Please join us after the Worship Service this Sunday for a 75 minute Legacy Giving seminar. If you did not pre-order lunch you may still attend (bring your coffee/tea and join us). The Rev.
Rob Hagan will be introducing us to Legacy Giving by talking about Wills (and how you can leave
Westminster in your Will or Estate plan), Endowments, Donor Advised Funds, Making an Ethical
Will (written at a transitional stage of life to pass on your values and thoughts and remembrances
to loved ones), and Endowing Your Pledge (In a nutshell: multiply the dollar amount of your
annual pledge by 20, gift that amount of money to Westminster in your will or estate plan,
indicating that it is for the Endow Your Pledge fund [held in perpetuity in the Presbyterian
Foundation’s Permanent Endowment Fund]--earnings from that gift [approximately 5% per year]
come back to Westminster annually). Thank you for coming to this seminar.
~ Your Stewardship Team (P.S. If you are unable to attend but have questions about leaving
Westminster in your Will, please call/text Rob at 509-521-5400 or email him at
Register today for Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit 2023: February 5, 1:30-5:30 at Join other people of faith in your region who care about the environment and climate justice for this hybrid event: “Care for Our Common Home: Building Neighborhoods for Climate Resilience.” Salemites will meet at First United Methodist Church's Micah Building downtown. Snacks and beverages will be provided. However, parking is limited to the street, so consider carpooling. Doors open at 1 pm.
The Salem Public Library’s annual Salem Reads month begins in February. The book for this year is Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, who grew up as a bi-racial child in South Africa during apartheid, when it was illegal to have such a heritage. There are a number of events and discussions scheduled by the library. You don’t have to read the book to take part in any of these events, but the Mission Peace Eco-Justice committee highly recommends it to you. You can pick up more information in the narthex, or read it here.
Rides to Church: if you would like a ride or are able to provide transportation on Sunday morning, please contact Bobbie Clyde, 503-364-1301 or A neighbor or a fellow care group member would appreciate your help!
Save the Date
February 5, 11:15 am: Budget Information 2.0 led by budget & finance, personnel, and stewardship committees.
February 26, 11:00 am: Annual Meeting
March 11, 1 pm: Marie Glascock Memorial Service at Westminster
March 13, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive at Westminster