January 2023
Volunteer for #CALM23
Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month is about connecting students with people in agriculture. Every March ag volunteers from across the province are matched with classrooms, providing students with the opportunity to build a personal connection to agriculture. YOU could be that connection.
New this year, volunteers will be entered into a draw for a copy of ‘A Harvest Story’ and matching mug, currently only available to teachers. TWO draws will be made, one for NEW volunteers this year and one for returning volunteers!
Sign up by January 31st:
Agribition In-Person Programs Return
Teachers, students and our team were ecstatic for in-person programs to return to Agribition. Students of all ages had the opportunity to connect with agriculture through the thinkAG Career Expo (high school), Ag-Mazing Challenge (middle years), Agri-Ed Live Q&A (elementary), along with AITC-SK's Grains of SK display in the Family Ag Pavilion for students and the public of all ages to enjoy!

"The YRHS looks forward to attending this event every year. To be totally honest its one of the best days of the year." - Roby Sharpe, Yorkton Regional High School.
"Kids are expensive!" says a student as they work through a real-life budgeting activity in our NEW resource
AITC-SK launched a new food security and financial literacy resource that helps prepare high school students for life outside of the classroom.

The Food Security Budget Game helps students explore the obstacles preventing food security and learn the skills of budgeting and cost-effective food choices.
Developed in partnership with:
New Tool to Teach Financial Literacy

Agriculture in the Classroom is not just something for rural kids and they showed that again this week with...

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Agriculture This Week: Knowing value of food important

While I am of an age where most kids had a close tie to farming, someone they would at least visit at times, today that is far from the case.

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Pencil into your calendar on Friday, March 17, 2023, the Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan Annual General Meeting! You don't want to miss hearing about the break-through year and teacher demand as in-person events returned in full swing this fall!