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SR-55 Improvement Project Update

Join us for a progress update on the SR-55 (I-405 to I-5) Improvement Project, which began construction in summer 2022. The presentation will also include a look at activities planned for the remainder of the year. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation. 

View the Zoom invitation in Spanish.

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-Register below and join online; or

-Call in to 669-444-9171

For those dialing in, enter the following credentials:

Webinar ID: 893 8858 8500

Passcode: 110452

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Interpretación en español disponible.

About the Project

OCTA, in cooperation with Caltrans, is improving 4 miles of SR-55 between I-405 and I-5. The project will improve traffic flow and reduce travel time by adding one regular lane and one carpool lane in each direction. Also, the project will add merge lanes between several interchanges and stripe carpool lanes for continuous access, augmenting safety on the freeway by making merging easier. These enhancements are expected to create a better, smoother driving experience for motorists.

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