Updated Recommendations for the Use of Bivalent mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

April 25, 2023

On April 18, 2023, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) amended the emergency use authorizations (EUAs) of Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 bivalent mRNA vaccines. This action included authorizing the current bivalent vaccines to be used for all doses administered to individuals six-months of age and older, including additional doses for certain populations.  On April 19, 2023, CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) met and reviewed COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy data. The CDC updated its Interim Clinical Considerations for the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the United States on April 22, 2023, which includes the following guidance:

  • All individuals six months of age and older who previously completed a primary monovalent COVID-19 vaccine series but have not received bivalent vaccine should receive at least one dose of a bivalent vaccine.
  • Individuals 6 years through 64 years of age, who are not moderately to severely immunocompromised, and who have NOT completed a primary COVID-19 vaccine series, including those who are completed unvaccinated against COVID-19, should receive a single dose of a bivalent vaccine to meet current COVID-19 vaccine recommendations.
  • Most individuals who have already received a single dose of the bivalent vaccine are not currently eligible for another dose.
  • The monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States.

Additional Recommendations

Populations with indications for more than one bivalent COVID-19 dose:

  • Children 6 months through 5 years of age are eligible for bivalent COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The dose and number of doses depends on whether their prior vaccination status (unvaccinated or have completed 1 or more doses of monovalent COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. These children should complete their series using the same brand (Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech). See CDC Interim Clinical Considerations for the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the United States for the specific scenarios.
  • Individuals 65 years of age and older who have received a single dose of a bivalent vaccine may receive one additional dose at least four months following their initial bivalent dose.
  • Most individuals with certain kinds of immunocompromising conditions who have received a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine may receive a single additional dose of a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine at least 2 months following a dose of a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine. Additional doses may be administered at the discretion of, and at intervals determined by, their healthcare provider.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns, please contact the Communicable Disease Control Division at 714-834-8180.
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