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Serving OA in Rhode Island, Southeastern Massachusetts  

August 2015



In This Issue

Lifeline Topics
for 2016
Learn how you can submit your stories to Lifeline and what the writing prompts are for the coming year.


The other day I was meditating on Tradition 5 (Each group has but one primary purpose--to carry its message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.), and I recalled a story I heard about a starfish.


A young man walking down a deserted beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a frail old man. As he approached the old man, he saw him picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. The young man gazed in wonder as the old man again and again threw the small starfish from the sand to the water. He asked, "Old man, why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time." The old man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. "But there must be thousands of beaches and millions of starfish!" exclaimed the young man. "How can you make any difference?" The old man looked at the small starfish in his hand and as he threw it to the safety of the sea, he said, "It makes a difference to this one!"


At times in our lives, we are all the old man, the young man, or the starfish.  Sometimes, as the young man, we don't see the purpose to actions. Sometimes, as the old man, we persevere and make a difference. And sometimes, we are the starfish who just need a little help.


How will you make a difference...just for today?


In humble service, 


"As Always"

The Promises
We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.


For years I tried to lose the weight, and for years I failed. I was trapped

in a frictionless, monotonous world.

Nothing I tried had any effect. Not just on my ballooning weight,

but on my sputtering career, my lack of honest relationships and my

disastrous finances. Despite an excellent start in life, I had somehow let it all slip from my grasp. Whenever I saw an old friend on the street, I would flee out of shame. I was baffled, furious and sad.


So, one day I went to an OA meeting. I thought the people there were

losers. They seemed ugly, crazy and desperate. A few of the things they said about food gave me pause, but I was sure I wasn't as bad as they were. So, I stuck it out on my own and did my best to slim down, advance my career and land a boyfriend. If I could just grasp those things tightly enough, I could have them all.


Years passed, and it all got worse. Everywhere in life, I picked bitter, small-minded fights with anybody who would fight back. My ever-increasing weight made every day a miniature hell of discomfort and shame. And, starting with my partner, I antagonized my family and friends. Finally, after the umpteenth failed diet, I came back to OA. I listened. I identified. And I kept coming back.


A year and a half later, I have a new job, a better relationship with my

partner and affectionate, healthy friendships. I have let go of about 40

pounds. Did I get these things by fighting for them? No. I got them by

surrendering to a higher power.


By loosening my grasp, not tightening it, I was able, slowly, to allow

into my life those things that had eluded me for so long. Today, I don't

fight. I simply take the actions I can and turn the results over to my

higher power. And I have found that my higher power, whom I call God,

is doing for me all the things that I could never do for myself.

-Evan L.

Just for Today

Just for Today, I will take care of myself. 
I will be good to myself. 
I will be abstinent. 

Just for today, I will not stuff my feelings down.
I will express myself and not be afraid. 

Just for today, I will remember that I am a precious child of God who deserves to be loved and taken care of. 

Just for today, I will remember that I am on a journey and my destination is recovery. 
 - Joan D.
"Taste of Lifeline" is here!

"Taste of Lifeline," a new book of collected stories from the pages of Lifeline magazine, has more than 100 personal stories by OA members writing about their challenges and recovery and how they work the OA program.
Heard it at a Meeting Heard

Keeping anonymity in mind, we ask that you submit anything you've heard at a meeting that has helped your recovery by emailing us at [email protected].

Here are some new examples submitted by fellow OA members:
  1. Meetings when I can, prayer when I can't! 
  2. It's not all about me.
  3. Gratitude for program can be acted upon by giving service.


Time is Running Out!
Register for the 2015 Convention for only $45 until August 15
Register for the 2015 Region 6 Convention October 23-25 in Hartford, CT. Click here to reserve your room online. If you haven't registered for the Convention yet, please click here to register online.

Registration prices will go up after 8/15.

Let's head to Hartford and REACH OUT FOR RECOVERY!
Treasurer's Report
Our  Seventh Tradition states that OA is fully self-supporting, accepting contributions only from OA members. Thank you for your generosity that allows us to continue our shared mission to carry OA's message of recovery.

August Treasurer's Report

What does OA do with your contributions?
Ocean & Bay Intergroup 
P.O. Box 41273, Providence RI, 02940
Tel: 401-438-1301 | Email: [email protected]