Build a Better World
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Photo Credit:Martine Trinka, Odyssey Team; Costa Rica, February, 2016
- January Team Meetings
- Final Milestone
- Community Service Opportunity
- Advisor Spotlight
- Amazon Smile
- Important Dates
Sunday, January 22, 2023
B3 Office
(66 Fort Point St. Norwalk)
Odyssey: 9:30 -10:30am
Rock-It!: 10:45 - 11:45am
Equipo Esperana: 12:00 - 1:00pm
Estrellon: 1:15 - 2:15pm
Amanecer: 2:30 - 3:30pm
B3LOCAL: 3:45 - 4:45pm
The final Milestone deadline is coming up!
All students must have the final balance in their accounts by February 1st.
There is still time to make your final appeal to supporters online and bring in all cash or check donations to the January team meeting or to the B3 office by the deadline.
After business hours, donations can be left in the locked mailbox by the office door.
Please make sure that the student's name and team name is clearly marked on envelopes and the student's name is on the memo line of all checks.
Volunteers/Buddies Needed
Friday, February 10, 2023
(Time TBD)
Volunteer to attend this special prom as a buddy for someone with special needs.
Take photos, eat, dance, laugh and have fun at an amazing party in an amazing space.
Learn more about the exceptional volunteers that give their time and expertise to travel with the Odyssey team in February.
Judy Renacia (Team Lead)
This is my 19th year in the B3 family and 13th year as an advisor. My husband, Howard Potter and I are the Odyssey Team Leads. Our sons are B3 graduates and our entire family has benefited from the positive impact of this program. We've been so fortunate to work alongside our adult leaders, students, and local communities through the years. Notably, our adult leaders, all steadfast humanitarians whom I respect and admire as I watch them mentor our students, model kindness, and remind us that there is so much goodness in the world. This organization--our projects, our camaraderie, our students, and particularly the communities we serve--continues to grace my life with perspective and purpose. Onward!
Howard Potter (Team Lead)
I'm very happy to be part of the B3 mission and am excited to be starting a new adventure! Our family has been associated with B3 since 2004 when our two sons joined; doing community service and raising funds for their trips. I love spending time with my wife Judy Renacia, my fellow Odyssey Team Lead and our family, and I like traveling to new places, baseball (Mets fan), rowing, dancing, and working together to help others. Ecuador/2023 is my fourteenth trip as a B3 Team Leader and I work as a Consultant to major advertisers in the TV Commercials production field. The B3 experience opens the world up to us all locally and globally and I'm looking forward to accomplishing great things with the Odyssey 2023 team!
Mike Pavlis (Advisor)
I joined B3 in high school, participating in projects in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Guatemala from 2006-’08. After college,
I began working as a teacher in Bridgeport, CT before moving to Brooklyn, NY where I teach middle school history. During summers, I continue to work in CT for a program called Horizons at Greens Farms Academy. During my free time, I love reading and watching college basketball. I'm thrilled to be back with B3 and grateful for the opportunity to work with the Odyssey team.
Martine Trinka (Advisor)
This will be my 14th year with B3 and my 11th as an advisor. B3 has taken me to Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guyana, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Ecuador. As a graduate of Weston High School, B3 was one of the most profound and influential experiences of my adolescence, and has easily had the most enduring effect on my life. For me the most invaluable part of B3 is the exposure to and appreciation of cultures and places entirely different from our Fairfield County bubble. To quote Mark Twain, "broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." I am excited to return to escaping my little corner of the earth by traveling to Ecuador this year!
Sign up for AmazonSmile and select Builders Beyond Borders as your charity of choice.
There is no extra cost to you and B3 will receive a small percentage of the sale. This is a simple way to support B3. If you are already an Amazon customer, you can use your same login in information when you visit smile.amazon.com and select Builders Beyond Borders or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon app, AmazonSmile will donate to B3 at no cost to you.
Important Dates
January 22, 2023
B3 Team Meetings
B3 Office - 66 Fort Point Street, Norwalk
9:30AM Odyssey Team
10:45AM Rock-It! Team
12:00PM Equipo Esperanza Team
1:15PM Estrellon Team
2:30PM Amanecer Team
3:45PM B3LOCAL Team
February 1, 2023
Final B3 Milestone Due
February 10, 2023
Tim Tebow Night To Shine
Grace Farms Church, New Canaan