For Immediate Release: 5/15/23

Contact Director of Advancement: Alexina Jones |

Student Highlights at Bennington Museum

This past month, Bennington Museum recognized two exceptional high school students from the Southern Vermont tier for their interest and academic pursuits in the subject of History.

Vermont History Day

On Saturday, April 8, the Vermont Historical Society presented Bennington Museum's $250 Southshire Award to senior Josephine Monder (Josie) from Long Trail School. Of of the 220 students who participated in this competition, her excellent paper, “A New Experience: The Public and the Vietnam War” was inspired by the Vermont History Day theme, "Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas".

"We hope that this award will encourage Josie to further explore the historical topics in future academic studies, and to share her interests and findings with friends and colleagues. We are proud that this young historian from Southern Vermont has done such great work in contextualizing this pivotal conflict and connecting events of the past to the present day."

~Consie West, Board Chair, Bennington Museum

The Curatorial Internship

Bennington Museum is pleased to introduce the recipient of the curatorial internship position this summer: Thomas Scheetz. Thomas will be a senior at Mount Anthony Union High School next fall. At school, he is a member of the student senate and the National Honor Society, and runs on the cross-country team in the fall, and on the indoor and outdoor track teams in the winter and spring. Last semester, through his Community-based Learning class, He had the privilege of interning at the Bennington Town Offices, creating PDFs to map out local cemeteries. Outside of school, he enjoys baking, running, biking, and researching the history of his old house and the other old houses around it.

We asked Thomas to tell us a little bit about why he was interested in working at Bennington Museum:

"My deep interest in the rich and sometimes little-known history of our area led me to apply for this position. Years ago, I began researching the history of my old house, built in the early 1800s originally as an outbuilding on Sen. Jonathan E. Robinson's State Arms property, after my father showed me a 1920s Griswold postcard of the place back when it was a B&B hotel called the Wentworth Arms. I never stopped researching. Once I had ascertained the history of my own house, I moved on to the others surrounding it, and then the others surrounding those. Now I am working on compiling a thorough house-by-house, parcel-by-parcel, building-by-building history of my Village, Old Bennington."

(See Thomas' work in progress HERE.)

"It's a real shame how few people know the details of our area's history. Everybody knows about the Battle, but how many people know that the Breckenridge Farm, birthplace of Vermont, is still standing today on Murphy Road, and how many people know what happened there? Everybody knows about Robert Frost and his connection to our area, but how many people know that Anne Lynch Botta, the American equivalent of Gertrude Stein, was born in Bennington at a site very near the Monument, and how many people know that famous author John Spargo made Bennington his home for more than fifty years? How many people know that Vermont's first and last public hangings were both in Bennington? How many people know that the Rockefellers once owned a summer home in Bennington? How many people know the story of Anthony Haswell? How many people know that William Lloyd Garrison edited his first newspaper in Bennington?

I'm very excited to be interning at the Museum this summer, helping to make all this interesting stuff more accessible to the public and more widely-known!"


The Curatorial Internship provides paid summer learning opportunities for Southern Vermont Supervisory Union and Southwest Tech students. It is supported by a growing internship endowment fund.

"We are thrilled to offer this opportunity as it creates a singular and valuable career pathway in the non-profit sector for the young people in our community and aids in the operation of the museum during our busiest season." ~Martin Mahoney, Executive Director, Bennington Museum
