January 2023

Student Success Updates

The year of the B+ and embracing "Good Enough"

I am a high achiever. For those of you who know me, that is not a surprise to hear. As a kid I got good grades, I was a competitive gymnast, I won national math and creative thinking competitions, etc. When I started my career, this high achiever mentality continued. I won awards for best new student affairs professional, I was the youngest director at my campus, and my program had the highest increase in fundraising for the year.

From the assistant dean for student success assessment and strategic initiatives

Silos and seeds

Associate provost Mark Largent

I have been thinking lately about the ways in which we collaborate across this large and complex institution. It is certainly not easy, but we are getting better at using both old and new methods and resources to make positive changes at MSU.

From the desk of the associate provost