1st United Methodist Church Weekly Update - January 7, 2022
This Sunday: January 9, 2022
Message: "Living in the Spirit"
Pastor Mike Loomis
Town Hall Meeting
Mark your calendar for 2 Town Hall meeting opportunities - Sunday, January 9 or 16 at 2pm - 3:30pm in the Sanctuary. Join Pastor Mike for a short presentation and discussion on the future of the United Methodist Church.
Twelve Months of Christmas
The "Twelve Months of Christmas" Operation Christmas Child begins today! To prepare for our November 2022 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party, we will be collecting different items each month beginning this month! Please drop off your donations in the Operation Christmas Child collection box located in Lenox Hall. January: children's toothbrushes, combs, hairbrushes, hair accessories. (new & unused only, please) Thank you for your support!
Receive Texts from 1st Church
1st Church Family... We are trying to improve our communication within the congregation and also looking for a way to keep everyone seeking devotionals each day. If you would like to receive daily devotionals from 1st Church or receive important communications, please sign up by calling the church office 941-639-3842. This will allow us to text you these messages and make it easy for you to receive them.
Supernatural, Begins January 11
Supernatural by Carolyn Moore officiated by Pastor Mike will begin January 11th in the Life Center

There’s no substitute for the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Maybe you’ve grown dissatisfied with the weak distractions offered both by our culture and, oftentimes, our churches. When it all sinks in, spirituality and ministry without the Holy Spirit is hollow.

Join Carolyn Moore in rediscovering the supernatural! With a biblical basis and practical application, you’ll learn how to work alongside the Spirit, and you’ll become watchful for the powerful in-breakings of God’s kingdom all around you.

Moore takes us through Luke 9, examining Jesus’ commission to his disciples to cast out demons, cure diseases, proclaim the kingdom, and heal the sick. With down-to-earth language, she unpacks tricky topics, including:

  • Praying for healing
  • Experiencing miracles
  • Encountering demons
  • Sighting moments of glory
  • Fighting unholy hesitation

With a journaling prompt after each of the forty readings, you’ll process what God’s supernatural ministry looks like for your life, and maybe even experience a spiritual awakening. Before you know it, you might just start to see the Spirit break in around you, advancing the deep wholeness that only God’s kingdom can bring.

The cost of the Supernatural book is $15. Sign up for Supernatural HERE.
A Leap of Faith, January 22
In 2022 we will be having a special event on campus. It’s being presented by Alpha on Saturday, January 22nd and called "A LEAP OF FAITH." How long have you wanted to be a witness for Jesus Christ? Pastor Mike’s messages these past few weeks have been calling us to this important step forward.  It can be a very uncomfortable moment… what do I say? 
Here’s an opportunity to learn the do’s and don’ts of witnessing

This will be a morning session on the steps to witnessing for Jesus to an individual or group. This is an opportunity to join with your fellow Christians and taking a leap of faith. Mark your calendar now… Saturday, January 22, 2022 from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm.

Myrt Creigh
Today Matters
1st Steps Class, January 15
Whether you are new to 1st Church or you have been a part of our family for years, you are invited to join us Saturday, January 15, 2022 from 10 am - 12 pm in Lenox Hall for our 1st Steps Class.

The 1st Steps class is in preparation of joining 1st United Methodist Church, Punta Gorda or to just learn about us and our core beliefs, vision and opportunities to join our small groups, bible studies and ministries. I welcome your interest and would love for you to be part of this group.

Please call the Gail in the office, (941) 639-3842, or email Kathy at admin@whatis1st.com by January 13 to let them know you are interested in joining in the fun. See you there!
Donate Blood, January 16
Mark your calendars and plan to donate blood before or after worship on Sunday, January 16, 8:30am - 1:30pm.

All donors will receive a $10 eGift Card, a OneBlood long sleeve t-shirt and a Chick-fil-A gift card! Plus a wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count, pulse and cholesterol screening!

Appointments are encouraged - make your appointment HERE. (sponsor code #10245) Thank you!
A Word from Worship
Happy 2022 everyone--
I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to begin a new year. When you have chronic illnesses, each new day brings gratitude. I have been repeatedly blessed by this church family when I've been in need of prayer, as I was over the New Year holiday. I thank you again for the incredible love and support I received during this latest infection. 
We will be meeting to discuss concerns many of you have voiced re the increase in Covid cases. Currently we are encouraging social distancing, and masks if you have concerns. Of course, if you're not feeling well, please stay home and loin us for worship on line.
Be sure and check the Bridge for upcoming events. 
I'd like to share the testimony of others, so here's a couple of examples.:
I received a note from a new member of our Thursday prayer group. She had never been to our church, but stopped by one week when she heard about the prayer group. She was introduced to our prayer room and has been a faithful visitor ever since. Her message: "Before Covid, it would never had occurred to me how difficult it would be to find one spot, one hour, one little place in time where it would be safe, caring, and non-judgmental. You (1st Church) did it!"

Another testimony, from Dick Brewer:
Ruth and I flew back to Michigan on Allegiant Airlines from Punta Gorda last week to be with our kids and grandkids for Christmas. We had a God Sighting on our return flight yesterday. 

Our flight was completely full and as the boarding process was being completed, a flight attendant began her welcoming announcement. We all have heard these announcements before, so most of the passengers were not paying any attention. She began by saying, “Good morning and welcome to Flight 2022.” We were on Flight 1728, not Flight 2022. She went on to say, “We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Positive Attitude and Gratitude are secured and locked in the upright position.” That got everyone's attention! It got amazingly quiet on the plane.

The flight attendant went on to say "All self-destruct devices: pity, anger, selfishness, pride, and resentment should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away. Should you lose your Positive Attitude under pressure during this flight, reach up and pull down a prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your Faith is activated, you can assist other passengers who are of little faith. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. God, our Captain, has cleared us for take-off.  Destination - GREATNESS! Wishing you a New Year filled with new HOPE, new JOY and new BEGINNINGS! Stay Blessed! And welcome to 2022.”

Applause and cheers broke out after she finished and there was a sense of peace and joy during that 2 1/2 hour flight. There was none of the usual arguing, complaining, fussing about face masks, etc. Just a wonderful trip home.

When the flight attendant came by with our beverage service, Ruth and I thanked her for her “Welcoming,” and we asked if there was any way that we could get a copy. She said, sure, and that she had it on her phone and would bring it by later so we could take a picture of it. A few minutes later she returned, and we took the picture. (Download HERE) She said that her mother-in-law emailed it to her on Christmas. Over the course of the flight she stopped by to talk with us 3 more times. We learned:

1. Her name is Jessica Kenworthy-Kortbein. She and the entire flight crew live in Punta Gorda. She and her husband live near the airport on a small farm. They have lived here for six years. He’s a builder. They are from Wisconsin.

2. Our flight was just the second time she had read this “Welcome" to the passengers. The first time was that morning as they flew from Punta Gorda to Flint, Michigan. She said that she had a similar reaction from the passengers on that flight, with thank you’s, applause and cheers. She said that one of the passengers came up to her and “Prophesied”, saying that she would receive many blessings in 2022. She intends to continue to read this “Welcome, and if she is told to stop, she will continue and it would be worth it even if she is fired. We asked if we could share her “Welcome” with our friends and our Church. She said “certainly” and asked us to also share our feeling about this with Allegiant Airlines, which we will do as part of their passenger survey.

3. We told Jessica that we are members of 1st Church. She attends New Day. We gave her one of the two pocket-size Prayer Cloths that Elise Gowan had made for us just before we left on our trip. Thank you, Elise for that thoughtful gift! We told Jessica to give the Prayer Cloth to her mother-in-law if she wants to, or keep it for herself. She was very appreciative of this gift.

4. We invited Jessica to join us on Tuesday evening, January 11th, in the Life Center to participate in our “Supernatural" study. She seemed very interested in attending. We have her contact Information and will follow-up with her.

God Bless, Dick and Ruth Brewer

Please continue to share your stories and I'll try to include them. It is amazing that no matter what chaos is going on around us, the sanctuary and/or prayer room offers a sense of peace and calm. Philippians 4:6 tells us- : Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.

I'm praying for you!

Rosie Young
Worship Coordinator
Discipleship Opportunities
View a complete list of groups at 1st Church HERE
Beth Moore Study - Cancelled
We are very sorry to announce that the Beth Moore Bible Study to begin the 13th has been canceled due to Covid and other considerations. We will try to have a couple of single showings in the coming months. Beth has singles out which can be viewed and discussed on one day. They will be announced.  

Thank you for your faithfulness and understanding with this.  

Hopefully next year it will be possible to again share this Bible Study with you.  

Karen Grant and leaders
Shatter the Strongholds - Begins January 24
Change Your Perspective About The Strongholds In Your Life
  • Control (Get clear on what the difference is between control and surrender)
  • Insecurity (How the assurance of our identity in Jesus combats feelings of insecurity)
  • Comparison (Learn what Jesus really says about comparing ourselves to each other)
  • Jealousy (Understand which kind of jealousy you are experiencing)
  • Abandonment (How to lean in on His promises)
  • People-Pleasing (What it really means to choose fearing God over fearing man)
  • Self-Condemnation (What to do about misplaced guilt and shame)
  • Rebellion (Reframe your life with this compelling perspective)
  • Fear (How to stop letting circumstances steal your peace)
  • Bitterness (Learn how to address anger and unforgiveness to avoid bitterness)

Jesus cares about the broken, the lost, the misunderstood, and those who are hurting. This Jesus has run after us both when we ourselves have sinned and "missed the mark." Whether you realize it yet or not, he is running after you too.

Everyone has strongholds in their lives. We don’t know why for some, they seem to face a lifelong battle with their stronghold, and in the end, it takes them down. For others, their struggle is just a season, and they come out of their battle having triumphantly overcome.

Our prayer is that, more than anything, you discover these three things:

Scripture is clear that in Christ, there is no condemnation. He is not shocked by your struggles and shortcomings. He wants nothing more than to be with you while you shatter the strongholds in your life. When we understand these truths, victory is found.

Join us as we share our hearts about the Jesus we know. Lock arms with us as we enter the arena, alongside our greatest advocate and warrior. He is ready to empower us to fight our battles.

If you would like to participate in this wonderful journey, please join us on Monday, January 24th in Room 13 from 1:00 to 2:00 each Monday for 10 weeks. The cost of the book is $20. Please contact Kathy Butgereit at kathy@whatis1st.com or 941-639-3842 to register.  
Harmony Bible Class
The Harmony Bible Class will begin a new 10-week study on Sunday, January 2nd, "Where Do We Go From Here?" (How Tomorrow's Prophecies Foreshadow Today's Problems) by Dr. David Jeremiah. In this study, Dr. Jeremiah takes us on a tour of today's major issues, showing us where we are, what they mean, and what we should do now.  We will look at ten major issues, threading our way through the problems Jesus predicted- and finding the solutions Jesus endorsed. Even as the world collapses, the Lord is building His Church. We can say something, do something, pray something, preach something, and live by the convictions of Christ. All are welcome to join us at 10:30 January 2nd in Lenox Hall.  Study outlines will be provided. Books can be purchased online but are not required. If you are currently not a regular member of the Harmony Class, please call Debbie Harrington 941.380.0213. to reserve your seat!
Discovery Bible Study
The Discovery Bible Study will begin a new study, "The Truth Project" on January 17, 2022. Discovery Bible Study meets on Mondays from 10-11:30 am in Room 13.

"The Truth Project is a ground-breaking small group curriculum on the Biblical worldview. This video-based Bible study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Join Dr. Del Tackett, as he takes you through 13 engaging video lessons on the relevance and importance of living the Biblical worldview in daily life, featuring insights from biblical experts like R.C. Sproul, Os Guinness and Gordon Pennington."
Men of Faith
A gathering of men who seek a more complete Christian understanding of the teaching of Jesus. Men of Faith meet in Lenox Hall on Thursdays from 9-10:30am under the leadership of Pastor Bill Grant. The group uses the daily study guide, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, as a start for each weeks' discussion. The daily study guide is available free at the gathering. Many of the group come from other churches, so invite your friends.
2022 Bible Reading Schedules
We want to encourage you to join us as we once again read through the Bible. Start your new year off right by committing to read God's Word!

Download the 2022 reading guide HERE.
Save The Date... ALPHA is coming in February!
ALPHA will be starting a new class on February 9th that will meet each Wednesday evening from 6 pm to 8 pm in Lenox Hall. This class will run until April 20th. There will be dinner, a video and discussion each week. Watch for more details to follow and we hope you will plan to join us.  For more information, please contact Myrt Creigh at fumcpgmc@gmail.com.
Help for ALPHA is needed!
Alpha is in dire need of volunteers. We are holding Alpha Feb. 9th through March 30th and need table hosts and kitchen help. Without these volunteers we’ll not be able to proceed with Alpha, an important outreach program to nominal Christians and unbelievers. Please contact Myrt Creigh at 941-661-8059 or email fumcpgmc@gmail.com now.

Joyfully His, Myrt

I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength. Phil. 4:13
Worship Service Information
If you are planning on attending our services please remember the following:

  • Masks are now optional for those that are fully vaccinated.
  • Social distancing is still encouraged. Families may sit together, but please leave three seats between you and others not in your family.
  • If you are feverish or not feeling well, we ask that you stay home and join us online on our Facebook and YouTube channels.

At this time, you may only enter the Life Center through the main entrance facing the Fellowship Hall courtyard. All other exterior doors will be locked. We'll see you Sunday!
Praise in the Park
Join us this Sunday at 8 am for Praise in the Park! Open to everyone, this is your opportunity to join us for "in-person" worship as we enjoy God's scenery from the lawn of the beautiful Gilchrist Park Pavilion, weather permitting of course. If it is or has been raining, Praise in the Park will relocate to our historic Sanctuary. Time may not always be sufficient to get the word out, so in case of inclement weather, please proceed to the Sanctuary.

Please plan to bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets, and, yes, we will be asking you to practice social distancing. Don't forget to join our "Praise in the Park" group on our Church App! As a reminder, our outside services are always subject to change due to the weather. Please make sure you are connected with us through the app, our email list, or social media to receive our updates concerning schedule changes. See you Sunday for Praise in the Park!

Praise in the Park is currently scheduled to continue meeting at Gilchrist Park through Easter 2022.
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm
(941) 639-3842 | www.whatis1st.com