May 2021
4-H Newsletter
May You Grow With 4-H !
We have the details and save-the-dates
you'll need to make a plan for 4-H fun and learning!
Coming up!
4-H Mighty Monday:
Bento Bonanza

In this workshop, youth will learn simple recipes and cutting techniques to create their own bento lunch box—a unique work of edible art! Participants will also learn about the role of various types of bento in Japanese culture, fun Japanese food facts, and practice how to hold chopsticks!

For this event, youth are invited to participate either in person at Wegman Lodge in Seneca Park or virtually. If you would like to participate virtually, kits will be available for pick-up at the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe County Office (2449 St, Paul Blvd, Rochester NY 14617).

Participants will receive:
-A reusable lunch container & chopsticks to use again and again!
-Decorative, reusable food picks and vegetable cutters to decorate their bento boxes
-Rice & Furikake Seasoning Packet

To follow COVID-19 protocols and allow for youth choice, participants are asked to provide the other food ingredients to create their box. More details will be sent upon registration, but will include a few types of veggies, fruit, and protein. The beauty of bento is that you can easily incorporate what you have on hand at home!

This event is open to youth of all ages and you do not need to be an enrolled 4-H member to participate.

There will be a supply fee of $15 for participating youth.

The workshop will be limited to the first 18 registrants that sign up. Please register by Wednesday, May 5th.

Please contact Lori with questions.
4-H Public Presentations
Thursday, May 13, 6pm
Friday, May 14, 6pm
Saturday, May 15, 10am

Monroe County 4-H Public Presentations are coming in May! They will be followed by the Finger Lakes District 4-H Public Presentations in June!

The public presentations program is one of 4-H's most beneficial and rewarding experiences. It is one of the experiences most often credited by 4-H Alumni as having given them an edge in both college and professional careers. It provides a unique opportunity to develop a positive self concept and poise, gain self confidence before a group, learn to express ideas clearly, respond spontaneously to questions, and gain subject matter knowledge. Through a progressive series of communication activities, youth learn to express themselves and their ideas.
Please choose on the registration form if you will present virtually or in-person and which day you prefer to present. There will be maximum participation numbers due to Covid-19 restrictions and the space that we have available to conduct this experience in a safe way.

Register here.
Forestry Weekend
Contact Susan by May 3rd to register for Forestry Weekend
Career Explorations

Dates: June 17 - July 1, 2021 
Location: at home and online 
Open to youth ages 13 – 19. Youth can pick their own career exploration path (Generalize or Specialize), regardless of age. 
Specialize: dive deep into one career pathway with a series of activities 
Generalize: Explore multiple paths with several different activities 
Cost: $50 per youth (no cost to adults). Some scholarships will be available. 
Registration: Opens April 26, closes May 14  
Youth will be asked to register along with an adult mentor (could be a 4-H Educator, Volunteer, or a family member).  

Contact Susan ASAP or by Wednesday, May 12th to register.
Home Food Preservation Day
Saturday, May 1, 2021, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe County (CCE-Monroe) will host their 1st annual Home Food Preservation Day! To be held at the CCE-Monroe location 2449 Saint Paul Blvd, ¼ mile north of the Seneca Park Zoo entrance, this outdoor event will feature a canning supply sale, pressure gauge testing, and on-hand canning experts. The CCE-Monroe team will be on site to provide U-Pick information, gardening tips, healthy recipes, and maybe even some thimbleberry cuttings. 

More information is available here.

Outdoor Adventures Weekend

Save the dates! Outdoor Adventures Weekend will be held on September 10th-12th for youth ages 10 and up. If you like to participate in activities like hiking, outdoor cooking, bird identification, fishing, archery, and other outdoor pursuits, this will be the weekend for you. This event will be held at 4-H Camp Bristol Hills near Canandaigua, NY.

Help to choose a theme for the weekend. Please complete the survey at this link to share your thoughts.
Young Coders 4-H Club

Youth will learn more about coding, create their own games, and build upon their skills in this six-session series of virtual workshops with New York State 4-H Computer Specialist, Kat Leo. 
Participants should have some previous experience coding and familiarity with using Scratch.
The club will meet the twice a month from May through July. (5/11, 5/25, 6/8, 6/22, 7/6, and 7/20). Please register by Friday, May 7th.

Click here for more information or to register.
Arbor Day

Join us at the Arbor Day Celebration on Friday, April 30th! 4-H members will be reading poems and essays, art work will be on display.

Contact Susan to learn more.

Genesee County Fur & Feather 4 H Club
Rabbit and Cavy Youth Show
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Genesee County Fairgrounds
5056 East Main Street Road, Batavia, NY 14020
-Merton Building-

Contact Susan for full registration details which are due May 7th.

2021 Tractor Supply Paper Clover
Spring - April 28 – May 10
Fall - October 6 – October 17
Art From Your Heart

Club News and Special Activities
Region 2 Hippology
Virtual Event

The term “Hippology” comes from the Greek “hippo”, meaning horse, and “ology”, meaning “the study of”. The primary objective of the Region 2 4-H Hippology contest is to provide an opportunity for youth participating in 4-H to demonstrate their knowledge of and reasoning ability in equine science and management in a friendly event setting. 

Horse loving Monroe County 4-H members were part of the Virtual Region 2 Hippology Event in April and the results are in! Great job to all!

Senior Division:
Rose Lanzatella 8th place
Ava Ciravola 11th place

Junior Division:
Molly Krotz 1st place
Adeline Whilden 6th place
Brianna Tindall 13th place

Novice Division:
Azalea Winburn 3rd place

Do you think you would like to try out Hippology sometime?
Practice exams can be found here:
We Were Jamming!
Thank you to Master Food Preserver, Michele Conners, for facilitating a 4-H Jam Workshop. 4-H members had the opportunity to create blueberry jam alongside Michele and the results were delicious!
It Was Magical!
We had so much fun with John from TrickyBiz at our Magic Workshop in April. Magic is so many things like science, math, art, and fun!
Public Health Concerns

Opioid Crisis and the Pandemic

           Covid has changed many of our lives, some for the worse, unfortunately. The pandemic has worsened the situation of those that are struggling with substance abuse. According to Professor Marissa King from Yale, more people have died from opioid overdoses during COVID than ever before. The deaths have increased by almost 20% since the pandemic first started (King, 2021). According to King, the known risk factors, social isolation, stress, and unemployment are all reasons for relapse.
           Social support groups that once could be attended by anyone, have been interrupted. People have not been able to attend due to the lack of proper technological devices and/or internet service. COVID has disrupted the opioid supply chain making illegally manufactured fentanyl more prevalent, this is more deadly. According the CDC illegally manufactured fentanyl has increased overdose deaths by 38.4% (Overdose deaths, Dec. 18, 2020).
           In Monroe County the number of reported overdoses was lower than 2019, but the fatality rate was higher. For comparison, 2019 had 839 reported, and 127 which were fata. In 2020, 726 were reported, but 137 were fatal (2020 sees overall, Jan. 4, 2021). The reported numbers of the overdoses may have been lower, but there could be many more unreported overdoses that need to be considered.
           There are many ways that we can offer help, learning about Naloxone is one of them. Naloxone is a life saving medication that can reverse the effects of opioid overdose. If you know someone that uses a substance and has not been able to get the help they need, carrying naloxone and learning how to use it may just save their lives. Here is a webpage by harm reduction that can guide you on a step-by-step process. Harm Reduction is an organization that are advocates and ally for people who use drugs.
           Other ways to help are by donating to this national program, Overdose Lifeline. Your donation can get a naloxone kit, support a group session, or support a youth prevention program for one school. The organizations main goal is to help individual, families, and communities affected by addiction. A local organization you can donate to is Hope Dealers BTC INC. The organizations main purpose is to provide support to anyone affected by substance use through outreach, community cleanup and education. Any amount of donation is effective in pushing change in the right direction.
 2020 sees overall drop in opioid overdoses from 2019, slight uptick in fatalities. (2021, January 04). Retrieved March 25, 2021, from
King, M. D. (2021, March 25). How COVID has worsened the opioid epidemic. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from
Overdose deaths accelerating during covid-19. (2020, December 18). Retrieved March 25, 2021, from