Dear Middle School Parents,

We invite you to join Principal Graham and Assistant Principal Mavity for the next MS principal's coffee chat on Tuesday, March 8. We will be joined by Garson Long, a junior at LNC HS, and we will be discussing the upcoming student registration for the 2022-2023 school year.

The chat begins at 8:15am in the MS community room and parents are encouraged to attend in person. Thank you to our PTO for providing refreshments! If you wish to watch in real time, once the coffee chat begins we will share the link on the Schoology group LNC2MSP. If you have not yet joined this group, the code to join is 2MB34-KX3ZB. After the chat is over, you can access the archived versions any time at your convenience using a link we will post on Schoology group LNC2MSP and in a folder in the LNC2MSP Resources.

If you have a question for one of our administrators or Dr. Danielle Graham, please use this link to submit it by noon on Monday, March 7. 
Together we learn, lead and serve.
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Lake Norman Charter School - 704-948-8600