Monthly News & Updates

May 2023 | 05

Fireworks Survey

The results are in!

Thank you to all who participated in the Fireworks Survey. The Township received 336 responses. Results showed that 70% of respondents (238 people) are in favour of continuing to allow fireworks in Mulmur. Full survey results can be found on the Township website.

Following significant discussions Council directed staff to draft an amendment to the fire by-law to prohibit fireworks use during periods of fire ban, and supported enhanced education measures.

Fireworks Safety

Residents are reminded to keep these safety tips in mind when setting off fireworks:

  • Choose the right location
  • Designate a safety perimeter
  • Plan for accidental fires
  • Get moving after lighting the fuse
  • Pace yourself: Light one firework at a time
  • Supervise your kids
  • Properly dispose of fireworks
  • Check your local laws
  • Sober is safer

Provincial Planning Statement

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has released a proposed Provincial Planning Statement that would replace the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and A Place to Grow (2019). The proposed policy would provide direction on land use planning matters including growth management, housing, economic development, infrastructure planning, and the protection and management of resources, including agricultural, aggregates, and environmental. The Province is intending to release proposed Natural Heritage policies in the near future.


Mulmur Council will be submitting written comments to the Ministry to express significant concerns over certain aspects of the proposed policy and is seeking further clarification on the possible impacts that the proposed policy may have on Mulmur. Of particular note, the Township is concerned with the following:    


  • Increased residential development, including subdivisions in the rural areas and more residential dwellings and units on privately serviced lots;
  • Expansion to settlement areas and establishment of new settlement areas in Mulmur without satisfactory justification and servicing;
  • Increased lot creation and fragmentation of agricultural areas; and
  • Weaker protection for agricultural lands, including the removal of the provincially-mapped agricultural lands and the Agricultural System approach.

Mulmur Council encourages all residents to make themselves aware of the proposed Provincial Planning Statement and the implications it may have on Mulmur.

The consultation period closes on June 5, 2023. Comments can be submitted online on the Environmental Registry of Ontario or you can email


Provincial Land Use Plans Branch

13th Flr, 777 Bay St

Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Have Your Say

Notice of Passing

Development Charges By-Law


TAKE NOTICE that the Council for The Corporation of the Township of Mulmur passed By-law No. 14-2023 on May 3, 2023, amending the Development Charges By-law for the Township of Mulmur in accordance with the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 27, as amended.


Purpose: To remove the exemption for new second detached residential dwellings in the Township of Mulmur.


Appeal: Any person or organization may appeal the by-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal under Section 14 of the Development Charges Act, by filing with the Clerk of the Township a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons supporting the objection. The last day for appeal is June 13, 2023.


Additional Information: There is no key map given since the Development Charges By-law affects all lands within the Township of Mulmur. 


The By-law can be reviewed during regular office hours at the municipal office and on the Township’s website.

Arbour Day Tree Sale is Back! ​

May 13, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. or until trees are sold out.

Trees are bare root stock, and are sol​d in bundles of 10 for $30 per bundle. This year's sale features a variety of trees and shrubs!

Location: Tiffin Centre for Conservation, 8195 8th Line, Utopia ON L0M 1T0

All proceeds from the sales support NVCA's forestry program. This year, the forestry program will see more than 100,000 trees planted across the watershed.

More Information.

Mulmur Council Supports Planting Native Maple Trees

In the late 19th century, farmers planted roadsides and lane ways with maples from their woodlots in return for a government incentive. This gave rise to a legacy of lines of maples and other hardwoods bordering roads and dividing farm fields.

Many of these trees are now degrading and are not being replaced by Native Canadian Maples.

Help restore a part of Canada’s natural heritage. Click here to find out more about the Maple Leaves Forever Rebate Program.

Coming up: Trek the Trilliums May 19-22

This May long weekend we are challenging you to disconnect from the screens and reconnect with nature and each other, by joining the Township of Mulmur’s Trek the Trilliums from May 19-22, 2023.

You could win an awesome Mulmur gift basket! Click here for more information.

EDC Breakfast Briefing - June 6

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 7:00am

Join Mulmur’s Economic Development Committee to discuss and learn how to start and grow your home business.

  • Networking
  • Where to start and how to grow
  • Financial tips for your home based business
  • Grow your digital presence.
  • Tips and Tricks from local experts

Tickets are $10. Register in advance.





June 7, 2023

Save the Date!

The 2024 Farmland Forum will be held on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at The Grandway in Elora, Ontario as well as online.

Stay tuned for details on the theme and program in the coming months.

May 7 - 13 is Emergency Preparedness Week

Does your family have an emergency kit?

Having a kit can help ease some of the chaos that can stem from an emergency.

Here’s what should be included in your emergency kit:

  • 3 days worth of non-perishable food for your family and a can opener
  • First-aid kit
  • Flashlight & Batteries
  • List of medications and important phone numbers
  • Copies of important documents like insurance, wills, and personal identification
  • Most importantly, consider the needs of all family members, including babies, children, pets, seniors, and persons with disabilities.
Emergency Preparedness

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