Third Round of Online English Language Tutoring
Fifteen new pairs of tutors and students who were winners in the August 2022 competition are beginning English language instruction during January. The tutors responded to a FOFA solicitation in December, 2022 seeking interested individuals who either had ESL training or were comfortable speaking Spanish. Respondents range from their 30’s to their 70’s; several are native Spanish speakers; one is Punjabi-American; several are retired English teachers, and a number have ESL training. A few will be traveling this spring to Oaxaca where they will have the opportunity to meet their students in person. This program is co-chaired by Deborah Huntington and Alexandra Maudet.
This is FOFA’s third year providing tutors to young Oaxacan artists, with the goal of helping the artists communicate about their work to potential buyers by explaining their art (its tradition, technique, etc.), and the nuts and bolts necessary to transact a sale. An additional goal is to foment a personal relationship between the tutor and student that brings great satisfaction to both parties. In past years, in some cases, the relationship continues well beyond the required four-month program period. A stellar example is the two-years-long – and still ongoing -- tutorial offered by Ellie Furstenberg of Philadelphia to Monserrat Raymundo Sánchez of San Antonino Castillo Velasco, an artist who creates sculptures from dried flowers. After one year of online classes they met in Monserrat’s pueblo.