Water Storage Improvement Projects
Access to clean water is vital to our community.
EWEB is hard at work making sure safe, reliable water continues to flow even as critical infrastructure ages and new challenges arise. In the next decade, we plan to construct new water storage facilities near 40th Ave. and Patterson St. and replace the water storage systems at EWEB's College Hill and Hawkins Hill sites. The projects will be built to seismic and contemporary operating standards, providing more than 40 million gallons of resilient, safe water storage.
Dec. 27, 2021

Dear East 40th Neighbors,
We are happy to report that the controlled underground blasting phase of the project is now complete.
Following is the schedule for the next few days:

Monday, 12/27 - No work due to weather conditions.

Tuesday - Thursday, 12/28-12/30: Work will be weather-dependent. Minimal work preparing the site to start removing material within the footprint of Tank 1.

Friday, 12/31: No work due to holiday.

The next several months will primarily involve removing and hauling the rock that was blasted for Tank 1. Area residents can expect high truck traffic and excavation noise.
Thank You
As we approach year-end, the project team would like to take a moment to thank site neighbors and all the members of our extended community for your patience and understanding during the first few phases of this project.

EWEB works year-round throughout our community on maintenance repairs, capital projects, and facility renovations to strengthen utility infrastructure and ensure Eugene homes and business have safe and reliable power and water. However, we recognize that the E. 40th project is extraordinary in scope, scale and location, and this first year in particular has acutely impacted surrounding neighbors.

Thank you for your perseverance and for the ongoing constructive dialogue about ecological protection, public access, construction impacts and other topics.
2021 Project Recap
In the spirit of accountability to our customer-owners, we want to recap some of the work that was accomplished this year relative to this project.
Contact us with questions
If you have questions or input, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the project team at
541-685-7899 or Emails sent to this address will reach:

  • Laura Farthing, Project Manager/Senior Civil Engineer
  • Jen Connors, Communications Supervisor
  • Jeannine Parisi, Customer Relationship Manager
  • Wally McCullough, Water Engineering Supervisor