Vol. 79 Issue 35 | Week of August 30-September 5, 2021
Worship on Sunday, September 5, 2021: Online Only!
We will worship this Sunday, September 5 ONLINE ONLY. Rev. Dennis W. Foust, PhD will offer a message called, "A Prayer for Labor Day," based on scripture from Matthew 9:35-38. The worship theme is "The God of the Harvest."
Again, we will NOT worship in person this Sunday and will worship ONLINE ONLY.
We hope you will join us online as we stream the service starting at 10:30am on Facebook and YouTube. The stream and worship guide links will be sent out via email on Sunday morning.
In observance of the Labor Day holiday, the church offices will be closed beginning Thursday, September 2 at noon through Monday, September 6.
The offices will reopen on Tuesday, September 7.
Notes of Thanks to YOU!
Thank you for your AWESOME response to the uniform drive for Highland Renaissance Academy. Together, we collected 53 uniform pieces and a bounty of underwear and socks. This year, Highland Renaissance Academy has 330+ students and the need for uniforms is great. Thank you to all who participated in this uniform drive!
Thank you again, St. John’s servants, this time for the way in which you responded to the call for school supplies for ourBridge for Kids. We delivered more than a carload of pencils, crayons, notebooks, colorful backpacks, and other essentials for the immigrant and refugee children served by ourBridge. (pictured)
Shani Mann, the volunteer coordinator for ourBridge, sent a note of thanks for our “generous donation” of school supplies and shared that “after operating as a full day CMS Remote Learning Site for a few months in 2020, switching to a hybrid model in the spring,” and providing a summer camp program, they are “looking forward to welcoming 150 elementary and middle school students for afterschool programming” where they will distribute the school supplies to help the children get off to a good start for the 2021-2022 school year.
Sandwich Ministry: Could you help?
Throughout most of the pandemic, individuals at St. John's made sandwiches and bagged lunches from home for Roof Above. At this time, this ministry is transitioning to making sandwiches together, with face coverings, at the church to deliver to Roof Above.
We need your help with supplies for the 200 sandwiches we have agreed to make every month!
On the third Sunday of the month, starting this September, we need one person to bring 200 slices of THICK CUT BOLOGNA and one person to bring 200 slices of cheese (NOT INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED) to the 2nd-floor parlor kitchen refrigerator.
Reimbursement IS available! It has been noted by this group that Walmart is the most cost-effective store to purchase these items.
Sign up below! Contact Jane Starnes at 704-535-0839 with any questions.
From the Heritage Room—Did you know?
You may have read or heard about Anne Springs Close who died a few weeks ago. Did you know Anne has a connection to St. John's?
Anne was the granddaughter of Leroy Springs who founded a cotton mill in 1895 which later became Springs Industries. Leroy’s nephew, Eli Brevard Springs, II, was married at St. John’s to Katherine Wooten on Saturday, December 10, 1927. The wedding announcement from the Charlotte Observer describes the sanctuary decorated with “...palms and southern smilax intertwined with white roses and chrysanthemums and flanked with cathedral candlesticks holding lighted tapers; The wedding scene was one of rare beauty."
The bride’s personal information stated, “She is exceptionally pretty with a winning personality and is one of Charlotte’s most admired young girls." The groom’s information read, “He is a young man of strong personality and is exceptionally popular in business and society.” Mrs. Katherine Wooten Springs died in 2013 at the age of 105.
Just a little trivia from the Heritage Room!
Backpack Packing for Highland Renaissance Academy
Help provide weekend food for students in need at Highland Renaissance Academy!
How can I help?
- 2 volunteers to spend 30-45 minutes 1x per month on the FIRST AND SECOND weeks of each month packing 15 backpacks for students at Highland Renaissance Academy
- 1 back up volunteer driver to deliver the backpacks on Thursdays or Fridays in case Nina and Carl Phillips (our regular drivers) are unavailable
If you’re interested in volunteering for this wonderful mission to feed the children as we begin after losing a year, please email Jamie Loftis at jamieloftis@gmail.com or call her at 704-904-1951.
Support a Student in a CMS Elementary School!
Want to support an elementary school student with only 1 hour per week?
Heart Math Tutoring trains and supports volunteers as tutors to work one-on-one with a student who needs foundational math skills and confidence! With the support of an on-site coordinator, volunteers use an easy-to-follow, proven curriculum featuring hands-on activities and games. Volunteers work with the same student all year building a relationship and strengthening skills. In-person and virtual options are available. You can sign up to volunteer at https://heartmathtutoring.org/volunteers/become-a-volunteer/ and select your day and time. Please email Mary Lauren Bishop at marylauren.bishop@heartmathtutoring.org with questions.
One of St. John's own, Dale Johnson, serves as a Heart Math tutor and offers this testimonial about his experience:
"I have been a part-time volunteer for Heart Math Tutoring for three of the past five years. Most recently, I was a virtual volunteer paired with another virtual volunteer (living in Winston-Salem) to help two students from Montclaire Elementary school during the 2020-2021 school year. HMT kids are always elementary kids in CMS schools who are at least a year behind their grade level in math. For me, there are two big reasons why I volunteer with HMT: (1) the Heart curriculum is very well-designed and easy-to-follow; and (2) it's just so gratifying to see these kids dramatically improve their math skills with only a small time investment (only an hour per week per volunteer). My advice to prospective volunteers: DO IT! You won't regret it!"
Need more information before you commit? Join one of our virtual information sessions on Tuesday, September 14 at 9AM. Email Mary Lauren for meeting access information.
Starting on Monday, September 13 at 11:30am, the Faith Journey Book Study will begin their study and discussion of Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by the late Rachel Held Evans. Anyone is welcome to join! The group will meet via Zoom each Monday throughout the fall. Please contact Mallory Brown if you would like to be added to this group.
Tuesday Bible Study (TBS)
TBS begins to Zoom again with a new study guide starting Tuesday, September 14 from 11am-12pm. Our facilitators invite you to participate in this exciting study of Mark: Finding Ourselves in the Story by Brett & Carol Younger.
This invitation is for new and returning participants. A Zoom link can be sent to you upon request.
Contact Steve Hoffman (704-604-9634) at hstevehoffman@gmail.com with your questions pertaining to registration and securing the study guide.
Prayer Concerns, Celebrations, Thanks & Sympathy
Andrew Adair, Carol Drye, Betty Fuller, Polly Hull, John Owens, Tish Philemon,
Gene & Carol Poole, Don Swofford, Elma Thomas
Prayers for our world, especially those living in the wake of Hurricane Ida, the earthquake in Haiti, the troops in and citizens of Afghanistan, and everyone affected by COVID-19.
Financial Ministry Plan Report
Week of August 23-30: $10,145
Income through August 30: $733,544.68
Annual 2021 Ministry Plan Budget Goal: $1,175,000
Global Missions: $2,075
You can make contributions, view your giving history and pledge status, as well as update your pledge and giving information anytime by accessing your personal Realm profile online or via the Connect App.
Ministers On-Call Schedule
August 30-September 5: Nate Dove
September 6-12: Allison Benfield
September 13-19: Lee Gray
September 20-26: Kevin Gray
Staff Contact Information
Lee Gray - 704-451-1309 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 15
Nate Dove - 704-662-2154 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 13
Kevin Gray - 803-524-0287 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 14