The #TBCRacialHealingChallenge (RHC) is a social media “challenge” to get us thinking, talking, and sharing about what we are all doing to promote racial healing and learning in our lives and/or communities. Watch our ED, Charmane Higgins, share more about RHC in the video above.
Post a picture or video on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn to share what you're doing to promote healing in your life or community. You can highlight an activity, book, podcast, film, organization, or even a song that’s helping you on your racial healing and learning journey right now.

Hashtag #TBCRacialHealingChallenge, mention @tbconnects, tag a friend, and challenge them to do the same.

Have FUN! You can make your post as creative and whimsical as you'd like, or not. The only limits to this challenge are the ones you choose. Tag 5 people, and feel free to share more than one post.
Anything relevant to what you're sharing. No hard and fast rules here -- be yourself. This is about your racial healing and learning story. If it helps, please feel free to use the following as a guide:

My name is [name] and I'm taking on the TBC Racial Healing Challenge! I am [activity here] to promote racial healing in my life right now. We're learning from each other so, [friend(s) here], I'm calling you in. Join me in sharing what you're doing to promote racial healing in your life right now!
Video example discussing a book and activity involvement.
Music + video based example featuring a song
Photo example featuring a book.
We can't wait to hear / see your story!
Thank you for your enduring commitment to TBC. Please consider a gift to support our programs and carry our healing mission forward.