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Catalyst Convener Champion

February 12, 2024

February networking mixer this Wednesday, February 14

Live Music at A-Loft's Lounge and Bar

The February Networking Mixer is hosted by Aloft Dublin-Pleasanton and FFB Bank and it will be on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Networking mixers are a benefit of chamber membership, and are free for chamber members to attend. 

Different by Design

Live Music and Retro Revival Happy Hour at WXYZ Bar Monday-Thursday 6-8 p.m. Craft cocktails, local beers, wines, and delicious food. We offer a wide array of modern amenities and technology, meant to make each stay unique. Enjoy the pool table, bocce court, and fire pit in our backyard. With 1,100 sq ft of space to host various events, technology and taste collide at Aloft Dublin-Pleasanton. Learn more about Aloft Dublin-Pleasanton online - Instagram.

We safeguard, invest, and move capital

When FFB opened its doors in Fresno in 2005, we set out to do what many banks promise, but few banks actually try: to treat every customer as unique. That very mission holds true to this day. In an industry chock-full of false promises, we back you up with a full range of customizable banking services that foster the type of growth that meets your individual needs and goals. Learn more about FFB Bank online - YouTube - LinkedIn - Facebook.

March mixer hosted by American Legion Post 237

March Networking Mixer

Mark your calendars for the March Networking Mixer hosted by the Americal Legion Post 237. View PDF of Event Flyer

As a patriotic Veterans organization dedicated to serving our fellow Veterans and Service members, American Legion Post 237 participates in programs that promote duty and honor through patriotism in our communities and seeks to inspire others in the spirit of volunteerism. Find out ways you can partner with us and reach out to the military community. Visit American Legion Post 237 online and on Facebook.

Networking mixers are a benefit of chamber membership and are free for chamber members to attend.

Wednesday, March 13 at 5:00 p.m.

2024 State of the City Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Hear from Pleasanton Mayor Karla Brown

The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the State of the City Pleasanton 2024, featuring Mayor Karla Brown. Everyone in the community is invited to hear Mayor Brown's annual address on Wednesday, March 26, 2024, at the Palm Event Center in the Vineyard.

Tickets to attend the luncheon are available online here. $75 per person through February 29, $85 beginning March 1. All attendees must register by March 8. The event begins at 11:00 a.m. with networking and visiting sponsor tables followed by the lunch and program at 11:45 a.m. A sellout crowd is expected as attendees will hear directly from the mayor, while enjoying lunch and conversation at the beautiful Palm Event Center, a luxurious winery estate.

A limited number of sponsorships are still available. Take a look at the sponsorship opportunities here and email Kate with any questions.

Wednesday, March 26, 2024 at 11:45 a.m.

411 on Member Benefits this afternoon.

Learn all about the benefits of membership

On the Monday before the second Wednesday mixer each month, the Pleasanton Chamber hosts a 411 on Member Benefits. This meeting is open to prospective, new and long-time Chamber members.

  • Learn what it means to be a part of the Chamber
  • About the opportunities available to you and your business
  • How to take advantage of the benefits of Chamber membership

Our next 411 on Member Benefits is set for Monday, February 12 at 4:00 p.m. at the Chamber. The 411 on Member Benefits is presented by Membership Director Dawn Wilson. If you'd like to attend, please register in advance here. Email Dawn with any questions.

Monday, February 12 at 4:00 p.m.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies

You're Invited

Ribbon cuttings increase the visibility of a grand opening, new location, ground breaking or special anniversary. The chamber brings the giant scissors and the red ribbon, invites our ambassadors and publicizes the event in various publications. To schedule a ribbon cutting, email Dawn.

You're invited to join the Pleasanton Chamber and our Ambassador Committee at the following ribbon cutting ceremonies.

Featured Member Events

Hope Hospice Crab Feed

February 24, 2024

American Legion Post 237

Beer, Brats & Bingo

February 24, 2024

PPIE State of the School District

March 12, 2024

Educational Seminar

A Plan for Care presents:

The First in a three-part series on

Aging in Place in Pleasanton.

Cost of Care and Housing Options

  • Aging costs individuals and companies an enormous amount of time and money in lost wages, lost time, productivity and income.
  • Aging in place is about making your own decisions and planning for your future in your community - where you are now or where you want to be.
  • Planning your aging journey is more important than planning a lifetime vacation or even your retirement.

February 20, 2024

12:00 - 1:00pm *

Pleasanton Chamber Meeting Room

777 Peters Avenue

*Feel free to bring a bag lunch

Who should attend: Anyone who has an aging or elderly person in their life.

Presenter: Kati Knox has worked in the Aging and Senior care space for over 30 years and now that she is a senior herself, she is more passionate and more perfectly placed than ever to serve others who are entering the senior care discussion.

Please RSVP to:

Welcome New Members

Congratulations to these members that have recently joined the Chamber

SAS German Auto

Serving Pleasanton since 1984, SAS German Auto offers general service and repairs for German automobiles.

Denica's Real Food Kitchen

Homemade food served daily since 1999. Breakfast served all day. Locations in Dublin, Livermore, Castro Valley, and newest location in Pleasanton.

Alice Larisa Wilms - New York Life

Helping clients understand their options and achieve their goals are what make my job so rewarding. Every client is unique, so together we can develop a personalized approach that meets today's needs and tomorrow's as well.

New Members

Member News

PPIE State of the School District Event

Pleasanton Art League (PAL) Art Show at Museum On Main

Museum Announces 2024 Themes for Preschool Reading Time

Calling All Restaurants: Taste Tri-Valley Restaurant Week 2024

American Legion Post 237 to Host Beer * Brats and Bingo

Much Ado About Pizza made Yelp's Top Places to Eat list

Member News

Pleasanton Chamber Member Survey

Looking for your feedback

Each year, the Chamber conducts an annual survey of members to determine your satisfaction with your membership. This is the same survey each year, which creates a baseline that measures change over time. It is really important that we (Chamber staff and our Board of Directors) clearly understand the needs of our member, how well we are doing in meeting those needs, and how much better (or worse) we are versus years past.

This survey has four sections with 27 total questions, which ask for either a single choice or for ranking choices on a scale. It should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete. The sections are:

  • Why you joined/what you value most
  • How Important vs. How Well
  • Statements of strengths
  • Chamber member demographics

Please take a few minutes to complete this important survey, and make sure you click the "Submit Survey" button at the bottom when finished. Thank you in advance for participating! We appreciate your support for the Chamber and our community. 

Pleasanton Chamber Member Survey

2024 Marketing Opportunities

Impact, Style, Branding, Exposure

Introducing our 2024 Marketing Opportunities. Take a look at our convenient and effective advertising opportunities for you and your business. With options ranging from a one-time print ad to having a regular presence in all of our publications to a banner ad on our online directory or events calendar, we invite you to give consumers the knowledge of what your business is known for. Tell your story, increase your exposure and promote your brand by partnering with the Pleasanton Chamber.

View 2024 Marketing Opportunities

Did you know?

Marketing Report

We are pleased to offer our members a one-page marketing report that includes website traffic, social media engagement and publication circulation numbers. This is available on the marketing opportunities page on our website and is updated monthly.

Did you know...

  • Our website averages more than 30,000 views per month?
  • The Pleasanton Chamber is active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter/X and YouTube?
  • Our emails have a higher open rate than our industry average?
  • Our print newsletter has a reach of 10,000 residences and businesses?
  • We send 48+ Monday Update emails each year?
View 2023 Marketing Report

Circle of Influence

Elite business partners of the Chamber

The Circle of Influence recognizes companies whose continual support has been instrumental in the growth of the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce. In addition to visibility in the Chamber's bi-monthly newsletter, weekly email updates, Business Directory, event programs and on our website, Circle of Influence members receive priority seating at Chamber events and invitations to special members-only receptions.

Circle of Influence members enjoy the convenience of a one-time, all-inclusive transaction that insures representation at Chamber events and in its publications. Through a choice of different levels of financial commitment, benefits packages are tailored to meet individual preferences.

Companies who are committed to the Pleasanton Chamber's goals and objectives are invited to learn about the many benefits you receive as a Circle of Influence member. For more information or to arrange for a visit to discuss the benefits and privileges of membership in the Circle of Influence, call Dawn Wilson at (925) 846-5858 ext. 202 or email

Learn more about the Circle of Influence


The Chamber's print and electronic publications

Our Business Connection newsletter is a bi-monthly printed publication inserted into the Pleasanton Weekly on the first Friday of the odd-numbered months. It features business spotlights on members, a column by the board chair, membership anniversaries, community news, ribbon cuttings and more. 

Business Connection

The Chamber's E-Business Connection is an electronic newsletter sent to the entire membership on the first Tuesday of the even-numbered months. It features a word from our CEO, checking in with our chair, a glimpse into the PYPs, spotlights on members, featured member events, listing of new members, ribbon cuttings and more. 

E-Business Connection

Member Benefits Guide

Printed piece available at our office and online

The Pleasanton Chamber is pleased to present our Member Benefits Guide, a detailed marketing piece that outlines who we are, what we do, your benefits of membership and how we can elevate your presence together through programs, committees and different membership levels.

Member Benefits Guide
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