February 6, 2023 | Chartiers Valley Primary School

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Hi CVPS families! We are starting our Kids Heart Challenge on February 13! Please keep an eye out in your child's folder for a permission slip that needs to be completed and returned to the P.E. Department. If we can register each child (at no cost) we can earn $500 from US games. It is a great opportunity for us to buy extra equipment in the gym. 

Our school will be learning about staying strong in body and mind, we’ll get moving with fun activities, meet kids with special hearts and raise funds for the health of all hearts. Plus, they’ll feel good for doing good!

Download the Kids Heart Challenge App or visit heart.org/KHC to register today and earn your own BE THE TORCH WRISTBAND to help light the way! Attached are directions for you to help your child register.

Once you've registered, start Finn’s Mission and complete the challenges. As a family, you can help to create a community of lifesavers by learning the lifesaving steps of Hands-Only CPR. It’s quick, easy, and fun! Learn more about Finn and his special challenge HERE.

Thank you for keeping more hearts beating strong.

Ms. Estatico and Mr. Vaughan

Super Colt Updates

February’s Super Colt character trait is integrity. This month, students will learn that integrity means doing the right thing even if nobody is watching.

Valentine's Parties are on February 10th

The PTG provides volunteers for each party. One volunteer is in charge of the food and drinks for that party. No other treat bags or additional food items should be brought to school for these parties. Other treats or snacks that are sent to school will be returned to your child. 

School Counselor Week

February 6-10, 2023 is School Counselor Week. Please remember to thank our counselor, Ms. Krepp, and celebrate her by joining in on our theme days below.

AHN Family Yoga Event

The Primary and Intermediate AHN Chill Room staff members are hosting a family yoga event on February 28th at CVPS. Registration is limited. Click here to sign up.

Winter Weather Reminder--Flexible Instruction Days

We want to ensure you are prepared for winter weather. If snow, cold, or ice forces us to close the school buildings, students will switch to a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). These are asynchronous learning days, meaning you can work at your own pace. All students in grades K-12 must log in for attendance purposes through Infinite Campus. Click here for the login instructions.

Work for the day will be posted in Google Classroom (K-8) or Schoology (9-12), and teachers can help by providing correspondence during their teaching hours.

If you do not have internet access, please let your teachers know. Discounted internet service may be available; click here to learn more.

Please contact your teachers or building principals if you have questions about Flexible Instruction Days.

Happy February, Chartiers Valley Families,

It seems as if the year is flying by as we just celebrated the 100th day of school. I am sure many of your students had fun activities surrounding the 100th day.


February always seems like the calm before the storm, as spring musicals, celebrations, and other activities will soon occur. We are excited to share our students' hard work and accomplishments with you.


Some exciting news from our schools and your students recently are:  

PS-The Primary School staff utilizes the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Colt Cart. Teachers discuss a topic and reward students with Super Colt tickets for positive behaviors. 

IS-The IS learned all about space and Pittsburgh's connection to going to the moon with a visit from the new Moonshot Museum. 

MS-The middle school is bringing Virtual Reality to life thanks to the grant for VR devices. Using these new devices, the students traveled worldwide and into space! 

HS-The High School hosted its first Elective-Palooza, an excellent opportunity for underclassmen to learn more about available elective courses by speaking with students and teachers.


These learning opportunities could not be possible without our parents and guardians providing the foundations for our students' learning. I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child. 


The education we provide our students prepares them for their future and the good of our community, region, and even globally. 


As Dr. Martin Luther King so wonderfully stated, "Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education."


I am so very proud of the work of our students and staff. It is an honor to serve this community.

Johannah M. Vanatta, Ed.D.

Colt Corner

Our teachers and students are doing amazing things every day!

Here are just a few for you to view:

 Mrs. DeJames's students work together to solve math problems.

These students are working together to improve reading fluency.

Students in Mrs. DeJames's class are working on a Jenga math review game.

Mrs. DeJames's students have strong minds and steady hands to play math Jenga.

These students in Mrs. DeJames's class are hard at work.

Homophones can be tricky, but Mrs. DeJames's students are experts!

100th Day of School

February 6th - 10th - National School Counselor Week

February 10th - Valentine's Day Parties

Click here to view the District Calendar

Click here to view the PS Daily Cycle Calendar


If your child is absent from school, please email the PS Attendance Secretary, PSAttendance@cvsd.net


Parents, please be reminded that if your child enters the building after 9 a.m., it is considered a tardy. We appreciate your help in getting them to school by 9 a.m. each morning.

ID Requirements

All approved parents/guardians that arrive for car rider dismissal must show a driver’s license or photo identification. This information is listed on pages 8-9 in the Elementary K-5 Student Handbook. Please remember to send an email to psattendance@cvsd.net for any updates or changes to your approved pick-up list.


All flyers are sent digitally via PeachJar. That means no more backpacks full of paper and over 150,000 pieces of paper saved each year...that's 17 trees!

Employment Opportunities

If you enjoy working with children, we would love for you to join our team. Click here to explore the various employment opportunities within CVSD, which include full-time, part-time, and substitute options.

Social Media

Chartiers Valley School District is on social media.

Facebook: facebook.com/chartiersvalleysd

Twitter: @CVSDColts



Chartiers Valley Primary School
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15107

Main office: 412-429-3270
Attendance: 412-429-7017

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Inspiring, achieving, celebrating excellence