October 4


George; Molly named him that because Curious George was one of her favorite books. But let me first tell you how George came to be. Molly, my youngest daughter and I were sitting in carpool line when she was in elementary school, when a precious friend of mine, came up to the car, with kitten in hand. We rolled down the window and she put this kitten in Molly’s lap and said here sweet Molly can you hold him…..and she never came back.  True story. When you put a precious kitten in a childs lap and leave, there is no back door. My friend’s  cat had kittens and she was looking for good homes for them. [Yes, we are still good friends} Guess we should have been honored.  George now would have a good home. 

I have had this experience before with other pets and God seems to ease the sadness as time passes, but I still knew what is coming. This time will be no different.  George, our cat was 18 years old, blind, deaf, and struggling to find his way around routine home avenues. As I held him, wrapped in a towel, driving him to the vet, my heart was clouded with memories. He had a defined role in our family, as pets often do. He was independent, playful, curious and finicky. Oh but he was loved, and a comfort on many occasions and though he appeared aloof , he loved to find a  warm body to cuddle up to at days end. He had his ways and we knew his and he knew ours.  Isnt’t it funny to think of how animals can communicate so well with eyes, expressions and acceptance ….without ever speaking a word. Even til their last breathe. 

I don’t know what the bible says about pets and where they go when they die.  But what I do know is that God uses them when they are earth to be great companions.  

I know there are those of you reading this who are not big pet lovers....but I also know that there are some of you who are....and you can relate to a long time pet no longer being a part of your family. They do have a spot...and thought they cannot speak in words they speak volumes through eyes, expressions and actions.  For those of us who love animals....their presence is mighty.

It is hard to lose a pet but losing a loved someone is on a scale that doesn't compare. Animals are animals and are not people,I often am reminded of that at home. Ha! And that is so true...but so many times I think it sometimes easier to love your animals than to love people because the relationship is one sided...yours! An animal has to accept our choices and our decisions and go along with whatever we say. People on the other hand have a mind and a conscience and a preference and sometimes they aren't quite so agreeable.  

I often times think that God uses animals to give us a quiet reassurance of companionship and acceptance but isn’t that what God wants us to see in HIM.  For he is the ultimate quiet, overseeing companion, loving us at every turn without judgment or condemnation. As we are caretakers of our beloved animals God is the caretaker of his beloved children.  God uses “people” to teach of us of unity and fellowship and develop a character within us that only he can envision. He is the silent listener of all our conversations. He exemplifies a pure and genuine love that has no bounds. He is attentive to our needs and watches our every move. Without a word, we who know God, know of his devotion, his loyalty, and his presence. The impact of our relationship with God will linger for eternity....and those who love the Lord, who we love and who have loved us back will too be eternally united in His kingdom....when our time on this earth is through.    

As I was driving to the vet ...I knew what the outcome ahead was. I dreaded it for I knew the sadness would hurt and the familiar routines would be missed.  But I also began recalling the blessings of the years that were shared.  This is what most of us do when we think of separation with a loved one....or even a beloved four legged friend. We begin to remember the moments.....and the memories. And life lived. 

I held back most of the tears til I got back to the car, and all I wanted to do was get home and take a walk, by myself, not even with my dog….she would have to wait.  And as I walked I prayed and this is what the Lord put on my heart.  LIFE LIVED….and  as I thought through this,  It occurred to me that “why do we have to wait til the end of life to think about life lived?”   We should be dancing with past memories and moments often and be grateful and recognizing the blessings that have been given to us and be looking forward to the blessings to come.  I loved my little George, and he did have a life ‘well’ lived… and loved too for that matter. And grieving, even for a pet is healthy; for it is a loss, and a change and something new to adjust to.  

But just as past moments were gathered and memories were made, God calls us forward to be watching  for his new mercies, his new memories to be made and his new moments to cherish. Isn’t it best to want to live life fully so when ‘life lived’ comes our way, there will be no regrets.   Oh the blessings that are before us …may we seek God’s help in all we do, strive to know his will, and  be mindful of his loving presence in joyful times as well as sad ones.   “To love and be loved is the greatest joy on Earth” and there sits the pillow on George’s kitchen chair that says just that!!!  

George was literally “put in our hands”  for us to love and care for and enjoy for  the many years that he lived. Pets are a blessing,  and though he is gone he will not be forgotten … for love lingers…. THANK GOD ...that He is the one who has taught us that!

And without doubt the lesser is blessed by the greater.

Dear Lord, Thank you for the pets that you put into our lives. May we love them and care for them and be grateful for they are reminders each day of loyalty, devotion and love.... three attributes that we are called to have for you!  And we know that you have already given to us! Amen   

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!