"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go."
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From the Black House desk... | | |
The Semantics of Generosity | | |
'Tis the season for appeal letters. A time to consider about what you appreciate, who to thank, how to best support the clubs, groups, and communities you love. A conversation I had recently helped me think differently about a conundrum I have been grappling with. I hear about and witness so many people enjoying Woodlawn yet fewer than 400 people are current 'members'. Throughout this past year, I could not understand how that was possible. It was explained to me (in part) that Ellsworthians (is that a word?) felt excluded when the concept of membership was introduced. Since 1929, the Trustees have been inviting support to help keep The Black House open. Then a division was created - was membership 'awarded' by dint of annual gift? Did someone have to give twice? If not a 'member', was Woodlawn closed to them?
Many organizations struggle with the distinction between support and membership. I have decided to remove the language of membership. As someone who has moved many times in my life, I view personally membership as a way to belong, to join, to get involved, to support what I love about my new home. I like the feeling that becoming a member provides. However, I now understand that Woodlawn, as part of the fabric of Ellsworth, turned people away by the language of membership because everyone felt they were sledding on their own front lawn! Woodlawn/The Black House was already 'theirs".
Leaving the office last Saturday evening, I stood among 200 students and their parents at the front porch taking pictures for Homecoming. Wonderful! One father said, "they love to having their picture taken in front of the most beautiful house in Ellsworth." I suspect, especially for year-book photos, this place as backdrop symolizes home. That confirmed my understanding about the bias against the language of membership. But, beauty and front lawns require love and support.
The gift of Woodlawn to the people of Hancock County came with a small endowment. By itself, it is not enough for the maintenance needs of a nearly 200 year-old property. Your support year round is vital. All gifts - of money or of time as a volunteer - will ensure our success now and into the future. And I hope it goes without saying that you are always welcome at Woodlawn, dawn to dusk, 365 days a year. The open flag at the gate indicates only the Museum (Sundays through October, 10-4). Don't worry, I will be reminding those high school students about Woodlawn for their community service hours! Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.
Kathy Young
PS: Our email and webpage system has been down for a few days. We expect to have the situation resolved soon. Meanwhile, please call the office at 207-667-8671. We are not ignorning you. Sorry!
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Gong Bath Immersion -
Sat, Oct 8, 1-2:30 pm on the Forest Ridge Stage
Rain location: Sweaty Buddha, 50 Church Street, same time
You will NOT want to miss this relaxing and transformative experience of gongs and chimes. You need to bring something comfortable to lie on, such as a blanket or yoga mat. You can enjoy this sitting in a chair but stretched out is preferable!
Jim Doble is a musical instrument creator and Sound Therapist who will create waves of sound to help participants sonically cleanse, rejuvenate, rest, and recuperate. He has been spreading good vibrations around the globe for nearly 30 years. In the last several years, Doble has collected and made a variety of large gongs and other instruments for use in group Sound “Baths.”
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October 22, 10-2; Free Family Fun!
Join us again this year for fun, games, & food. You can come up after 9, the games start at 10. There will be a new story trail, cider pressing, pumpkin carving, tie-dye, lawn games, and old fashioned challenges: sack race, tug of war, egg & spoon...come out and play with us! There will be a food truck and (fingers crossed) the Darling's Ice Cream truck. We couldn't do this without the help of Legend Athletics. Watch for parking signs. Please leave pets at home.
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Janet Pearson Performs
All Gershwin for Woodlawn
Sunday, Oct 30, 3 pm
$25 at the door, refreshments to follow
Moore Community Center, 125 State Street
Join pianist Janet Pearson as she plays some of George Gershwin’s greatest compositions! From An American in Paris to Funny Face, Gershwin has provided some the stage and screen’s most iconic numbers. You’ll be tapping your toe and may find yourself humming along! Janet will reunite with violinist Nathan Lesser for three songs from Porgy and Bess.
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Ground Control: Things to be aware of around the Woodlawn campus
- Look for the yellow trail signs indicating new walking opporunitites in the south and north fields - looping around the perimeters.
- New Story Trail coming to the North Field soon!
- While the speed bumps have been removed, please do not speed up - there are walkers with dogs, kids, and big trucks all sharing the driveways.
- Construction trucks use the entrance as two-way but until we close it after Christmas, please drive your car out the exit side of the loop drive.
- We will be trimming the lilac hedge around the formal garden this week. It will look stark but has been allowed to grow too high and we will be doing annual trimming that will ensure that remain full and healthy.
- The pond is full again, greenery is returning, and benches are over there to enjoy the beautiful mirror reflections and soon, perfect skating.
- There is a deep hole (also in the North Field) that will be a source of interest and digging in the next week. Please be aware and cautious!
- Starting Oct 17, The Grand will be setting up for their Trail of Terror. You may see scary stuff, please leave it alone (we recommend the new walking paths!)
- Trail Tuesdays, a monthly gathering of staff and volunteers spending the morning out in the trail network, begins this month: join us from 9-12, Oct 11. Wear boots, bring gloves, and if you have some, loppers.
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Barn Update
A constant source of fascination, I enjoy watching the detail that goes literally behind the walls. The vault is being constructed as a three-hour fire rated concrete cell. The smooth area on the left is the roof of the vault and the first floor will be going over the top of the entire basement in the next weeks - after that, it isn't long until the roof is on. Fingers crossed we beat the first snow. Are you a solar supporter? We are seeking someone who will help us put solar on the roof of the barn and become a net-zero campus.
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Pocket Size Tools
With so many tools being used outside right now, we found a few old treasures used by John and George N. Black when they were out and about talking about trees, lumber, timber, and shipping. Sized to fit into a pocket, these were perfect for jotting down measurements and making brief notations in situations where pen and ink was not practical.
The ruler consists of four three-inch long sections that unfold to a one foot measure. It is made of bone, marked with black ink, and joined together with brass hinges and pins. One side is marked in 1/8ths and the other in 1/16ths.
The gold-plated, retractable, hexagonal pencils are engraved with the owner's name. The bottom belonged to John Black and the other to George N. Black. Although similar in style, the two are not identical.
John’s pencil is shown fully extended and with its cap unscrewed. The writing tip holds a piece of lead and easily slides in and out of the body of the pencil. At the other end, a cap unscrews to reveal a compartment for carrying spare leads. A decorative stone set in the cap adds a touch of elegance. The pencils were likely purchased in Boston from the Black’s favorite jeweler, Jones, Low & Ball.
Mechanical pencils were first patented in England in 1822 and have evolved ever since. In the early 19th century mechanical pencils were popular among the wealthy but soon became common with middle-class professionals. Designed with a ring that hooked to a chain, women’s pencils were carried on their chatelaine (an ornament fastened to a belt or pocket) with keys, a small watch, and other necessities.
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Dogs off Leash - Loving it!
Sunday mornings 8:00 - 9:00 am (ish)
Meet out by the two shipping containers (because of the hole in the field). No fence - dogs must be well socialized and have good recall.
Please RSVP to tell me you are coming! Thanks, director@woodlawnmuseum.org
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Where will the horse celebrate Christmas?
The team at Woodlawn did an amazing job with Autumn Gold so wait for the holiday display. We will be decorating the outside, encouraging people to drive up and around to enjoy the lights and decorations. More details to come. Meanwhile, the horse ran back to the carriage barn so he could keep his eye on the barn developments. Would you like to sponsor the holiday lightshow? Please call 207-667-8671 and ask for Kathy. Thank you in advance!
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Richard's Wish List
Super-duper leaf blower
Ride-on lawn mower
Tool box (ask him for the specifics!)
Solar lights, holiday lights of all kinds
20 ft Christmas tree!
30 small pumpkins for family field day
lots of apples to press for cider - also part of family field day
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Your support of Woodlawn maintains a unique historic home, trails, and programs for the Ellsworth community.
Thank you!
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Woodlawn Museum, Gardens & Park
Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
(207) 667-8671
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