KID Auxiliary February Newsletter
You are invited to spread love and Valentine's cheer!
Our campus Valentine's Party includes arts and crafts and hands on gardening activities where KID children will learn about different veggies and taste yummy foods. In addition, we have Inside Out Theater Company as our special guest. The actors will sing along Valentines' ballads with the KID children and coordinate a surprise activity.
Details and RSVP Below.
KID Auxiliary February Meeting and Cookie Exchange
Join us for a sweet evening of cookies and fun!

Bring Cookies: each guest should bring 1-2 dozen cookies for sharing and tasting (homemade or from your favorite store).

Share Recipes: Do not forget to bring copies of your cookie recipe to share.

Packaging: Boxes will be provided for you to take home a variety
of delicious treats.

Enjoy: We will have appetizers, dinner and drinks, a cookie tasting, and lots of fun!
We need your help tagging Ducks...

The ducks are coming!! 

Help KID get their “ducks in a row” by getting the rubber ducks and ready to race! We are looking for volunteers to help tag 40,000 rubber ducks for the 18th Annual Duck Fest Derby presented by JM Family Enterprises, Inc. 

Details as follows:
When: Saturday, February 24
Where: Suddath - 1900 SW 43rd Terrace Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Call Time: 9 am
Safety Chat: 9:30 am
Duck Tagging: 9:40 am – 1 pm (most likely)
KID HERO 5K RUN/WALK was a HUGE success.
Thank you to all who participated.
KHK Poster Making Workshop
KIDS Pre-School Activities @ Wilton Manors
After almost a year, we finally resumed the KID Pre-School activities at the Wilton Manors campus. A Special thank you to all the wonderful Auxiliary members: Teca, Danielle, Camila and Gabriela who are helping us on this beautiful project! On the 31st, they talked about our hearts and our emotions with the Pre-K children. To start they coordinated a gentle yoga warm-up and then they read a book that explored different feelings, followed by an activity where the kids colored and decorated their hearts based on their emotions. The theme of the day was "no matter how we feel, our hearts are always beautiful!".
KID Auxiliary Board Members

Presidential Advisor

VP of Membership

VP of Kids Helping Kids

VP of Kids Helping Kids

Recording Secretary

Recording Secretary



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