December 29, 2023

Happy New Year!

The Woburn Service Center, Woburn Scout Shop & New England Base Camp Scout shop will be closed for the holiday on January 1. We will reopen on January 2.

Pinewood Derby Car Cutting Workshops

  • Saturday, 12/30 - 10am-6pm

Come by the Woburn Scout Shop for assistance cutting your car as well as expert advice. Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date schedules.

Have a large group? Schedule a private session by sending an email to

Winter is coming...and so is the West Wind District's ROUNDTABLE!

Thursday - January 4th, 7:30pm

Join at 7pm for a Klondike planning session (for Scouts BSA and Venturing units attending Feb. 2-4)

Roundtables are being held at a new location AND online!!

Don't miss this opportunity to learn new things that will make you a better scout leader

Billerica Access Television – 390 Boston Road, Billerica, MA

There is limited parking at the BATV Please use on street parking or the town parking across the street


Meeting ID: 883 7465 4704 Passcode: 024298

--- One tap mobile +16465588656,,88374654704#,,,,*024298# US (New York) +16469313860,,88374654704#,,,,*024298# US --- Dial by your location • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) • +1 646 931 3860 US

MAIN TOPIC: Unit Level Awards – special recognition you can do on your own

-Cubs Breakout: Blue & Gold Ceremonies & Parties

-Scouts BSA/Venture Breakout: Supporting the Patrol Leaders Council

Great Eastern District January Roundtable Date Change

Due to the District Roundtable falling on the same night as the Eagle Recognition Dinner, the GED Roundtable will be rescheduled to Thursday January 11. It will remain a virtual event. Stay tuned for the Zoom link.

Calendar of Events

1/4 - Eagle Recognition Dinner - Danvers, MA

1/6 - Personal Management Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

1/14 - Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

1/16 - Regenerative Agriculture Talk - Woburn, MA

1/20 - Family Life Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

1/28 - WE/AOL Build It - Woburn, MA

2/2-2/4 - SOL/GE/FL Klondike Derby

2/2-2/4 - WW Klondike Derby

2/3-2/4 - NLD Klondike Derby

2/20-26 - Winter Day Camp - Milton, MA

2/21 & 2/23 - Pioneering Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

2/21 & 2/23 - Graphic Arts Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

2/26-3/1 - Winter Day Camp - Barnstead, NH

3/2 - Geology Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

3/2 - Trainer's Edge & Fundamentals of Training - Milton, MA

3/23 - Trainer's Edge & Fundamentals of Training - Milton, MA

3/30 - Wood Badge Reunion - Milton, MA

4/6 - Citizenship in the Society Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

4/12-14 - Wood Badge - Barnstead, NH

4/13 - Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

4/16-19 - Spring STEM Day Camp - Milton, MA

4/17 - Photography Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

4/19 - WE/AOL Into the Woods - Woburn, MA

4/19 - Bear Marble Madness - Woburn, MA

4/19 - Wolf Finding Your Way - Woburn, MA

4/22-26 - Spring Day Camp - Barnstead, NH

4/27 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us