Waterville UMC Ambassador

Attention All Men!!

Men’s Bible Study Group


The Men’s Bible Study Group will be meeting weekly on

Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm.

They will be meeting here at the church.


There is no need to register ahead, you can just show up!

Join us for this multi-generational, interactive event. The imposition of Ashes and/or self-guided prayer stations offer an opportunity to prepare your heart and mind for the season of Lent.


Experience Ash Wednesday at your own time and pace.

This is a great experience for the entire family!


Wednesday, February 14th


The Lent Experience Bible Study

Tuesday nights 7pm beginning February 20th in the sanctuary

Join Pastor Teresa as we explore what “Lent” is and get a better understanding why we do certain things during this season ... so whether you’re a veteran of observing Lent or a rookie who is jumping in for the first time... come join us.

Sign up by Feb 14th in the Gathering Place

Pray on the Way, a prayer hour open to the community, will kick off from

5:30-6:30 February 27 in the sanctuary. The church will be open to members and the public for prayer, meditation and praise. Soft music and prayer suggestion sheets will be provided. No spoken message will be shared. Pray on the Way will occur the last Tuesday of each month. Come for five minutes or the whole hour. God will be listening.

Theatre for the World, a ministry of Waterville United Methodist Church, is on the stage again! They will be presenting a Lenten drama titled "Given For You" on March 27th and 28th. This will be a different perspective on the traditional story of the events of Maundy Thursday. You will get a peek at the women who prepared the meal and their thoughts about Jesus. Then, you will be taken to the Upper Room as depicted in The Last Supper painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Each of the disciples comes alive, giving an insight into their character and pondering which of them will be the one to betray Jesus.


The performances will start at 7:00 pm both nights and include the partaking of

communion. There is no charge for the production, but monetary donations will be

welcomed to benefit both the AW Food Pantry and the AW Community Food Ministry.

Youth Alive February Schedule

Feb 4th: No Gathering

Feb 11th: Lunch after church at La Banda

Feb 17th: Feed My Starving Children Event at UT (11-2pm)

Feb 25th: 6-7:30 at Church


All 7-12th grade kids are welcome to join in on the fun!

Keep up to date on all things Youth Alive by following the Youth Alive Facebook page!

Visit Youth Alive on Facebook

WUMC Chair Yoga & Light Weight Strength Class for Seniors


If you’re looking for an opportunity to increase your flexibility and range of motion, change up your routine, or just get some additional mental clarity, this is the class for you!


Join us on Wednesdays at 2:00pm

The cost is $12 per month or $3 per session.


Missions Committee Focus for February:

The Heifer Project

This month’s mission opportunity is Heifer International, an organization whose goal is to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way. For over 75 years, this organization

has helped nearly 37 million families build farming businesses to support their families. Cows, goats, chickens and seeds can provide nutritious milk, meat, eggs, food and so much more.


Heifer International takes a multi-faceted approach to serve families. They provide training on proper animal care and connect farmers to resources and support. Assistance is also provided in selling their goods. And finally, families are encouraged to “pay it forward” by passing along knowledge and gifts to others in the community. Our donations to Heifer International can help create sustainable solutions to remedy the never-ending cycle of poverty.


At WUMC, our February goal is to provide a Dream Basket (or maybe two baskets)

through donations to Heifer International. A $120 “basket” includes a sheep, heifer,

goat, rabbits, and a flock of chickens, along with training and education. 


Your contribution to this worthwhile effort is appreciated!

February Focus:

Fashion Accessories

Guide to Operation Christmas Child Year-Round Shoebox Shopping, Packing, & Tips

Savvy shoebox packers know that it’s never too early to start shopping, packing, personalizing, and fundraising for shoebox gifts. By preparing shoebox gifts all year long, you can send the Good News of Jesus Christ and the great joy of receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox to more boys and girls around the world! Use this year-round guide to maximize your impact for the Gospel
OCC Year-Round Shopping List

January Attendance

January 7th: 185

January 14th: 134

January 21st: 165

January 28th: 155

February Card Ministry Liaison is Anna Banachowski

Please reach out to her at

if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.

Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.

Happy Birthday!

(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)

Jeff Monroe February 1

Rebekah Deardurff February 2

Kyle Galton February 2

Shirle Johnson February 5

Art Meade February 5

Brooklyn McMillan February 6

Clay Studer February 6

Mary Ann McVicker February 7

John Rose February 8

Dee Vasko February 9

Olga Topuzova-Meade February 11

James Caldwell February 13

Gabirel Fournier February 13

Bob Hires, Jr. February 13

Susan Deardurff February 21

Doug Lynch February 24

Frank Lipinski February 26

Brian McMillan February 27

Eva Marie Suchocki February 29

Click here to see the daily Bible readings!

If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or .

Office hours are typically Tuesday through Friday, 9am - 2pm. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645, or email if you need to visit the office.

Praises to the Lord!

10:30 AM

Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:

  • In Sanctuary
  • Live Stream via You Tube at
  • Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at

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