Fellow Gregorians,

The Vestry’s usual meeting time is the second Tuesday evening of the month, but this month, because of the Annual Meeting last Sunday, we convened instead this past Tuesday evening--for two-and-a-half hours.  The five new Vestry members, elected at the Annual Meeting, attended a new Vestry member orientation for 90 minutes before the Vestry meeting, so it was a particularly long evening for Stacie Court, Gail Eilers, Lane Norton, Maggie Reinberger, and Mark Richardson. Please congratulate them on their election and their stamina and good humor when you see them again in church. These five new members joined the seven continuing Vestry members, Eddie Bennett, John Bray, Blaine Everson, Anna Hiers, LeeAnne Krause, Caley Ross, and me, in electing a Senior and Junior Warden for 2022. I’ll continue as your Senior Warden, and LeeAnne will serve as your Junior Warden. We heard a clear and concerning financial report from our Treasurer, Les House, and suggestions from our Finance Chair, Jeff Welch, about church funding that might be postponed in order for St. Gregory the Great to avoid laying off staff and pay its utility bills and service contracts. After Jeff’s presentation, the Vestry discussed how to meet our church’s vision to proclaim and love like Jesus without any money to fund our programs and ministries.  

This Sunday our own Will Drosos will preach. Will was a member of St. Gregory the Great when he was a student at the University of Georgia. He went through discernment for the priesthood with a committee from St. Gregory the Great, and last February was endorsed by our church for admission as a candidate for ordination to the priesthood in the Diocese of Atlanta. Will is a student at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, and he was ordained to the Diaconate of the Diocese last month in a ceremony at St. Philip's Cathedral.  I hope you will congratulate him on his ordination!

Chrissy Moffett, our Clerk of the Vestry, will extend her term for an additional year. According to our ByLaws, the Clerk’s term is three years, with the ability to serve consecutive terms with Vestry approval. The Clerk records and maintains minutes of every Vestry meeting and the Annual Meeting. It can feel like a relentless task, so we’re fortunate that Chrissy will serve with us for the rest of this year. 

Please pray for our Rector, our Deacon, the Vestry, the staff, and the volunteers that make our parish a community, a haven, a source for learning about God and our relationship with God, a provider of opportunities to give back, and [fill in here what St. Gregory the Great provides you]. Please pray for our church.

With thanks,

Jane Hudson
Senior Warden


We have received a generous gift of $10,000, and we are now roughly $35,000 away from the money needed to keep the church open this year (i.e. pay employees and utilities and debt for the year 2022).

Thank you so much to those who have already pledged. For those who are unable to pledge, God loves us from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes, when we give AND when we can't. For those who can pledge, and haven't yet, please prayerfully consider doing so.
Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Just go to the St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church 

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it. To ‘refresh’ go up to the top of your screen and on the left or right of the web address you will see this image (little curvy arrow to the right -->). Click on it to ‘refresh.’ 

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

to be a part

without our church
i would be lost
my joy encased 
in permafrost

without a call
to sing or pray
i fear my faith
would fade away

without the gift
of giving back
all purpose for
my life would lack

the love i share
with those i greet
with those i know
and hope to meet

alice mohor

Come Join the Flower Guild!

The Flower Guild are looking for a couple of willing parishioners to add to our number! With a full rota, member duties are light, just 5-6 Sundays a year. Please consider joining us. If you have questions, please call Lane Norton 706-338-3071

Zoom Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom:

*Spring Hatha Yoga Class (Jan 10 – May 30, 2022) in person Mondays, 6:00-7:00 PM, Parish Hall or Zoom  Passcode: 509230
Email for more information
The class is free, donations to the church are welcome
*Please bring a yoga mat*

Hebrew Reading meets on Zoom every other Wednesday from 11am-1pm. Contact Joel Hunt!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future.  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.

** Threads of Prayer will evaluate in January when it is safe to meet in person. Threads of Prayer, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month @ 1PM. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays.  Email Peter Rice!

* group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |