Policy Update
HFS Announces Delay in January LTC Medicaid Rate Posting
The posting and programming of the Medicaid rates for Nursing Facilities, County Nursing Facilities, Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Facilities, and Supportive Living Program providers effective January 1, 2024, has been delayed. The Department expects to have the rates posted and programmed by mid-January. LTC providers will be notified when the rates have been programmed and the rate lists posted.
SLP Dementia Care Setting Approvals Announced
HFS last month announced its approval of 11 applications to expand Illinois Supportive Living Program Dementia Care Settings. To read the press release and learn more about the approvals, click here.
Illinois Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) are Eligible for a FREE One-Time Bulk Shipment of Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Tests from the State of Illinois
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has COVID-19 rapid antigen tests available for deployment. For a limited time, LTCFs in Illinois will be eligible to request and receive a one-time bulk shipment of iHealth COVID-19 rapid antigen tests. This shipment is intended to supplement the existing testing program on-site at your facility. All tests are completely FREE of charge and are provided at NO cost to your facility! To learn, click here.
Community Spouse Maintenance Needs Allowance (CSMNA) and Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) Increasing
Effective January 01, 2024, pursuant to Public Act 102-1037, the Community Spouse Maintenance Needs Allowance (CSMNA) and Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) will increase annually.
The CSRA standard will change from $120,780.00 to $129,084.00. This is the maximum amount of resources a resident may transfer to a community spouse or to another for the sole benefit of a community spouse. The actual amount a resident may transfer is determined by deducting non‑exempt resources of the community spouse from the standard of $129,084.00.
The CSMNA standard will change from $3,715.50 to $3,853.50. This is the maximum amount of monthly income a resident may give to a community spouse. The actual amount a resident may give is determined by deducting any gross income of the community spouse from the standard of $3,853.50.
To learn more, click here.