Weekly eNews
February 2, 2024
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This Weekend at St. Michael's | |
Annual Meeting
This Sunday, 9:15 - 10:10 AM
We hope everyone is planning to attend this Sunday's "State of the Parish" annual meeting as we celebrate all St. Michael's has accomplished in 2023, vote on new Vestry leadership, and of course hear a few BIG announcements you won't want to miss! The Agenda, Online Vestry Voting link, and Annual Reports are all available by clicking on the button below or by going to our website and clicking on "Resources" then "Annual Meeting." Online voting is open through February 4 at 10:00 AM. In-person voting will occur during the annual meeting. See you Sunday!
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Scout Sunday
This Sunday, Both Services
This Sunday at both the 8:00 and 10:30 AM services we will be recognizing the Scouts in our community. All Scouts (current and former - all ages) are encouraged to wear their uniforms. Scouts are invited to participate in the worship service as readers, ushers, acolytes, etc., and current Scouts will receive a special patch during the announcements. Contact Jennie at jennie@stmikeschurch.com with any questions. Also a little birdie mentioned there might be a limited supply of Girl Scout cookies available for purchase!
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Interfaith Dialogue
Berger Hall at UCCS
This Sunday, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Our Outreach ministry and clergy are excited to share this invitation to join Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity, the Pikes Peak Interfaith Coalition, the Mayor's office, and various community partners this Sunday from 4:00 - 6:00 PM (corrected time) for an interfaith discussion focused on neighborliness and what that means in different belief systems. Click below to learn more and to register. While it is free, they are asking that people register in advance. Contact Deacon Gary at gary@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, February 4
Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany
Scout Sunday
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?
Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Education for All
Sunday Forum - Annual Meeting
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
No Choir Rehearsal
6:00 PM Youth Council
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after the service.
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Lenten Book Recommendation
Practically Divine by Becca Stevens
Are you looking for a good read during Lent that goes along with our Lenten "Way of Love" theme? You might want to consider Becca Stevens' most recent book, Practically Divine, which will be featured in the Sunday Forum on February 18, the week before her visit. As Becca says, "Signs of love abound everywhere: walking in the woods, in a sacred building, or in a dusty refugee camp. When we allow ourselves to embrace both ordinary and extraordinary experiences, we can feel the divine anywhere."
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Lent is quick approaching, and the first of our Lenten opportunities begins next weekend with the Lenten Retreat and 40 Days of Giving. Read on for information about these and other upcoming activities.
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Lenten Retreat
Saturday, February 10, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Only a few spots remain for this retreat that is sure to guide you toward embarking on the observance of a Holy Lent. Participants will examine some of the teachings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Ammas and Abbas) who began a powerful movement to renounce the world and follow God’s call centuries ago. The retreat leader is The Rev. Bonnie Sarah Spencer who served as a priest in the Diocese of Colorado and now has her own spiritual direction practice. Click below to learn more about the retreat and to register.
40 Days of Giving
Coming February 11
Please help support St. Michael’s Outreach Partners this Lent by picking up a 40 Days of Giving shopping list and reusable bag and donating 1, 5, 10, or all 40 of the essentials listed. Printed lists and bags will be hanging in the Gathering Space beginning next Sunday, February 11. Or you can download the list by clicking below. Each donation makes a big difference!
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
February 13, 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Join for our annual pancake supper full of pancakes, sausage, laughter, and plenty of syrup. All are welcome with a suggested donation of $5 per person. No RSVP required. You can also get pancakes to go by stopping by the Gathering Space between 6:00 - 7:00 PM. All men of the parish (especially those who have been looking for the perfect opportunity to jump in) are invited to help set up, cook, serve, and clean up. Click below to sign up for a slot.
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Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14
7:00 - 9:00 AM: Ashes to Go in the Parking Lot
12:00 PM: Liturgy & Imposition of Ashes
7:00 PM: Liturgy, Choir, & Imposition of Ashes
6:00 - 8:00: Ash Wednesday Youth Group
- Middle & High Schoolers are invited to join for dinner and Lent intention setting from 6:00 - 7:00 followed by attending the 7:00 PM service as a group.
Wednesday Lenten Soup Suppers
February 21 - March 27, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
On Wednesdays during Lent, you are invited to enjoy delicious homemade soups and fellowship as we explore The Way of Love, Bishop Michael Curry's invitation to follow Jesus through seven practices: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go & Rest. Each Wednesday, Rev. Matt or Rev. Vicki will be taking a deep dive into a practice and how it can enable a more Jesus-centered life. Every week we will need individuals to prepare soup, set up, serve, and clean up. To volunteer, click below.
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Becca Stevens Visit
Sunday, February 25
9:15 AM Sunday Forum
10:30 AM Preacher
We are only three weeks away from welcoming Becca Stevens to St. Michael's, and we want to make sure everyone has saved the date. Becca Stevens is a nonprofit leader, entrepreneur, priest, survivor, and founder and President of Thistle Farms, an organization dedicated to healing, empowering, and employing female survivors of human trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. Becca will be our special Sunday Forum Guest at 9:15 AM and preach at the 10:30 AM service (both will be livestreamed). Additionally, members of Thistle Farms will be joining her and offering items for sale after both the Forum and the 10:30 AM service. All are welcome, and we encourage you to invite your friends!
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40s & 50s Fellowship
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 8:00 PM
It's Karaoke time! Come to the Lenten Soup Supper and then head on over to Good Company Restaurant and Bar (7625 N Union Blvd) for their weekly karaoke night beginning at 8:00 PM. No legitimate skills required, and no pressure to be more than an observer. Looking forward to having a great turnout, some good laughs, and lots of fun! Please click below to sign up.
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Baptism Prep Classes
March 3, 10, 17 at 9:15 AM
Are you or a family member planning to be baptized or interested in being baptized this year? The clergy are holding three Baptism Prep Classes which are open to anyone but are particularly recommended for those preparing for the sacrament of baptism. We currently have baptisms planned for the Easter Vigil (March 30), Pentecost (May 19), and All Saints' Day (November 3). If you would like to be baptized and have not already completed the Baptism Request Form, please click below.
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St. Mike's Supper Club
Forming Now!
Are you interested in building community and forming spiritual friendships in the comfort of fellow parishioners' homes? St. Mike's Spring Supper Club might be just what you're looking for! Supper Club is a fellowship opportunity open to all, and you do not have to be able to host in order to be a part. Those who sign up will be assigned a small group with whom to meet once a month for four months in the homes of those in the group to share a meal together. We will take a break and then have sign-ups for the next four months with a different small group. If you are interested in learning more or joining, please click below. Contact Linda Kean at linda@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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Friday Celtic Spirituality Group
Seeking New Members!
The Friday Celtic Spirituality Group is starting a new book on February 8 which makes it a perfect time to join if you are interested! The group meets every Friday from 9:00 - 10:30 AM in the Downstairs Chapel to discuss readings and pray together following a Celtic prayer model. They love having new members! Please contact Linda Kean at linda@stmikeschurch.com for more information.
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IHN Hosting Week
90 Volunteers Needed!
St. Michael's will be providing temporary shelter and meals in our building for several families during Holy Week through Easter Day (March 24 - 31) in partnership with Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), and we estimate needing around 90 volunteers to make this happen! Volunteer opportunities include preparing dinner, sleeping overnight at church, washing linens, setting up beds, cleaning bathrooms & showers, and more. Children and youth are invited to participate by accompanying adult volunteers. To learn more about what is needed and to volunteer, please click below. And save the date for the IHN Volunteer Lunch & Meeting on Sunday, March 17 from 12:00 - 1:30 PM for all volunteers. Please contact our IHN Co-Leaders Kelly Belvis at kellydean0409@gmail.com or Andy Laffely at alaffely@msn.com with any questions. Thank you for prayerfully considering this meaningful way to support these families who are working hard to achieve self-sufficiency.
March - April Archangel
Article Deadline
February 15
Along with the beginning of Lent comes the deadline for our March - April Archangel. Please send any submissions to comm@stmikeschurch.com by February 15.
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Prayer Partners
Connecting Adults & Children
Every week we have a few more people sign up to be prayer partners, and it's not too late for others to join. This new Prayer Partner program will connect adults and children in the parish through prayer and relationship building. The initiative partners adult members of St. Mike's (Sages) with children in the parish ages Pre-K through 5th grade (Sprouts). If you are interested in becoming a Sage or Sprout, please click below to complete the form, get connected with your partner, pray, and repeat.
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Birthdays This Week:
February 5 - Carl Nesbitt
February 5 - Joy Underhill
February 7 - Jeff Smullen
February 8 - Grace Morrison
February 10 - Ainsley Trevillian
Anniversaries This Week:
February 4 - Bob & Gerry Forster
February 4 - A.K. & Vicky Harrod
February 10 - Katy & Ryan Kolodzej
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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