“Low birth weight” (LBW) or “Preterm” is often defined as a baby being <2,500 grams at birth, “Very low birth weight” (VLBW) is accepted for those being born <1,500 grams and “Extremely low birth weight “ (ELBW) is an infant with a birth weight of <1,000 grams.
A prospective geographic cohort study over 12 months, of 205 children born extremely preterm (<28 weeks) or ELBW assessed and compared (to 201 infants born at term) at 2 years of age (corrected) using a number of Developmental Scales, neurodevelopmental and social/emotional developmental outcomes.
Being born extremely preterm or ELBW increases the risk of cognitive delay/concerns by 3.7 times, the chance of language deficit by 5.3 fold, delayed motor development by 3.9 times and the likelihood of decreased social/emotional competence by 4.1 fold. “Close developmental surveillance including social/emotional development is recommended for infants born extremely preterm/extremely low birth weight”.