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Save Common Quotes as Templates

Document templates provide a convenient way to save documents for use as templates when generating new documents. Utilizing templates is an effective method to save time, maintain consistency in your quotes, and reduce the risk of errors associated with creating quotes from scratch. If you frequently create similar quotes, you can streamline the process by creating a template for a specific type of quote.

To create a template, navigate to the File → Save as Template menu option. Once a template is created, it will be accessible under the templates tab of the File → New menu.

Why create a Template versus using a Bundle?

A bundle in QuoteWerks refers to a grouping of items or services that are frequently sold together. It allows users to pre-define a set of products, services, or configurations that are commonly bundled and sold as a package. When using a bundle, the current price of the product is automatically used. Additionally, comment lines can be bundled, but you will need to create part numbers in your product database for them.

A template is a pre-defined structure or format for a quote or proposal. Using templates can save time and ensure consistency across quotes, as users can start with a predefined structure and customize it as needed.

When retrieving a template, the current product prices are not automatically used (unless you select the “Refresh item prices” checkbox).

In addition to the line-item information, all other aspects of the document are also saved in the template. This includes Sold To/Ship To information (typically left blank in the template unless the template is for a specific company), Terms, Contract Dates, Custom Fields, Notes, etc.

Templates can also be used as the starting document in QuoteWerks when a new quote is being created. An example of how to use this would be to create a template with pre-defined header lines, comments, and products already on the template with a zero quantity. The sales rep can then change the quantity to the correct amount for each item and then use the “Remove Zero Quantity Line Item” small toolbar button, and the quote will be ready to go after the contact is selected.

Duplicate Existing Quote

If you want to start a new quote basing it off an existing quote, open the existing quote and choose File → Duplicate.

Revise and Save Original Quotes

QuoteWerks supports the capability to revise quotes and orders. When creating a quote for a customer, it's common for them to request changes. If you make alterations to the quote and save them, you lose the original version.

QuoteWerks offers a revision feature that allows you to open a saved quote, make changes, and save it as a revision. Unlike a traditional "save-as," QuoteWerks automatically assigns a new quote number to the revision, using either a numeric or alpha suffix (e.g., -01 or -A).

The system also designates the revision as the current or active one. Consequently, when searching for open quotes, the older, superseded quotes are excluded from the results. This exclusion is crucial for accurate forecasting, as it prevents incorrect aggregation of each revision in the quote.

To save a document as a revision, use the File → Save As Next Revision menu.

Important Considerations:

1. When saving as the next revision, if the original document is locked, the new revised document will be unlocked.

2. If the document was approved, the approval will be removed, and another approval will be required if it doesn't meet the approval requirements.

VIP Invite to ASCII Southern California!

We are extending YOU a personal VIP guest invitation for a business-building event designed for Managed Service Providers on February 28th & 29th at the Hilton Orange County Costa Mesa in Costa Mesa, California.

As a supporting sponsor of this event, QuoteWerks is providing VIP complimentary passes (valued at $1,895) at NO COST.

With a lineup of exceptional speakers, offering groundbreaking insights and research on SMBs, this event is poised to propel your managed services business and boost your future income.

Given the annual increase in attendance year-by-year, it's crucial to secure your spot TODAY!

Use VIP Code "QuoteWerks"

Have you seen what's new in Version 24?

Address Verification

USA Address verification is now supported for QuoteWerks Realtime module users. On the SoldTo/ShipTo tab of the Quote WorkBook, there is now a button to verify and standardize the address.

Auto Sales Tax Rate Retrieval

Your addresses can automatically be fixed, and the sales tax rate can automatically be retrieved when the contact is retrieved from your CRM using the QuoteWerks Realtime module.

Zip + 4 & Realtime Sales Tax

The USA Sales Tax Rate Lookup in the Real-Time module has been improved. Now, the feature will verify the address against the USPS database, refine the Postal Code to be a Zip+4 postal code, and retrieve the Sales Tax Rate for that specific Zip+4 location. 

Etilize Recent Searches

When using the Product Content Subscription on the Product Lookup window, the Etilize keyword search box now has a drop-down list of your most 20 recent searches.

QuoteWerks Web Single SSO

Do you use QuoteWerks Web and also have a Microsoft Azure Domain? You can now log into QuoteWerks Web using Single Sign On (SSO) with Microsoft Azure.

Whole Document Spellcheck

QuoteWerks now supports whole document spell check – not just specific fields. The Whole Document Spellcheck can include fields on the Quote WorkBook tabs, and also line-item columns for each line item.


Deposit Amount Features

Shipping and Sales Tax can now be factored in for the Deposit Amount calculations.

If you have any questions, call us at 407-248-1481 to speak with one of our representatives today, available 9AM-5PM Eastern, Monday through Friday. You can also email us at or contact your QuoteWerks Reseller.

Thank you for your business!


MaryGrace Adamson

Community Coordinator

Aspire Technologies, Inc. / QuoteWerks®

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