From the Desk of Dr. Mark Rollefson, Superintendent of the Yorkville Joint #2 School District

December 7, 2022 | Issue #14

Yorkville Students Continue to Thrive Despite Pandemic Learning Loss

By: Katie Nicholls, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Educational Headlines continue to portray national math and reading scores at historic lows. National test results from last spring even suggest that two decades worth of progress closing learning gaps has disappeared. While Wisconsin schools are also feeling the pains of learning loss, or the gap in student learning left behind in the aftermath of the pandemic, many Wisconsin school state report cards released November 15, 2022 continue to reflect that schools across Wisconsin have managed to maintain high educational standards. Yorkville School is among the schools persisting to “Exceed Expectations” despite the pandemic setbacks.  

Yorkville continues to develop high achieving students. In fact, Yorkville is in the top 11% of schools in the state with regards to achievement. Measured against other schools in the state, Yorkville outperformed in ELA Achievement, Math Achievement, 3rd Grade ELA scores and 8th Grade Math scores. During the pandemic, CDC regulations outlined strict guidelines for ill students. Yorkville maintained high attendance rates and avoided chronic absenteeism that potentially could have created larger learning gaps for students. All of these components helped Yorkville achieve the status of “Exceeds Expectations”.

Yorkville began the 2020-2021 school year by identifying learning loss through universal screeners and classroom assessments, understanding school closures and hybrid learning would impact student growth. This allowed staff to provide appropriate interventions in a timely manner through small group interventions in reading and math, assessing for and reteaching foundational skills in reading and math, providing teachers with instructional materials and strategies to reach struggling students, and additional classroom support when necessary. These interventions did, and still are, supporting growth and closing gaps for our students.

Two of the four pillars in Yorkville’s strategic plan focus on student development and staff development. Yorkville values the education of all students and recognizes that behind every high achieving student is a well developed and supported teacher. Yorkville teachers create educational activities that motivate, engage, and emotionally support students to better deal with the demands of our ever changing world with grit and perseverance. Our mission statement is “Cultivating Learners and Inspiring Futures Together.” Student education and success remain the number one priority at Yorkville School. Together, Yorkville School “Exceeded Expectations” despite pandemic setbacks.

Correction from the October 2022 Newsletter

By: Dr. Mark Rollefson, Superintendent

It was brought to my attention that the newsletter article from October 13, 2022 has an error. The title of this article is: Aging Infrastructure Results in Study.

In the first paragraph of this article, I mention that the Yorkville JT #2 School District's new wing is 17 years old. That is an error. The building is 15-16 years old, depending on what portion of the wing had started construction, and when. A link to the October 2022 newsletter edition is provided for your reference here: October 2022 Newsletter.

It is so important to me that information provided to you regarding the District is accurate and trustworthy. For this reason, I am very sorry for this error. It is my goal, and the goal of the Board of Education and employees, to be transparent and accountable at all times.

Dr. Mark Rollefson
Yorkville Joint #2 School District

18621 Washington Avenue
Union Grove, WI 53182
(262) 878-3759

Yorkville Joint #2 School District