Northwood School Laker

February 3, 2023

Vision of the Graduate

Over the course of the last year and a half, our leadership team has been working to develop a Vision of the Graduate, a document that identifies the skills and qualities that the school community values and hopes to instill in our students. Last spring, I shared a draft of the document with staff, students, and families for feedback. This fall, the leadership team has worked to incorporate that feedback and develop a final version for publication.

Moving forward, we will be working with our staff and faculty to fully describe and define each element of the Vision of the Graduate as well as identify how we will use the document to guide our decision-making. The Vision of the Graduate is included below. We will continue to provide more information about how this document will help to guide our ongoing improvement efforts.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the development of the Vision of the Graduate and to those who provided thoughtful feedback.

Have a wonderful weekend!

~ Jocelyn

Northwood School Olympics

The week before February vacation will be Northwood School Olympics week! Each homeroom has been assigned a state and will participate in a variety of friendly competitions during their related arts block over the course of the week. On February 17, we will hold our closing ceremonies. To make the week extra fun, please enjoy a dress up theme each day!

Kids Heart Challenge

Hi Families,


Our Kids Heart Challenge is around the corner. We are getting ready to kick off our event on February 6, 2023! Get a head start and go online to register to take a Challenge to Move More or Be Kind. Once you register you get a FREE torch wristband.


Click here to find our school or scan the QR code below.

With heart,

Will Micali, Physical Education/Health Teacher

News from the Art Room

First grade created snowmen being blown over in the wind to show movement.

Second grade created snow trees to show space and perspective.

Fourth grade created zebras to show texture.

News from Kindergarten

The kindergarteners have been practicing for their show next week. We are so excited to share all of the nursery rhymes with you!

23-24 School Calendar

Here is the school calendar for next year. It will also be posted to our website.

Deliberative Session

The Deliberative Session will be held Thursday, February 9, at 6:00PM in the gym. Champions will be providing child care. Please fill out this form and return it to the school if you'd like to sign your child(ren) up for child care that evening. You can also fill the form out that evening.

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with great kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

School & Community Information

Important Dates

February 1 - School Board meeting, 6:30

February 9 - Deliberative Session, 6:00

February 15 - School Board meeting, 6:30

February 20 - 24 - February Vacation

Please see the athletics calendar for information regarding games.  

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