Sunday, January 16, 2022, at 10:30 am - online only!
Rev. Hillary Collins-Gilpatrick, Minister
Sam Chandler, Music Director
Gwen Matthews, Director of Education & Communications
Mack Jones, Children's Teacher & Youth Facilitator
Dear First U Friends,

I write this message to you on a frigid Tuesday afternoon, my hip newly throbbing from a flying wallenda I just took on my icy driveway. While racing outside, underdressed, to snag a charger from my car in preparation for an incoming phone call, I slipped and landed hard on my side. Disoriented by the sting of the cold air, my focus pointed only towards my singular task at hand, I lost sight of the multiple factors at play out there, lost balance, and lost control.

Let me add that this is the third time I’ve slipped and fallen in the past 4 days.

As I lay on the icy ground, I unexpectedly spoke out loud: “Slow down, Hil. Just slow down.” There may have been some expletives interspersed in there, as well. (Sometimes a useful mantra requires an expletive.)
Though “just slow down,” is most certainly a mantra I need to recite these days, I imagine those three words might be useful for many of you to repeat to yourselves regularly right now, too.

+ + +

This week our Covid Safety Team* met to discuss two main issues: the first, to reconsider the metrics we’ve been using to determine whether we can offer church events in-person. The second, to consider what is needed of our church right now.

In regards to the first point, rather than prioritize case numbers in our county, as we have been doing, the Team is considering factoring hospitalization rates and ICU capacities in our safety policy. We also hope to establish protocols that would enable in-person worship to still occur when Covid risk is at “Very High” levels. These protocols may include specific mask requirements and smaller capacity limits. The team will be revising the safety policy in the weeks ahead and will share it publicly with the congregation once we’ve reached a final draft.

In regards to the second point - what is needed of our church right now?
Well, amidst the surge of omicron cases, overloaded hospitals, school closures, and calls from the Maine Council of Churches and state health experts to lay low - what is needed of us right now is to remain virtual for the strength, health, and common good of our community. A couple members referenced the advice of Dora Anne Mills, the Chief Health Improvement Officer for Maine Health, to treat this time as though we were experiencing a blizzard. What do we do in blizzards? We lay low, we take care, we go slow.

So, go slow, my friends. Just go slow.

The ice will melt, the surge will pass, we will be together again soon enough.

Yours in a couple ibuprofen and another cup of Tension Tamer tea,
Rev. Hillary

*Our Covid Safety Team members are: Nancy Dix, Rev. Hillary Collins-Gilpatrick, Christy Hayashida, Gwen Matthews, Joanna Landsman, Ben Tupper, & Sarah Witte
Join us for a nourishing all church retreat led by Rev. Hillary and Gwen on January 22nd from 9:30-Noon on Zoom. During our time together we will practice our gifts for sharing, listening and evoking the spirit of life that exists within all of us. This “Care for Ourselves and Others” retreat will guide us through the winter and spring as we continue to fortify our community and embrace, engage, and explore our living faith.

Please register in advance to join in this retreat.

If you are in need of child care in order to attend this retreat, please contact Gwen (gwenatfirstu@gmail.com) by Tuesday, January 19th so that Gwen can help arrange for at-home child care.

An optional follow up session will be offered in the spring.

If you have other questions please reach out to Hillary (firstuminister@gmail.com) and/or Gwen (gwenatfirstu@gmail.com). We look forward to this time together.
January 30, 2022, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Zoom link to attend the meeting
First Universalist's midyear meeting, held annually in January, is our opportunity as a church to check in on how things are going and look forward to the rest of the church year and beyond. This midyear meeting will take place virtually on Zoom following the service on Sunday, January 30th.
Come to the church grounds this Sunday, January 16th, from 2:00 - 3:00 pm for some winter fun for all ages.

Build a snowman, try making a snow lantern, or just come play in the snow!

We'll also have some yummy treats to enjoy during our time together. We hope to see you there!
Please fill out this online registration form for all children and youth who will be participating in programs at First Universalist. Thank you!
Maine Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network (MUUSAN) is seeking your help with the following actions on Climate and Environmental legislation:

1. Watch the rollout of Maine Environmental Priorities Coalition 2022 Common Agenda on Thursday, January 20th from 12-1P.  Register at: Environmental Priorities Coalition

The webinar is open to the public and free. This EPC Kick-Off event will feature brief presentations from lawmakers and advocates about each priority bill and important information about the key role you can play in protecting Maine's land, water, and wildlife, building an equitable clean energy future, and fighting for environmental and social justice.

2. Sign the petition that is linked to this important 2022 bill - LD 1639, An Act to Protect the Health and Welfare of  Maine Communities & Reduce Harmful Solid Waste: Sign the petition

This petition and your signatures will be shared with all Maine state legislators by the Natural Resources Council of Maine and will help in the effort to get this bill passed.  Then you can ask your state senator and representative to please vote to support this important bill. 

3. Add your voice to the petition that is linked to this 2022 bill that MUUSAN and the EPC oppose - LR 2167 - An Act To Clarify the Role of the Legislature in Sustaining Good-paying Jobs in the Forest Products Industry and To Promote Healthy Rivers: Add your voice.

This petition and your signatures will be shared with all Maine state legislators by the Natural Resources Council of Maine, and will help in the effort to oppose this bill.
Why bother? As UUs, our Principles call us to affirm and promote justice for ALL. Here’s an easy yet important way for each of us to practice our principles. Maine Legislature is now considering LD1626!

CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS: it’s EASY and it MATTERS. MUUSAN offers great action tools to voice your support of LD 1626 at http://www.muusan.org/stand-with-wabanaki.html and scroll
to "What you can do" where you’ll find a link to a sample letter that includes a link to find your legislators, and a link to reasons to support LD 1626 – just pick one or two that matter to you. Copy, Paste, Print, Sign, Mail - letters are more powerful than email. YOUR ACTION MATTERS! Oh, and be sure to use the “I’m taking action” button so MUUSAN knows if its work has been

Write letters to the editor in support of the bill, and talk with friends, family, and neighbors about why this legislation is important for the tribes in Maine and for the entire state.

Rev. Hillary: On Wednesdays from 12:00 - 1:00 pm Rev. Hillary will be holding an outside drop-in space at our church picnic tables. All are welcome to come by and check-in. (Weather permitting.) Throughout the week, Rev. Hillary will be holding office hours for individual conversations. These conversations can be on Zoom, over the phone, or in-person. Please reach out to Rev. Hillary directly to schedule a conversation, firstuminister@gmail.com. Note that Rev. Hillary is not available to meet on Saturdays and Mondays. See you soon!

Gwen: Once covid-19 numbers have moved down out of the "very high risk" zone, Gwen will be holding in person office hours from 1 - 3 pm on Wednesdays.
Pastoral Emergencies
If you experience a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Hillary Collins-Gilpatrick, who can be reached on her cell phone: 207-740-3753. Please note Rev. Hillary is in the office Tuesday - Friday for non-emergency opportunities to talk.
Submit Your Announcement
To have your announcement included in this e-newsletter please email the information to Gwen Matthews, Director of Education and Communications, at gwenatfirstu@gmail.com by Wednesday at 12 pm.
 First Universalist Church of Yarmouth | 207-846-4148 | office@uuyarmouth.org | www.uuyarmouth.org