On January 29, 2021, OSHA released new guidance for employers to mitigate and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. It contains information for all types of workers, not just those deemed to be at higher risk at their workplace.

The new information is very similar to current CDC guidance and has been previously released by OSHA. Please take time to review the entire guidance, the highlights of which include provisions for:

  • Face coverings
  • Social distancing
  • Contact tracing
  • A COVID-19 prevention program
  • Separating and sending home sick employees
  • Improving safety communication with workers
  • Installing barriers
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Cleaning/disinfecting procedures
  • Providing information and training on the benefits and safety of COVID-19 vaccination

A COVID-19 Work-relatedness Investigation
As a reminder, OSHA requires an investigation of all COVID-19 cases to determine if they are work-related. Use Prescient National's COVID-19 Investigation Form to assist in determining if a COVID-19 illness is work-related. Any work-related COVID-19 case must be documented on your organization's OSHA 300 log as an "illness."

If it is determined the infection is OSHA recordable or the employee alleges contraction from the work environment, submit a workers' compensation claim to Prescient National and include the completed COVID-19 Investigation Form.

The information shared in this email is current as of the date sent. Guidance continues to change and the above information may become outdated. Therefore, you may receive additional communication from Prescient National regarding an update on this topic.