Welcome to The Healthy Nudge. Each month, we'll get you up to speed on the latest developments in policy-relevant health behavioral economics research at CHIBE.
How has behavioral economics contributed to public policy, and what are the guiding principles for future work in this area? This was a question that a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine committee recently discussed, researched, and crafted a report on. Read CHIBE’s Q&A with Dr. Alison Buttenheim (who served as co-chair of this committee) to hear more about the report.
Read CHIBE's Q&A with Dr. Loewenstein about what prompted him to write the paper, what feedback he's received, and what impact he hopes the paper has.
An American Journal of Preventive Medicine paper led by Jennifer Falbe, ScD, MPH; with CHIBE author Christina Roberto, PhD, et al.
"Added-sugar warnings on restaurant menus modestly reduced the probability of ordering a high-added-sugar item, increased the knowledge of whether items contained more than half the daily value for added sugar, and influenced perceptions that precede behavior change." Read the paper here and the press release here.
A Health Affairs article led by Jason Shafrin, PhD; Darius N. Lakdawalla, PhD; CHIBE Associate Director Jalpa Doshi, PhD, et al.
"Medicare drug price negotiation is almost upon us. The Inflation Reduction Act mandates that CMS implement a maximum fair price (MFP) for drug price negotiation beginning in 2026. How should CMS implement such a program given such a short timeline? We recommend a 3-step approach to implementing the MFP that moves toward a drug pricing paradigm based on treatment value." Read the article here.
There’s a seismic shift of Americans going into retirement by 2030. They’ll need more medical care as they age — and the resources to pay for it. In this article, CHIBE Associate Director Amol Navathe, PhD, speaks about the looming needs of our aging population. Read the article here.
Congratulations to CHIBE Associate Director Dr. M. Kit Delgado on his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure!
May 25 from Noon to 1 PM EST
Join us for an LDI and CHIBE seminar on the “Impact of Medicaid Payment for Immediate Long-Acting Reversible Contraception on Postpartum Contraception, Birth Spacing and Infant Health” with Jessica Cohen, PhD, Bruce A. Beal, Robert L. Beal and Alexander S. Beal Associate Professor of Global Health, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. This is an in-person event at Colonial Penn Center Auditorium, 3641 Locust Walk. Register for the event here.
Accelerate Health Equity (AHE) is excited to invite applications for our inaugural grants program with a call for proposals focused on gun violence prevention. Gun violence is a crisis in Philadelphia, and gun violence research is critical but underfunded. AHE believes gun violence is a health equity issue and the goal of this RFP is to support innovative projects focused on the efficacy, outcomes, and scalability of health system-based interventions in Philadelphia. To learn more about the AHE Gun Violence Prevention Grants Program, see this announcement flier and read this FAQ. Application submissions close on June 2, 2023.
The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has published a funding opportunity announcement for grants to support dissertation research by doctoral students using behavioral economics/behavioral science approaches to study questions related to social services programs and policies. The maximum grant award is $25,000 per year, and applicants may choose whether to apply for one or two years. Applications are due June 5, 2023. Questions? Email behavioralscholars@icfi.com.