This week at Unity of Lehigh Valley ~ Wednesday, February 7, 2024



A Message From Rev. Ron ~

Dear ULV Family and Friends,

As I look out into the world, and consider how I am meant to show up, I often sense a question rising up from within (from Higher Self, God, Divine Mind, Presence), What would Love do? 

And then, the clarifying questions follow ~

  • How can I, more authentically, show up as a loving Presence?
  • How can I live at cause rather than effect?
  • How can I live in response rather than reaction mode?
  • What would the Love that I AM do in each now moment, to be the change I wish to see?

Big questions with not always clear answers . . . That said, a simple response to the world, might be the spiritual practice of blessing, which is the focus of our upcoming 7-week book study of the book, The Gentle Art of Blessing, by Pierre Pradervand, beginning the week of February 25. More information is available in the email below.

From the book introduction ~

How can a blessing change the world? According to the author, making the conscious choice to bless every person or being around you can truly make a difference in yourself and in others around you, with the potential to shift one’s attitude from confrontation and negativity to acceptance and enthusiasm . . . blessings can reflect the unconditional love and acceptance that is necessary for world – and inner – peace.

Please see more information about the book study below, and consider joining us as we consider how we are called to be a blessing to the world.

And my blessing for you, based on today’s Daily Word – Grace ~

May you know that God’s grace flows to you and through you.


Rev. Ron

Communion with God

This week we continue our series on Unity's Five Principles with a look at Principle Four ~ Prayer as the highest form of mind-action.

Prayer, at its best, is not so much a seeking as becoming aware of our oneness with God. Prayers manifest from the inside-out, rather than the outside-in.

This Sunday, we invite you to attend in person or stay home and connect with us at 10 AM through the Livestream that we'll broadcast on two different platforms:

 1. Facebook. (for those that desire a deep sense of connection with an even more interactive experience).

2. Our Website Livestream page (view only and no interaction with fellow online attendees or moderators). 

Have you heard Spirit's Call to Sacred Service?

Serving on the Board of Trustees is a great way to be meaningfully engaged in the life and mission of Unity of Lehigh Valley, and it is an opportunity to develop strong relationships with fellow Board members, Staff and the broader community.

In the coming weeks, the Trustee Nominating Team will interview candidates for the one Trustee position whose term begins at the February 2024 Annual Membership Meeting of the congregation.

Trustees serve three-year terms and you will find Board service most rewarding and engaging if you have skills, experience and/or a passion for some or all of the following:

• Leadership and strategic planning

• Relationship building and organizational development

• Government (especially Policy Governance)

• Unity's Mission and Vision

• Financial management and fundraising

Serving on the Board is an important and impactful way to live out your values while helping to maintain and grow a strong organizational foundation that can support and sustain this vibrant community.

You may register on the Classes & Events page on our website or on the sign-up sheet in our sanctuary. With any related questions, please reach out to

In particular, we need a clean-up crew for the 2nd and 4th Sundays.

If you feel led to serve in this position, please reach out to Alisha Willis at

If you are looking for a simple and meaningful way to be of service . . .

We are looking for volunteers to read the Daily Word, which is a important part of our Sunday service.

If you would like to volunteer, please add your name to the signup sheet in the back of the sanctuary.


Unity of Lehigh Valley is actively searching for a new Music Director

The Music Director is responsible for creating and leading an inspiring music ministry for Unity of Lehigh Valley. The Music Director is charged with developing & growing the music program in partnership and close consultation with the Senior Minister and other team members, consistent with the Unity of Lehigh Valley Mission, Vision, and Core Values.

To apply, please email your resume, questionnaire responses, and a YouTube audition link with the subject “Music Director” to If you have questions, please include those in your email.

 Job Description & Questionnaire attached.

January 31st, 2024 - February 6th, 2024

Offerings Received = $ 1,500.00

Required for Expenses = $1,904.00

Variance for week =(-$404.00)

Click Here To Donate Online

Unity of Lehigh Valley is a tithing church and we tithe to six different community organizations each year.


If you are involved in a community organization you would like to recommend as a tithe recipient, please notify any Board Member.

ULV's Core Value for February is Love.

"We see the beauty in each one and in all"

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Unity of Lehigh Valley
26 N Third Street, Emmaus, PA 18049