
Helpful strategies and crucial answers to solve even the most difficult dilemmas when it comes to learning exactly how to become a respected and effective leader.
Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM)
April 16 - 19 - Virtual
- Cutting-edge education offered at CAFM Live
- Advanced fleet education covering all eight CAFM certification modules
- Accelerates preparation for Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM) examination
NAFA - Essentials of Fleet Management
- 10 Hours of Live Instruction February 21 through March 7
- Vehicle Specification & Fleet Right-Sizing, Risk Management, Fueling Strategies, TCO
May 2023 will bring another “May is Bike Month” sponsored by the Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA). This is a great show how you can reduce your carbon footprint while increasing your health! In 2022:
- 284 Workplaces Participated
- Nearly 40,000 Vehicle Trips Were Avoided
- Over 550,000 Cycling Miles Were Traveled
- 30 tons of CO2 Saved
Read more about SABA Here
Connect with May is Bike Month Here
May 15 - 17, 2023
- We are a proud Community Partner for the 2023 #RoadmapForth Conference!
- Join 1k+ automakers, utilities, gov. agencies, NGOs & more May 15-17 for the nation's premier #electrictransportation conference.
EVS36 "Driving the Transition to E-Mobility"
June 11 - 14, 2023 - Sacramento Convention Center
- Annual international gathering of the world’s EV experts
- Cutting-edge research
- Innovative technologies
- EV Market developments
Read more about EVS36 Here
- EVS36 Call for papers covering:
- Research
- Market and government programs
- Activities across all fields related to hybrid, battery & fuel cell technologies
- EV infrastructure and services.
Read more about submitting papers Here
Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition | 916 - 622 - 8433