HOVC Scouter Newsletter | February 3, 2023

Congratulations to Troop 2877's newest Ordeal Candidates for the Order of the Arrow! Join us in congratulating Star Scouts Aaron, Jackson, Brandon, and Donovan, along with their adult leader, Jason Hager.

Hi Heart of Virginia!

2023 Back-At-Camp

Council Camporee!

Scouts across Council in all program branches are invited to join together for a fun and memorable weekend at our Goochland Scout Reservation the weekend of April 21st through 23rd! As part of this Camporee experience, we encourage units to play up their uniqueness throughout the weekend. Visit the link below to view the Participant Guide and register!

[Let's Get Back-At-Camp!]

Eagle Commencement, February 19th, 2023

The 2022 Eagle Commencement is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 19th, 2023, and ALL SCOUTS are invited. Join us at Randolph-Macon's Blackwell Auditorium from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. We're welcoming Life Scouts to join our Honor Guard and invite attendees to register for an hour-long tour of the campus beginning at 1:30pm.

[Learn More]

2023 Summer Camp Survey

Cub Scout families who attended 2022 Summer Camp at Cub Adventure Camp, we invite you to complete the brief 10-question survey to help us provide the best Summer Camp program for your Cub Scouts in 2023!

[Take the Survey]

2023 Winter Camp Survey

Did you chill out with us at Camp T. Brady Saunders for 2023 Winter Camp? We would truly appreciate if you took a few minutes out of your day to provide us with some feedback that we hope will make your 2024 experience even better!

A brief survey is open using the link below.

[Take the Survey]

Last Call for 2022 Eagle Scout Messages

We're excited to celebrate the accomplishments of our 2022 Class of Eagles at our February 19th Eagle Scout Commencement. If you'd like to congratulate your Scout with a special photo and message in our program, please use the link below to purchase a congratulatory ad for only $50. This is a special keepsake and an opportunity to give your Scout the shout-out they deserve! Sponsorship opportunities are also available! These include ad space.

[Celebrate My 2022 Eagle Scout]

“I'll never have enough time to paint all the pictures I'd like to.

- Norman Rockwell, born this day in 1894

An iconic American artist, Norman Rockwell famously created

65 Boy Scouts of America paintings.

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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