Below is a scenario that we hear about many times each month – and it could happen to you.
You’ve just spoken on the phone with someone claiming to be from Microsoft, Amazon, your Internet provider or other well-known company. You’ve given the stranger remote access to your computer and they’ve shown you a bunch of things that’s wrong with it – errors, security or firewall problems, exposed social security numbers, or even offered to help transfer funds to or from your bank account. But they have a “fix” – they can remedy the “problems” for a few hundred dollars. You may or may not have gone so far as given out your credit card number or purchased gift cards for payment, but the damage has already been done. Sometimes it happens so quickly and convincingly that you may not realize that you’ve been conned until long after you’ve hung up the phone.
You’ve let a stranger get into your personal business. What should you do now? You should immediately turn off your computer or device that was remotely accessed – then call Computer Techs or another honest, reliable and local computer professional. Don’t be embarrassed – the con artists are good at what they do and are very persuasive and convincing. Millions of people get scammed by these telemarketers each year. Computer Techs will check your computer for stuff they may have left behind - such as stolen or changed passwords, deleted files, changed settings, malicious software or key loggers.