Expropriation and Zoning Act for Golf Courses

The Montreal Metropolitan Community (CMM) adopted an interim by-law on June 16, 2022, that would curb potential development on golf courses that could be converted into green spaces or nature parks in the future.

On August 23, NGCOA Canada held an information session regarding this topic and the potential financial harm this could have for golf course owners. The session was extremely informative for the over 50 courses that attended. There was lots of discussion and proposed next steps.

To view the information presented at the session as well as a recording of the meeting, please click on the buttons below. Note: information is available in French only.



  1. Fair compensation at market value in the event of Expropriation.
  2. The right to sell your land in whole or in part at market value. The new law on the Right of Pre-emption of cities touches on this point. 


  • Hire a Government and Public Relations Firm: The Government and Public Relations firm, Impact Public Affairs, will establish contact at the different political levels and parties in order to obtain an audience and inform them of our concerns with the goal of pushing government authorities towards a position of flexibility and understanding, prevent the proliferation of decrees and regulations that prevent landowners from contributing to the discussion on the future of their land, introduce the question of interim controls and disguised expropriations into the public debate, and to educate elected officials about the danger of making drastic changes to the Expropriation Act. 

  • Hire a Law Firm: The role of the legal firm will be to conduct an analysis, including discussions with lawyers from other Canadian jurisdictions, on the reform of the law on expropriation and more specifically on the compensable "market value". The legal adviser will be constantly involved in our public relations strategy and will require many exchanges and meetings. For example, authorizing the content of messages and responding to those, legal or urbanistic, replies as well as being a media representative.

Next Steps

The National Golf Course Owners Association Canada supports this initiative financially, but it must be a joint effort between the NGCOA Canada and the golf courses we are trying to protect.

We are requesting Quebec golf courses to make a small contribution to support this initiative and to help move the issue forward. 

  1. 9-Hole Facility: $1,000
  2. 18-Hole Facility: $2,000
  3. 27+ Hole Facility: $3,000

To make your contribution today, please click here.

Thank you for your continued support of the NGCOA Canada. For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact David Bérubé at 866-626-4262 extension 35.

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